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i need proper girl help...

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ok, here's the score, one of the girls i fucked last week is actually nice.

i met her again tonight and we got on well, before i could asked for her number, she asked for mines, and we're meeting up again soon... problem is its my mates sister, tho he seems not to care.

anyways, i've slept with 2 girls since the break up with the ex... should i go down that line again so soon? i can't really dick this girl around because of her bro, but at the sme time, i can't expect her to wait whilst i fuck a few other randoms, just for the hell of it/


Hold up, you already fucked her and now you want to get to know her?

You're not that bad off since the breakup then...apparently pretty much over it. Breakups won't usually leave permanant scars.

If your bud's okay with you one-nighting his sis, he'll probably be okay if you actually cared about her as well.

Sounds to me like the tricky part is over with...so where's the help needed?



i feel like im over my ex, met her on thursday, we chatted, we can do the whole friends thing and i don't want more, its been nearly 3 months and whilst i still love her, theres more reason to be friends than anything else, considering we went out for 3 years and lived together for a year, i expected this part to take alot longer

im just thinking that mayb i'm rushing into something when perhaps im just looking to replace the ex, that kinda shit. if thats all im doin, then it might cause problems with my mate later. and the other side is, i'm evidently quite the catch lol, so i could play the game for a while longer.

mayb i'm just thinking out loud toki, but all input is appreciated


Take it slow with the new lady. If she's worth it, it'll be better that way. Besides that your only option seeing as you still love your ex and you don't want a brotherly beat-down.

If it's going well don't fuck it up by overthinking it. Just see where it goes.

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