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As I said before, my parents are getting divorced. And just 5 minutes ago, they had the biggest argument between them I've ever seen. My dad was looking for my little brother's baseball equipment because his whole little league is marching in the town Memorial Day parade. He starts looking for the bag and my mom begins to yell at him because he's ripping the house apart. It then escalates to profanities and a broken coffee table. All while me and my 3 brothers, 2 of which are autistic, are in the same room. I'm very close to crying while I type this. I need help.

Post your help advice. Please. I need it.


i have mass sympathy for you considering your siblings, i too have an autistic brother, and it aint easy, and a parental split is going to make things hard, i cant say 'i know hwo your feeling, and it will get better' because i dont know how your feeling, because everyone takes it diffrent. my dad once walked out on us, and i can honestly say that was one of the most emotionally painful things ive ever been through.

all i can say is that theres a saying that time is a good healer, i dont know this to be true but take it for what you will, and help out your siblings as much as possibly. i know thats going to be a daunting task but there is honestly not much i can offer in the means of help during this time your going through.

good luck with it all


  scoot said:
i have mass sympathy for you considering your siblings, i too have an autistic brother, and it aint easy, and a parental split is going to make things hard, i cant say 'i know hwo your feeling, and it will get better' because i dont know how your feeling, because everyone takes it diffrent. my dad once walked out on us, and i can honestly say that was one of the most emotionally painful things ive ever been through.

all i can say is that theres a saying that time is a good healer, i dont know this to be true but take it for what you will, and help out your siblings as much as possibly. i know thats going to be a daunting task but there is honestly not much i can offer in the means of help during this time your going through.

good luck with it all

Thanks. My dad keeps yelling my mom to leave. And they just got into another argument about the autistic brother who's 3 years old. 3 FUCKING YEARS OLD. He'll grow up thinking his daddy was killed in Iraq or walked out and won't pay child support. It's THAT sad.


best way to deal with it is a day at a time. take what comes and deal with it as it comes. i dont think your dad will cut contact to you or your brother though, so thats at least something to grasp onto


It'll suck for a while, then it'll be fine. That is all.


I'm so sorry Subrick. I can only imagine how hard this is. My father walked out on me right before I was born so I really don't know what divorce is like, to be honest. But I know it must be hard watching the two people you care about, yelling at each other. Stay strong for your brothers. Be there for them whenever they need someone to look up to. I hope that everything only gets better from here on out.

Stay strong, bro. :/



Mines worse, my dads an alcoholic. Hug me please.


Joe, I don't want joking. I'm not in the mood. And Scoot, I'm living with my dad and the brother who's not autistic.


granted my parents arent divorced, i cant really empathize or begin to say i know what you're going through. however, you need to ask yourself whats better for your family: your parents being divorced or staying together while fighting all the time. do you think the latter would provide a proper environment for your youngest brother to grow up in? you're in a bad situation, but you're not the only one whos gone through it. look at joe: his folks split and hes still a completely normal, happy chav...who is a total fag and i hate him. but yeah, you'll pull through.

also, care to exlain why you're so stressed about your brothers' autism? from the minor reading i did, autism seems to cause mostly social problems rather than anything else. if thats the case, things could be a lot worse. a lot.


The autism my brother has is big. He can't speak, he can't communicate, he has severe separation anxiety, and a lot of the time he'll run out into the open road. The autism my other brother has is also big. He also can't speak or communicate, but doesn't have separation anxiety. The worst year for him was 2001. He was 3 years old and had been born through a secarian. He climbs onto the 36 inch TV we own, which is huge for the premature infant he was, jumps off, and breaks his leg. It was actually a saving grace in some way, as the hospital X-Ray showed that he a cancer of the duodenum. And the day after we found out about it, my dad gets layed off because he didn't want to relocate to Chicago. It was shit times. We had a mortgage on our house, Jesse (the cancerous brother) was just found to be autistic, and my dad couldn't find work. We had used up all our savings and dad's unemployment money, and just as we were about to go on welfare, my dad get's a job heading a department at Goodrich Aerospace. That's when we finally had the money to pay the mortgage, the medical bills, and get Jesse's duodenum removed. The other problem he had was he wasn't born with the lining of his esophagus or a connection of the esophagus to the stomach. He had the surgury but can't eat solid food. Only baby food and bread. That's my story.


i have no fucking idea how to reply to that. seriously. im speechless.

to be able to go through shit like that and not break is nothing short of amazing. your strength puts my lv. 99 machamp's to shame.


C'mon, give the guy some free st platnium, am i right?

No seriously, that's some tough crap. I hope your parents pull through, especially for your brothers. How old are you? Yeah, I really don't know what else to say. Stay strong! You've done a pretty fuckin good job so far.


Hey, I have to moderate Smacktalks in order to get have Platinum, now that's rough.

My parents are divorced, the world doesn't fall apart at the seams, life goes on.


The autism my brother has is big. He can't speak, he can't communicate, he has severe separation anxiety, and a lot of the time he'll run out into the open road. The autism my other brother has is also big. He also can't speak or communicate, but doesn't have separation anxiety. The worst year for him was 2001. He was 3 years old and had been born through a secarian. He climbs onto the 36 inch TV we own, which is huge for the premature infant he was, jumps off, and breaks his leg. It was actually a saving grace in some way, as the hospital X-Ray showed that he a cancer of the duodenum. And the day after we found out about it, my dad gets layed off because he didn't want to relocate to Chicago. It was shit times. We had a mortgage on our house, Jesse (the cancerous brother) was just found to be autistic, and my dad couldn't find work. We had used up all our savings and dad's unemployment money, and just as we were about to go on welfare, my dad get's a job heading a department at Goodrich Aerospace. That's when we finally had the money to pay the mortgage, the medical bills, and get Jesse's duodenum removed. The other problem he had was he wasn't born with the lining of his esophagus or a connection of the esophagus to the stomach. He had the surgury but can't eat solid food. Only baby food and bread. That's my story

these forms of autism sound very familiar. i realise its difrent with every child, it just sounds so familiar with what we have been through. my brother almost lost his eyesight last year which would have been devastating. he communicates through his vision (makaton sign language), and everything he does entertainment wise is visual (PC, games consoles jumping on the trampoline etc). he also suffers from ADHD, which makes for one hyperactive, none speaking child with aggressive tendancies.

i think more than most on this board i can relate to whats going on in your world right now, i just hope it gets better for you.


Jesse also has ADHD. It's sad seeing a seven year old having so much fun yet not being able to know his surrondings. It's depressing.


Last night was the worst night of my life. My parents are still fighting, my non-autistic siblings are being pains in my ass, and to top it all off last night was the night my mom formally filed for divorce. My mom seemed to have too much sand in her vagina and she begins yelling at everyone. The worst part of the night was when my mom went upstairs, cleaned up a small mess, then hit my 3 year old autistic brother in the face. I was witness to it all. When she slapped him, I could literally feel the slap, I could feel the pain. It was absolutely horrible to see that. I'm not in a good mood, so can you guys please not joke about this? Thanks.


why did the chicken cross the road?

because it was autistic.

thats the closest thing to a joke anyone has made in this thread thus far...and im going to hell for it : (


That wasn't funny. Plus, I forgot. For a little while, I don't want to be called Subrick. Don't change my username, but just call me by my real name: Rick. Or Richard.


Erm, just wondering, but can you confirm your age please ? I've always thought you said you were 12 or 13.



August 10th, 1993. He's 13, 14 in a few months.


Why can't I just be Rick? It's my name, something you can only change with legal consent.


they're busting your chops. nobody could object to having to type less to address you.

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