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Profile Stats Modifiers (GS2v3+ [PAL] & Xploder)

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Profile Stats Modifiers


Use these codes to modify your wins/loses/etc. for "Records" in the LockerRoom.

Credit: Trigin

Note: The Profile Stats Modifiers' codes only affect offline play.

GS2v3+ (PAL) & Xploder


0000 = 0

0032 = 50

0064 = 100

0096 = 150

00C8 = 200

00FA = 250

012C = 300

015E = 350

0190 = 400

01C2 = 450

01F4 = 500

03E8 = 1000

07D0 = 2000

0BB8 = 3000

0FA0 = 4000

1388 = 5000

1770 = 6000

1B58 = 7000

1F40 = 8000

2328 = 9000

270F = 9999



103F0E78 0000????


103F0E7A 0000????


103F0E7C 0000????


103F0E7E 0000????

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