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The Codes I asked if anyone wanted

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Green Floor Mats Vengeance B Arena

FE5D2134 75741656

um all it is is green floor mats duh

or you can change the "34" part to the following for their colors




light purple-27


Credit: COTSN for the original..and myself for the other colors


ok..Barrier codes

Vengeance B

FE5D3137 75741656--this is for the back bottom right i cant really describe what it does so just check it out

FE5D3134 75741656--back barrier..i think on the right side

FE5D3130 75741656--Lower Right Barrier is Fat

FE5D3530 75741656--Lower Left Barriers


RAW barriers

FE5D4137 75741656--Left barriers


Stick poking out of Angle B

FE7D2137 75741656--um has a hole between his shoulder blades and sometimes a huge red stick comes out of it

Lance Storm Stick out of hand A & B

FE7D2136 75741656--looks like he has a skin colored sword in his hand

CREDIT: Me unless otherwise noted

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