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IGN Has Started The Countdown

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Things already aren't looking good - they started with Rey Mysterio, which in itself is fine. The problem is the finishing move, it's the exact same as it's been since Rey first appeared in the series. THQ said that reanimating the moves was a top priority for this year. Sure it's only one move, but it's THQ we're dealing with here, this is just a taste of things to come.

Oh and also of note is the horrendous loading time between winning the match and viewing the celebration.


Unfortunately I think they've realised that no matter what shit they put in it, people will still buy it.


Sweet ! Do I get to watch a 20 second loading screen of john cena whilst I wait to view my winning celebration ? Awesome.

I'm still buying the game, i'm a sucker. :)


I'm buying it anyway.Hope they've done something about ALL loading screens.


I put a preorder on the Wii version before I realised it would be shit. Should I cancel the preorder?


I guess you can.That's why I don't pre-order.However, I'm thinking about doing it with the PS2 version but I'll just wait a month or so.


Loadin times arent too long 1 minute is long 30 seconds is nothing this is still awesomeness


To see a 15 second celebration that's using the same graphics, arena, textures etc as the preceding gameplay, 30 seconds is extremely long.

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