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I'm not sure how successful this is likely to be, if it gets any replies at all, but I thought I'd give it a go. Basically, discuss fashion here. Post pictures of your latest clothing purchases and see what people thing, ask for opinions from people if you're not sure about those white drainpipes you were thinking about, or just discuss the latest trends and be called a chav by scoot for using the word "hat".

I made some purchases today, I'll post pics later.

And Hill, how did you get on with that advice I gave you? Swimming in sweet po-ta-to pie yet?

Posted (edited)

Thom i own more hats than probably many on this board. and i consider very few people here Chavs,for instance i calls you as 'scene', the hair cut and the fashion just sream 'scene kid'. in fact who other than possibly cj can i class here as being a chav? very few i rekon....



jonny that hat looks kinda girly to me

Edited by scoot

Hmm, gonna need to see that stuff on you to see if it suits, etc.

Anyway here are the scene t-shirts I bought while I was bored at work today;


Pacman T-Shirt, Vintage 1981


Beverley Hill 90210 T-Shirt, Vintage...Some time post 1990


The Smiths "Meat is Murder" T-shirt, Original 1980's print.


Surkin "Action Replay" (French electro act) T-shirt, by Sixpack.fr


"Orgasmic" T-shirt, by Sixpack.fr


jonny, why on earth would you buy a pair of pants with spooge printed on the back?


jonny, why on earth would you buy a pair of pants with spooge printed on the back?

That's the front of them, man.

And Scoot, don't be so stupid. How many girls do you see wearing caps anyway?


  Jonny said:
jonny, why on earth would you buy a pair of pants with spooge printed on the back?

That's the front of them, man.

I dont think that makes it cooler...


Did I ask for your opinion?


Anything you post in here is subject to a slaughtering, that's the fun of it.

No offence, but you need to re-evaluate your taste in jeans. I wouldn't dress a five-year old in those black things with the chain attaching them to...themselves. Look for something in the way of EDWIN or Nudie, Cheap Monday if you're after something less high-budget.


I'm going a big shop after download. I'll post pics then, be warned though. My awesome fashion sense might shock you all, to the core.


i care not for fashion, i'll buy clothes when i need them, provided christmas and my brithday has let me down, and even then, if its comfy and looks ok i'll buy it, expensive clothes are not bought as i dont feel comfortable in them, im too concerned as to keeping them clean etc which is shit.


  Thom said:
Anything you post in here is subject to a slaughtering, that's the fun of it.

No offence, but you need to re-evaluate your taste in jeans. I wouldn't dress a five-year old in those black things with the chain attaching them to...themselves. Look for something in the way of EDWIN or Nudie, Cheap Monday if you're after something less high-budget.

The chain didn't come with them, btw. and they're a stonewashed colour, not just.. black.

But yeah, Edwin and Nudie have some pretty nice jeans. I was in town getting clothes the day I got those jeans, and the lack of very good fashion shops wasn't a big help. Cult and Topman seem to be the only choices. Although, there is a really great vintage shop that I get alot of stuff from.


And Scoot, don't be so stupid. How many girls do you see wearing caps anyway?

well you would be one of them, but believe me jonny i see plenty of girls wearing caps like that one


  scoot said:
And Scoot, don't be so stupid. How many girls do you see wearing caps anyway?

well you would be one of them, but believe me jonny i see plenty of girls wearing caps like that one

Indeed... I'm hardly going to get a girls hat from Topman.


it doesnt matter where you got it from, even if it doesnt stock lady clothing. the fact remains that it looks like lady clothing. i see more ladies wearing something like that than i ever do men.


I just landed a job in Fat Face which is awesome because I have to be wearing the newest range on the shop floor. So I now have some very expensive clothing at a tiny fraction of the price because of the discount on the uniform allowance. Love it.


Scoot, I really don't care about your opinions. Now hurry up and post your latest fashion buys.


Ew Cult. That place is the bane of my existence, along with Bank and Republic.


Well I have no other choice, and not so long ago you were saying cult was good. It has nice stuff, but expensive. There's a big superstore complex opening here soon, with lots of high-end shops. I'm sure there will be great clothes shops.



i also own this in navy blue



its not exactly the same, but its the closest i could find on the net


Quite like that second shirt scoot, depending on how you wear it and what you wear it with?


a pair of black jeans, and a shirt underneath it, usually a white t-shirt.


Hmm, what's with all the dark colours? Dark blue doesn't go with black (Nor does brown, for future reference). It's a nice shirt, try getting some different jeans which will compliment it and some other tops you own, rather than just putting it with whatever you have.

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