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THQ Site Updated, New Videos

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THQ have just updated thier TV section to include 2 new SvR videos.

The first shows the different fighting styles and gives you a run down of each styles, moves, etc.

The second shows the trailer for the DS version.

Link: http://www.thq-games.com/uk/thqtv/index/994

My 2 Cents

Fighting Styles


I'm impressed with what the trailer shows, the new move animations and camera angles really make moves like throwing your opponent out of the ring and especially off the cell look AWESOME!

The one thing I'm not so keen on though is the Rampage meter. I think this could just be one of those features that gets really annoying, fast depending on how long it lasts.

High Flyer

I'm liking the new move animations again, the moves look a lot better this year and your opponent actually reacts to them. Before if you dived out of the ring on to your opponent they just fell to the ground, where as now they actually react to the move as you land on them.

The in-ring moves with the ropes are nice and should help against the Powerhouse fighting styles, providing they dont just keep cataching you. I can't wait to try these out with Mysterio.


This is the one that i'm not so keen on, I think the whole mounting your opponent and then using the sticks to keep punching them looks bad, although the headbutt looks good. It just seems a bit too robotic for me.

Fighting Dirty

I like this, I usually hit the ref if I want to win a match quick and use weapons or throw him out of the ring. The problem is tho, previously if I threw him out, he'd usually be out of sight and I couldn't tell when he came around. With the new feature of shoving your opponent into the ref, it looks good and he's where you can see him for when he gets back up. Other than that, again the new animations of complaining, etc. look a lot better and the previous features like not breaking the moves when in the ropes are a solid feature that is good to see returning.

DS Trailer

I think this looks quite good graphic wise on the DS, although I'm not sure how using the stick will work out. It's something you can't really comment on until you've tried it yourself.


yeah i checked those out earlier.. the fu or firemans toss from the toss looked sick... lookin foward to this game alot more. if you check out my post more.. it shows alot of the things u can do in the ecw rules match.. got me kinda amped for the game.. but as far as ds.. it looks real cool.. just not my cup of tea.. i rather stick to a next gen console.. most likely 360 at this point.. all the high flyin moves is gonna make the game alot more funner.. longjevity is gonna be a key in this years game play i think..

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