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A Hot Lass.

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Jesus Christ, the first advice i gave you.

Also my advice would be to not drag this out, if you wait too long she'l jsut think your too pussy to ask her out,

Don't fucknig drag this out, there's multiple problems I have with you waiting that long to ask her out.

Firstly its been like 6 days already since she first learned you had some sort of feelings for her so she would be expecting you to actually do something within the next week other than get called hot again by you. If you plan on waiting another two weeks before asking her to this dance thing she'll have gone on and probally forgotten about you and go with some other kid thats not a total pussy.

Smiling and calling her hot can only get you so far, you have to take the next step and have a conversation. Doesn't have to be long, can be short and sweet but gets the job done of getting her think of you other than a total creeper who watches her in class.

Another problem I have with you waiting too weeks is you'll have this thing built up into some collosal moment where your life depends on her saying yes, think about how much your thinknig about her right now and multiply that by two weeks and then subtract when she shuts you down. You get a fucknig emo that goes to the dance alone and just stands there staring sadly at her while she dances with another guy. By the time you finally ask her out you will be obsessed about her and will be destroyed for the next month if she shuts you down and listen to "Love Hurts" about 2000 times.

Your forgettig what I first told you, be confident, by waiting two more weeks she'll think you have no balls and can't get up the courage to ask her out, total turnoff for girls when the guy doesn't have enough confidence to ask her to come little dance with him.


Jesus Christ, the first advice i gave you.

Also my advice would be to not drag this out, if you wait too long she'l jsut think your too pussy to ask her out,

Don't fucknig drag this out, there's multiple problems I have with you waiting that long to ask her out.

Firstly its been like 6 days already since she first learned you had some sort of feelings for her so she would be expecting you to actually do something within the next week other than get called hot again by you. If you plan on waiting another two weeks before asking her to this dance thing she'll have gone on and probally forgotten about you and go with some other kid thats not a total pussy.

Smiling and calling her hot can only get you so far, you have to take the next step and have a conversation. Doesn't have to be long, can be short and sweet but gets the job done of getting her think of you other than a total creeper who watches her in class.

Another problem I have with you waiting too weeks is you'll have this thing built up into some collosal moment where your life depends on her saying yes, think about how much your thinknig about her right now and multiply that by two weeks and then subtract when she shuts you down. You get a fucknig emo that goes to the dance alone and just stands there staring sadly at her while she dances with another guy. By the time you finally ask her out you will be obsessed about her and will be destroyed for the next month if she shuts you down and listen to "Love Hurts" about 2000 times.

Your forgettig what I first told you, be confident, by waiting two more weeks she'll think you have no balls and can't get up the courage to ask her out, total turnoff for girls when the guy doesn't have enough confidence to ask her to come little dance with him.

basically don't wait no longer ask her now get down to business before its too late....i would have done asked her by now because i fear nothing i remember my last year of hs i had asked this lady i wanted to goto homecoming with right before the beginning of the school year i had know her for quite awhile and it was a success


There's no need to try and play the "I'm the ST Stud" because Thom would own everyone because I'm still in highschool and you well I'm just sure Thom would own you.

Posted (edited)

There's no need to try and play the "I'm the ST Stud" because Thom would own everyone because I'm still in highschool and you well I'm just sure Thom would own you.

oh i dont need to play the ST Stud i know im not great as Thom i agree

Edited by glenrich9908

Lmao @ this "discussion" between Glen & CS.Anyhow, CS is damn right.I won't ask her out for the dance now, I'll have a short chat with 'er.That's probably the best idea, having some chats in those two weeks and then I think she'll expect me to ask her.If she says no, I can still listen to Love Hurts from Incubus like CS said.Again, any topics about what to chat with 'er or should I just fit the situation?


i think he ment the Nazareth song called love hurts.


I don't know but Incubus has a song that's called "Love Hurts" too.


i know that, but, the other love hurts is a bit of a cliche thing when it comes to break ups so im guessing thats what he was gunning for.


Could be, but I immediately thought of Incubus.

Change of plan : I'll ask the teacher again if the guys should ask a girl, she'll prolly say yes.Then I'll have a few little chats with the lass untill we have the trip.Then the first day I'll ask her, or whenever the time is right.I might be building this up too much but what am I supposed to do??I think about this girl almost every minute and when I come near her, I get really nervous.


ask her sooner, thats what.


Is this a good idea : I'll ask the teacher if guys should ask girls in class so she can hear it and then teacher will prolly say yes and the have a quick look at her and then ask her on the trip or maybe a little bit sooner.


Just ask her if she knows any good CAW's for SDvsR2007, which platform is up to you though.

The trick is, don't ask her right now, but start talking to her so that it's sort of expected that you're going to be going together. if you spring it on her as a surprise then that means she might have agreed to go with somebody else in the next two weeks leading up to the trip. Fuck, I'm thinking of moving to Belgium and asking her just to make you shut up! Start establishing it now, drop subtle hints. if you can't do subtlety then drop glaring hints, but if you're going to do that then make sure they come off as glaring, don't try and pass glaring off as subtle, that's when you look like a noob.


Thom, I was expecting you to post a good advice here and I was right.So I start talking to her now, subtle, and then she'll sortof see it coming I'll ask her.Good one, chap!!(man, the English we learn in skool is so cool!!lolz)


So the plan is this: I'll have a few chats with her before the trip and then I'll ask her the day before the trip begins, which is a Wednesday.Then she has a whole afternoon to think about it and then she can answer on the bus or on the trip itself.OR she can say yes when I ask her.


Everyone here is advising you to ask her soon, we have experience in this sort of thing but if your gunna ignore us remember what happened last time. I clearly warned you on what was gonig to happen and you choose to ignore my advice, there better not be any "I'm sad" topics being made after she shuts you down saying she already has a date.

Oh and yes oreo it was the Nazareth one.


dude, the day before THE TRIP BEGINS.Not the day before the prom.


Ok just to clear things up, how long until this trip happens and how far into the trip is this dance?


So the trip is for three days and it's in two weeks.It's Wednesday, Thursday & Friday.So Tuesday will be the day I'll ask her.We have 'till 5PM class so I could ask her right after class.The dance is the third day.


So I asked a teacher and she said guys don't have to ask girls to it.With this answer I decides to do the following: When the thing starts I'll look her up and talk a little about music or whatever and then I'll ask her to dance.


so, you're gonna wait right up til the "prom" assume you'll get a chance to talk to her and it'll all work out ok?

silly, silly boy.


You are P-A-T-H-E-T-I-C. Seriously. What have you got to lose by asking her now? Her rejecting you? So what. That gives you the 2 weeks to find another chick to hook up with before the trip, and for the prom. You milking it makes it even harder for you because like others said, its going to make rejection seem even worse as you are waiting for 2 weeks for no reason to ask her out. Your choice, but I wouldn't be surprised if your friend asks her out before you.


Seriously, can I get some pics? I wanna masturbate over a Highblonde.


If I'm gonna ask her to it now, I got the chance that I'm the only one that asks anyone.I'll see what we'll have to do the first day or something and ask her what she's doing on prom night or wait 'till the next day 'till I ask her.Let things go naturally.


then don't ask her to the prom now, just ask her out. then it will be assumed that you will taker her to the prom. its not rocket science

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