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hey im gonna be working on getting the always......... matches going i just dont have the time to be testing em and trying to fid out which match is which.

so can someone test these and tell everyone what match it is


004920ca 00000001
















just test those out,they arent encrypted yet i left that for you guys to do.codebreaker users dont even have to encrypt it will work either way :)

also if you cant figure it out alredy just add the 00000001 to the end of each value.

hopefully we can get some good matches found in there.


the first one is a freezing code, and sorry, im to lazy to do the other 15, j/k, just busy man, sorry sum1 else will


Hey nick, Long time no see. anyway I tested the the second code and the game froze right at the match loading screen. But my question is this. The code came out like this 0AF8432D 00000001, That did not do anything at all, The match started as it normaly does, and nothing happend. So. I Put a 2 in the 0's place 2AF8432D 00000001

And then turned the entrances off and after about 5 mins of loading time I gave up on it.

Now my question is this. By adding the to to the 0's place is that the right way to activate the address or do I need to add a number in with a Offset Box, What am I doing wrong here???

I located the spot for the No Bounce Code. Under the LableHicDrop__FP5CChar is the on I used in SD4 SYM. I found it for SD5 and made the regular 2 Codes and the game never loaded up at the match loading screen, like your codes we are testing. Here is the code I Made yesterday, but it doest work.

No Bounce Code Breaker 2:

0A132E65 000003E8

0A7C2E65 00000001

I even played with the values insted of using 000003E8 I did 03E00008

, That did not work, I put the 2 in the 0's place with 03E00008, then with 000003E8. The only code that came close to working was the one that froze, the Orginal code for SD4 SYM I froze the game. My problem is That I don't know what value to add to the address if the code is something else than an ADDU (PS2DIS). I only followed you last time nick, you helped me understand the value form most codes, All I did was find the labled code then add some numbers the the address and encrypt, convert, and A new Code. I just wish I knew what value to use right now.

Thank You


ok well what you'll want to do first is take that 1 off the end and add a 0,thats the biggest problem there.if its the same label it should work.

and for the matches your just checking for different rules i.e) no dq (already founbd so dont bother)

just think of all the matches like ultimate sumbmission,if you go to pin the guy and the ref starts counting its not ultimate submission.

the elimintation chamber was the e9 end value but it just gives you the physiques,no the actual visuals.dont change the front value to 2. just keep it plain and simple and just encrypt the codes and find what stipulations are going on.

i will look at your no bouunce thing

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