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So, I just got back from a house party. I'm not a huge fan of house parties, I usually prefer to just got to a club downtown but I was in the mood to drink tonight and my friend invited me to one. It turned out so much better then I thought, I seen a few people there I havn't seen since high school and even elementary school, lol. So discuss parties or going downtown to a bar/club.


I like alcohol.

Hey in the hopes of getting more than two replies to this topic...

What's everyone's favourite alcoholic beverage? Be specific.


well its sophies 18th next saturday, and shes going dressed as a bunny rabbit in pink hot pants, so right about now my love for house parties is way up there.

also my favourite alchoholic beverage at the moment would be mangers cider. mighty fine but mighty expensive


It depends, I like a balance. I go clubbing about once or twice a week just in Worcester, then a couple of times a month I'll go to see a big name DJ in Birmingham or London (Fatboy Slim and Mylo in London this Thursday, holler!) But if there's a party on the same night I'm meant to be going clubbing just in Worcester then I'll usually choose the party. There's a higher concentration of people I'll know, more opportunity for being sociable, it's cheaper, almost zero chance of being busted for doing or selling anything illegal, and the music will usually be better than in a club. That said, I do like going clubbing just for the atmosphere and the fact everybody dances, can;t say that about many house parties. To conclude, I love them both.

As for favourite alcoholic beverage, I've recently grown a fondness for Vodka. Previously I hated the taste, smell and sight of the shit, but then I discovered expensive vodka. A bottle of Smirnoff Norsk or Smirnoff Blue Label might cost an extra


I love going to to this one club in town, I've been known to go two or three times a week some weeks. It's dead small and grubby, but the music is always spot on and I'm always bumping into people I know there. Plus the girls are tip top.

I love lager, especially Carling. If I'm not in the mood for it though I'll be more than happy to go with Southern Comfort, it's so lush. And you can't beat a bit of Sambucca to push you over the edge.


True say. If I'm in a club I'll opt for JD and Coke. It just makes you feel so cool.


I hardly go clubbing anymore, seems like everyone has 'grown' out of it, dunno a better way to describe it. So house parties are always the first option and we seriously always have the best fucking time, so I'm not complaining.

Best drink;

It used to be vodka(blue label), then I started to shy away from it, and got into Jager. It's good and fun, but i'll opt for some Corona, Becks or some Bud. And at any gig I'll always be getting a few JD and coke.


gotta be 21 to drink here so the only point of going to a club would be to dance and well...im not much of a dancer.

house parties by ko


i, am plastered, pissed as a fart, fucked, rat arsed, call it what you will, cost a fortune to get to this tate and wa gonna create a new topic but felt this oner would do! hooray for me!...

.....sorry in advance!


Back on topic,

I like parties slash gathos, where you know the majority of people there. It's mad fun to catch up, socialise etc.

Clubbing's pretty good I guess, if you're willing to spend money. If you're on a tight budget, it can get pretty shit.

As far as favourite alcohol, I've become a big fan of beer lately. Coronas, carlton cold, toohey's dry, hahn premium etc... pretty much just the stuff that goes down easy, tastes good etc.


I drink cider. A lot. But only the good stuff.

Or Jack Daniel's straight or with ice.

House parties are so much cooler.


I Agree with big bizang,

especially other peoples cause you can trash theirs! :lol


You gotta do what me and my mates do. Get some beers in, have a pro evolution tournament and then go straight to the club where the drinks are dirt cheap. I spend like, a tenner at most.

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