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The greatest wrestling game ever created.

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Right, I would like to know if anybody else agrees that WWF No Mercy for the N64 is the greatest wrestling game ever created.

I think it's awesome, and i've just bought some cables for my N64 so i can play it again.

Please share your thoughts on which wrestling game is your favourite, and why.

Please be warned, if you do not choose wwf no mercy as your favourite, i will bitch slap you in ways you never thought possible.


Thanks, but I'd rather just use my N64 so I can use my controller. No point buying an adapter, would cost another


No, WWF Attitude was the greatest.


Samoa Joe and AJ Styles agree with you, they promise No Mercy type wrestling in the new TNA game. It's our only hope.

Oh and while I never owned a N64, the brief plays I had when the game was in it's prime and the emulated plays I had years later featured far better wrestling action than the early SmackDown games. The SmackDown games are better now though, not just because of the obvious updated graphics (we all know graphics don't make the game), the game plays better now.

A modernised No Mercy that wasn't so clunky and slow would be the bees knees.


I agree with Ming, plus you asked me this like yesterday or something.


Never played it. Downloading it now. I'll let you know.



I just got my arse handed to me by Bob Holly. I think need a manual or something I don't know what's going on.



I know Iain !

Like I said to Iain, I loved WWF Attitude too.

Tbh I've never played the later smackdown games...



I know Iain !

Like I said to Iain, I loved WWF Attitude too.

Tbh I've never played the later smackdown games...

I ain't played a Smackdown game since Just Bring It.


Same here. :lol

We're living in the past Martin.

Join the future and get PES6 !


if it benifits anyone, here is an n64 emulator for the psp -

N64 emu


You've just made the two owners of a PSP, two guys in Japan, very happy.


ping & pong? man, i havn't spoken to those guys in ages.


I only played No Mercy for a couple of days (on a borrowed 64), but yeah, it was pretty great. I haven't played an SD game since JBI, but here are some (aside from the obvious SD2) that I enjoyed a lot...



Big Bumps :lol


Attitude is the greatest follow up to a wrestling game ever. It added so much more in presentation, wrestler selection, number of moves and depth. It improved upon Warzone in every way possible, no wrestling game has improved upon it's predecessor so much. That's not the say Warzone was a bad game either, it was basic, but from following WCW Nitro, Warzone looked like gold.

I'm a big fan of Warzone and Attitude, I rented the ECW games but I had no idea who anyone was and as a wrestling mark at the time, I needed the guys I saw on TV every week.


I might buy attitude, I remember playing it so many years ago. No doubt I can pick it up on ebay for some stupid price.

I really hope the new TNA game is like no mercy, the thing I can't stand about smackdown games is the pace of them, the way the wrestlers move, it just bugs me i can't explain it.


SD vs Raw 08 is implementing wrestling styles, which are essentially character presets on stats and moves, but apparently the speed factor is far greater now. The main problem lies in Yukes and THQ limiting the styles to two, a primary and a secondary - screw rewarding the actual wrestlers that can brawl, apply submissions and and go to the top rope.

On top of that, the submission class only helps you apply submissions, not escape or reverse them. No sir, that's dictated by your speed stat...THQ will only ever go half way to making a decent game, then they stop and say "we'll finish that feature next year".


Yeah well, all the wrestling games are missing something that the others have.

I just wish they'd put the extra work in and give us what we all want. :(

*Pins hopes on TNA game*


sd2 with the full hiac (with climbing) code is the wrestling game i have ever played.


to me it's between No Mercy and SYM, SYM would been more awesome if it had a bigger roster and a few more attires.


I personally thought HCPS was the best. I just had so much fun for some reason. And I loved playing royal rumbles.


SD2 all the way, i loved making all the random cheats just for the hell of it.

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