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Happiest Guy In The Whole Fucking World

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I'm the happiest guy in the world:this afternoon i went for a drink to a bar with

girlfriends(one being the anoying friend and the other the girl im in love with)

and on a certain moment (after two hours of drinking) the girl came sitting on

my lap and said(she was a quarter-drunk):kiss me.I was like yeah ok why not

but i said why?Then she said:just do it,and so we kissed making the anoying friend

of her go away and we just dat there the whole afternoon.It was nice,very very nice.

P.S.:the girl asked if i would go to a bar with her for a drink this Friday.I said HELL YEAH!!


You're like scoot, but cooler, and you actually get the girl.


How do you determine what fraction-drunk somebody is?


When the girl sobers up, you will be heading to jail sonny.


I'm a fucking 14,i knew she was a little drun because when she is sober she doesnt say :kiss me and actually does it.



My god man, keep it in your trousers. And don't go in pubs.

I have your IP address now so I'm going to contact your parents via their ISP.


according to google, the legal drinking age in belgium is 16.

i call shenanigans on this story and your age, you 12 year old liar.


congrats man, that is great for you, but drinking in bars at 14 seems wrong to me, its too young.... with that said, now that im nearing my mid twenties, i say have the drinking age raised to 21, that way, the 18year olds will be the ones sneaking as "underage, making them all fair game!!!!


You're like scoot, but cooler, and you actually get the girl.

says you, consider yourself lucky im not blurting out a few things yourevealed to me sir


  scoot said:
You're like scoot, but cooler, and you actually get the girl.

says you, consider yourself lucky im not blurting out a few things yourevealed to me sir

You keep on, and I'm going to make you wish you were locked up for paedophillia.


Sal has called shenanigans on this bogus story and I agree. Honestly it reads like a bad porn story; without the good bits.


Well believe it or not,its true.If you dont believe it i might have some pics :p


I'm going to keep watching this thread because it's going to get really Scoot, really quickly.

If there's somethign this board needs it's more pedo-drama.


also, who goes to a bar in the afternoon? what is it, happy hour for kids or something?


i do. Normally because Im bored.


but yea I agree with sals earlier point;

Pix or shens


things must be a lot different there then. in the us, only old men and james go to the bar during the day.


then your students are pussies! it is a students job to spend their hard loaned money to go drinking from the time the bar opens, be it in between lectures or during lectures, this is then followed by either heading home for a house party of some description, another bar, a club or home if something vitally important is on tv.


I went to the pub at 4:30 to meet some friends while I waited for another friend who I was supposed to be meeting at 4:50. We rolled out of the joint at about 11 in the end.

Did I do good?


Next time make it past closing time. Must Try Harder - 3/5

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