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Weirdest band youve ever heard

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simple question

before today i would have said either Sunn O))) or Wormphlegm, but on someones recommendation, I listened to Zero Kama. Its a collection of recordings in which ALL the instruments were made of human bones and skulls, apparently performing ancient tibetan rights and occult practices.

Its very nasty ambient stuff when you consider how it was done...

So it got me thinking, whats the most fucked up/weird band youve ever heard?


magic hat... my brothers band, his style of "singing" resembles what i would assume the noise made by someone molesting a cat.


The Fiery Furnaces' Blueberry Boat album. Apparently it's not as bad as Rehearsing My Choir (where they actually have their 80yr old grandma singing most of the time) but it's pretty incomprehensible. Every song is at least 10mins long and comprised of any instrument they could get their hands on (seemingly) mostly cheap keyboards. Most of the time a song will just descend into noise or completely change into a different tune.

I love it.

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