Tatanka Posted February 1, 2007 Posted February 1, 2007 i want a Elijah Burke formula and moveset and entrance please
cm punk1 Posted June 10, 2007 Posted June 10, 2007 heres the elijah burke formula you asked for Elijah Burke Attributes: Strength: 7 Speed:7.5 Durability: 7 Counter 7 Charisma: 7 Submission: 7 Arsenal: all 6 Weight: 230 lbs. Whole Body: W: 0 H: -18 D: 0 Face: V:0 DEEP:-9 W:-6 L:-7 DEPTH:0 Forehead: HOR.:-25 V:-64 D:0 Y:0 R:0 W:-11 HEI.:29 Eye: HOR.:-49 V:16 D:-10 P:20 Y:-5 R:-37 W:-7 HEI.:-38 Cheekbone: V: 54 D: 40 W: 12 Nose: V: 11 D: 0 P: 0 W: 17 L: 1 D: -9 Nose Top: V:-9 D:-19 P:16 W:0 L:0 DEPTH:0 Mouth: V:60 DEEP:0 P:-2 W:20 L:-42 D:0 Lip Angle: H:19 V:19 D:0 Cheek:-25 Outline: V:29 D:0 W:-42 Jaw: V:-8 D:30 W:-7 Body- Crown: W:-23 L:-27 D:-56 Head: W:0 L:2 D:-6 Neck: W:52 L:-42 D:0 Shoulder: W:-10 Chest: W:-20 D:-5 Abdomen: W:5 D:-25 Waist: W:10 L:30 D:0 Upper Arm: W:4 D:0 Forearm: W:-4 D:-4 Hand: W:2 L:2 D:2 Thigh: W:5 D:5 Calf: W:5 D:5 Foot: W:0 L:0 D:0 Bodybase=Macho (323,9,20) Hairstyle=Cornrows (0,0,0) Eyebrow=Normal mild acute (0,0,0) Sharp Eye/eye wrinkle 03/Iris=black 01 normal nose thick lips 02 mouth Bottom wear=short tights 01 (0,0,0)/Pattern upper=abdomen+knee (K.2) both Ring boots middle 02 (0,0,0 for all)/Pattern=rivet (K.2) Elbow pad (right) (0,0,0) supporter pad (0,0,0)
cm punk1 Posted June 10, 2007 Posted June 10, 2007 heres hiis entrance i found just choose bike as your entrance in others and there you go, it's done Don't forget to make arena 49.
cm punk1 Posted June 10, 2007 Posted June 10, 2007 heres the elijiah burke moveset you asked for MOVESET-Template=OJ BASIC FIGHTING STYLE FIGHTING STANCE-Male 01 / 02 RING IN STYLE-Normal RING OUT STYLE-Normal APRON TO RING-Normal TURNBUCKLE CLIMBING-Normal RISING STYLE-Normal / kip-up LEAP FROG-01 /02 REVERSAL REVERSAL STYLE-Benjamin / normal REVERSAL ATTACK- (A)Push down; (A)(O) Dragon screw TESTING POWER-Knee lift TAUNT (up) Angle taunt (down) Boast (left) Angle taunt (right) Come on 02 ON TURNBUCKLE-Taunt 06 AT APRON-Guts SPECIAL-Ready for the Baldo Bomb AFTER WIN-Taunt 16 STANDING STRIKE LIGHT (B) Angle punch (B)(O) Bodyblow COMBINATION 2nd-Bodyblow COMBINATION 3rd-Angle punch COMBINATION 4th COMBINATION 5th COMBINATION 6th COMBINATION 7th COMBINATION 8th COMBINATION 9th COMBINATION FINISH (B) Stone Cold punch (B)(O) Missile dropkick HEAVY (B)HOLD) Stone Cold punch (B)HOLD)(O) Clothesline 02 RUNNING STRIKING (B) Clothesline-r (B)(O) Diving shoulder block / Flying forearm FRONT GRAPPLE NORMAL (A) Snapmare 01 (A)(up) Inverted atomic drop (A)(down) High angle scoop slam (A)(left) Headlock (A)(right) Arm drag RUNNING (A) Swinging neckbreaker / Running neckbreaker CATCHED GRAPPLE (A) DDT (A)(up) Shuffle combo (A)(down) STO 01 (A)(left) Sitout facebuster (A)(right) Spinning drop toe-hold (Tiger spin) CATCHED STRIKE (B) Knuckle punch (B)(up) Knee lift combo (B)(down) Full swing punch-r (B)(left) Elbow strike-l (B)(right) Elbow strike-r WEAPON ATTACK [CHAIR] (A) Couple of strikes WEAPON ATTACK [sTICK] (A) Couple of strikes REAR GRAPPLE NORMAL (A) Sleeper hold (A)(up) Takedown (A)(down) Wrestling lift (A)(left) Shin breaker (A)(right) Half nelson bulldog (Facebuster 03) RUNNING (A) Schoolboy / Facebuster 01 CATCHED GRAPPLE (A) Rear naked choke (A)(up) Side slam (A)(down) Reverse DDT (A)(left) Falling back suplex (A)(right) Russian legsweep CATCHED STRIKE (B) Punch-r (B)(up) Rear low blow (B)(down) Rear clothesline-r (B)(left) Elbow strike-l (B)(right) Elbow strike-r GROUND FACING UP STRIKE (B) Stomp 04 RUNNING STRIKE (B) Elbow drop DOWN GRAPPLE UPPER (A) Reverse full nelson DOWN GRAPPLE SIDE (A) Knee smash to the arm DOWN GRAPPLE LOWER (A) Boston crab FACING DOWN STRIKE (B) Stomp 04 RUNNING STRIKE (B) Stomp 04 DOWN GRAPPLE UPPER (A) Camel clutch DOWN GRAPPLE SIDE (A) Scissored armbar DOWN GRAPPLE LOWER (A) Knee breaker FLYING ATTACK FROM TURNBUCKLE STAND (B) Diving lariat 02 (B)(O) Missile dropkick DOWN (B) Diving elbow drop (B)(O) Diving splash FROM RING TO OUTSIDE (B) RUNNING TO OUTSIDE (Y)(B)(O) (Y)(O)(B)(O) SPRINGBOARD ATTACK (B)(O) TO OUTSIDE (B) Double axe handle TO INSIDE STAND (B) TO INSIDE DOWN (B) FROM EDGE STAND (B) Diving lariat 02 DOWN (B) Diving elbow drop IRISH WHIP STRIKE NORMAL (B) Back elbow (B)(O) Clothesline 02 PULL BACK (B)HOLD) Clothesline (B)HOLD)(O) Kitchen sink GRAPPLE LIGHT (A) Arm drag (A)(O) Back body drop HEAVY (A)HOLD) High angle sitout spinebuster (Rydeen bomb) (A)HOLD)(O) Inverted atomic drop TURNBUCKLE STRIKE NORMAL (B) Full swing punch-r LOWER (B) Stomp 04 RUNNING (B) Elijah Express (Running high knee strike) RUNNING LOWER (B) Running knee lift FRONT GRAPPLE LIGHT (A) Rapid punches (A)(O) Knee lifts Heavy (A)HOLD) Superplex (A)HOLD)(O) Superplex LOWER (A) Facewash ON TURNBUCKLE (A) Superplex REAR GRAPPLE LIGHT (A) Facebuster (A)(O) Turnbuckle thrusts HEAVY (A)HOLD) Schoolboy (A)HOLD)(O) Back superplex ON TURNBUCKLE (A) Drop to outside OTHERS GRAPPLE TO APRON (A) Suplex FROM APRON (A) Hangman ON ROPES FRONT (A) Stun gun ON ROPES REAR (A) Leapforg body guillotine FROM EDGE (A) Throw DOUBLE TEAM FRONT (A) Double suplex REAR (A) Dpuble back suplex SANDWICH (A) Striking combo IRISH WHIP (A) Double back body drop FRONT TURNBUCKLE (A) Spike piledriver REAR TURNBUCKLE (A) Diving lariat / powerbomb combo SPECIAL SLOT 1 (A)(B) (Front) Elijah Experience (Full nelson facebuster) SLOT 2 (A)(B) (Back) Elijah Experience (Full nelson facebuster) SLOT 3 (A)(B) (Running) Elijah Express (Running high knee) SLOT 4 (A)(B) SLOT 5 (A)(B) SLOT 6 (A)(B) SLOT 7 (A)(B) SLOT 8 (A)(B) MOMENTUM SHIFT (A)(B) Low blow 02
phil Posted July 4, 2007 Posted July 4, 2007 Cm punk 1, give me full credit for both the CAW AND moveset, because I made them and you just copied and pasted them from ImagiNationForum.
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