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Can we all have Pokemon names please

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the only only i ever really liked.

Edited by UR-86

it would only be appropriate for ming to be named missingno (the one that deletes your game).

blastoise ftw.


It's missingo and if you had rare candy or a materball in slot 6 of your items, it'd be infinite.

Also, if you caught missingo, it'd evolve into a rhydon.


I remember my birthday party in the 3rd grade when somebody bought me 4 packs of Pokemon cards and Blastoise, Zapdos and Alakazam showed up in them, I went fucking nuts. I call Zapdos.

We all know which one Iain should be.


Actually I was gunna go with Horsea since it was more straight foreward but good try at ruining my little joke.


Jigglypuff ftw!

Don = Snorlax.

As a side note, I once had sex with a girl who looks like Misty. Was that the only reason I slept with her, you ask? Yes, I reply!

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