djnefilim Posted October 20, 2006 Posted October 20, 2006 (edited) CREDIT to american badd ass for the forms ====================Goldberg========================== goldberg goldberg default none the man atlanta,georgia male super heavyweight clean raw voice 5 morphing head (-77,-77,77,-42) brows (81,100,43,16) eyes (0,-8,-23,-70,32,0,-66) nose (0,-14,0,8,28,0,35,0) cheek (-77,-62,45,21) mouth (43,-66,-25,-23,25,100,38) jaw (62,0,53,7,-14,29) ear (7,100,0,-51) age (0) body type (1) head (0,-1,-10) neck (-51,62,84) chest (62,29,70) shoulder (-49,38,9) abdomen (23,48,34) waist (40,45) arms (50,54,40) hands (9,39,100) legs (49,40,40) feet (0,0,-27) height 6'6" body skin 1 (96,50,50) face skin 8 eyes 16 (49,29,41) brows 44 (94,46,44,67) body hair 7 (95,55,48,50) lip 13 (97,53,48,54) teeth 1 (default) make up 131 (97,50,50,81) brows 1 (97,48,58,85) underwear 19 (42,0,100) picture 117 (62,43,33,17) (place on the inside of his right arm) (default size) knee pads 14 (43,0,15,100) face other 18 (96,50,0,68) face other 9 (95,43,56,100) goatee 8 (95,45,50,100) make up 135 (97,50,49,100) make up 48 (97,39,50,100) make up 45 (96,50,48,100) picture 143 (96,37,43,17) (2nd biggest h, default v) (place centred on goatee) goatee 4 (96,0,90,25) elbow pads 1 (43,0,15,100) tights 1 (43,0,14,100,97) belt 16 (97,0,100,100) simple 75 (place on back of underwear) (biggest h, default v) (39,0,100,100) shoes 6 (43,0,14) simple 75 (39,0,47,53) (largest h, default v) (place on his left arm) gloves 8 (43,0,15) pants 18 (43,0,13,0) (cutscene only) l-hemline 17 (43,0,15,100,97) (c only) simple 75 (39,100,100,100) (largest h, default v) (place on l-hemline) (c only) simple 75 (32,0,100,100) (largest h, default v) (place on long-hemline over previous) simple 160 (48,0,79,100) (rotate x1) (place so that the simple 75 has a circle around it) (largest h, 2nd largest v) (c only) fighting style = triple h signs = son of the beast and the evolution =================Christian Cage======================= goldberg christian cage c.cage default none the superstar/hack in christian toronto,canada heavyweight fight clean raw voice 1 morphing head (0,3,43,-27) brows (47,100,72,1) eyes (0,-22,-10,-62,24,0,-29) nose (-34,0,100,11,7,-40,31,25) cheek (-96,-66,19,31) mouth (29,-40,-14,-33,19,28,10) jaw (-32,-1,2,-1,-48,-23) ear (14,86,-3,-7) age (0) body type (0) head (14,3,-5) neck (-42,25,22) chest (13,-3,18) shoulder (0,18,0) abs (-8,28,12) waist (19,18) arms (12,6,0) hands (0,0,0) legs (25,17,17) feet (0,0,0) 6'3" height body skin 1 (96,48,50) face skin 8 eyes 1 (43,39,47) brows 44 (90,68,42,37) hack in make up 135 (98,50,50,100) lip 2 (99,47,40,56) teeth 1 (default) hair 3 (94,48,70) make up 45 (97,47,49,100) make-up 53 (97,41,55,100) make-up 130 (97,50,49,100) tights 1 (86,63,54,100,0) elbow pads 1 (43,0,13,100) wristbands 1 (43,0,11,100,92) face other 21 (93,51,53,35) pattern simple 149 (place in between nose and lip) (default h,smallest v) (98,25,51,28) shoes 1 (43,2,13) pattern simple 86 (39,0,41,100) (place on his left leg) (2nd biggest v,largest h) pattern simple 86 (39,0,36,100) (place on his right leg) (2nd biggest v,largest h) pattern picture 18 (100,100,61,100) (place on his left leg in the middle of designs) (2nd biggest size) copy on other leg letter alphabet v (38,0,24,100) (place on top of design on his left leg) (default v, largest h) letter alphabet v (38,0,24,100) (place at the bottom of design his left leg ) (default v,largest h) (rotate x2) letter alphabet c (38,0,9,100) (place in the middle of basketball on left leg) (largest h,2nd largest v) letter alphabet v (38,0,24,100) (place on top of design on his right leg) (default v, largest h) letter alphabet v (38,0,24,100) (place at the bottom of design on his right leg) (default v, largest h) (rotate x2) letter alphabet c (38,0,9,100) (place in the middle of basketball on his right leg) (2nd largest v,largest h) letter alphabet v (38,0,24,100) (place on the left side of design on his left leg) (default v, largest h) (rotate x3) letter alphabet v (38,0,24,100) (place on left leg on the right side of design) (default v,largest h) (rotate x1) letter alphabet v (38,0,24,100) (place on right leg on the right side of design) (default v,largest h) (rotate x1) letter alphabet v (38,0,24,100) (place on right leg on the left side of design) (default v,largest h) (rotate x3) pattern simple 95 (38,0,43,22) (place on side of his left shoulder) (default size) (rotate x2) fighting style = christian signs = clb and peeps ==================John Cena========================= goldberg john cena john cena default none hacked west newbury,massachusetts male heavyweight clean raw voice 4 morphing head (-99,-99,100,2) brows (100,-34,43,-64) eyes (0,-25,-22,-92,44,22,-47) nose (24,21,0,5,1,-11,-30,0) cheek (-64,-93,51,-19) mouth (14,9,-36,43,20,53,20) jaw (3,47,25,-36,44,32) ear (3,58,19,-10) age (0) body type (-12) head (0,-1,-3) neck (-5,35,31) chest (51,-5,27) shoulder (-47,35,-8) abs (-25,31,9) waist (12,29) arms (20,33,5) hands (40,47,32) legs (31,1,0) feet (-7,-40,-45) body skin 7 (96,49,51) face skin 5 eyes 1 (46,33,41) head pain 70 (95,53,70,61) brows 36 (94,50,50,64) lip 15 (97,53,48,56) teeth 1 (default) hair 19 (94,60,42) wristbands 4 (43,0,70,100,80) knee pads 15 (43,0,13,100) shoes 36 (91,13,36) make up 135 (96,51,56,78) make up 76 (97,55,44,35) make up 48 (96,41,55,100) make up 130 (96,53,51,100) make up 74 (95,51,50,27) simple 149 (95,26,69,56) (2nd biggest h,smallest v) (place in between nose and top lip) pants 9 material 8 (100,45,54) simple 153 (40,0,37,100) (place on his left arm) (rotate x1) (default v, largest h) copy and make it go all the way around his arm to make an armband on his left arm simple 149 (89,11,81,100) (largest h,2nd largest v) (place on the black armband just made) l-hemline 1 (43,0,11) (e+c only) simple 86 (82,93,83,100) (largest size) (place on t-shirt) simple 87 (38,0,37,100) (largest size) (place on top of previous) hats 4 material 8 (72,50,41) wwe logos 1 (81,0,9,100) (default size) (place on left wristband) copy on other wristband picture 18 (94,0,30,83) (smallest v, 2nd largest h) (place in the middle of simple 86 and 87 at the bottom) picture 117 (60,74,33,100) (place at the top in the middle of design 86 and 87) (rotate x2) wwe logos 1 (85,100,50,100) (rotate x2) (place on back at the top of l-hemline) body accessories 4 (88,19,48,100) picture 142 (100,0,35,100) (smallest size) (place in the middle of basketball design on front of l-hemline) ANYTHING THAT GOES ON L-HEMLINE IS E+C ONLY fighting style = cena signs = both cena ====================Kid Kash Pitbull==================== goldberg kid kash kid kash kash none the kid buffalo,NY male light heavyweight dirty smackdown voice 1 morphing head (-11,-96,22,-38) brows (85,3,18,31) eyes (-23,58,-30,-86,10,-25,-34) nose (7,31,20,6,22,0,9,8) cheek (-48,3,54,-3) mouth (-25,13,-75,-12,32,27,22) jaw (-5,-37,6,0,-49,13) age (40) body type (0) head (3,0,-1) neck (-36,29,25) chest (10,2,28) shoulder (-73,12,31) abs (-23,22,20) waist (11,37) arms (9,0,0) hands (0,0,0) legs (13,23,28) feet (0,0,0) body skin 1 (96,50,49) face skin 6 eyes 16 (49,26,39) brows 1 (96,48,55,73) eyelashes 1 (default) lip 5 (97,49,41,60) teeth 1(default) hair 19 (93,50,60) body hair hacked hair 88 (94,54,67) underwear 1 (86,72.50) pattern simple 81 (38,0,25,27) (largest v,default h) (place on his right forearm) tights 1 (86,51,53,100,0) leg paint 118 (32,0,100,100) leg paint 118 (32,0,39,100) knee pads 7 (86,52,48,100) wristbands 1 (43,0,50,100,87) make up 133 (96,50,47,100) make up 132 (96,45,50,25) make up 48 (97,40,50,100) make up 74 (96,51,47,27) pattern simple 149 (97,25,69,52) (place in between nose and top lip) (smallest v, default h) face other 21 (95,55,51,21) pattern simple 147 (96,24,67,59) (smallest v, biggest h) (place on chin) shoes 14 (43,0,10) feet accessories 7 (40,6,38,100) pattern simple 92 (38,0,0,19) (default size) (place on the side of his right bicep) pattern simple 16 (38,0,28,33) (place on the side of his left shoulder) (smallest h,default v) pattern simple 52 (40,0,39,37) (place above previous so that the bottom half overlaps the top half of previous) (smallest size) pattern picture 85 (0,48,50,100) (rotate x2) (place on front of tights) (default v,largest h) pattern wwe 39 (place centred under neck on back) (89,42,33,25) (2nd biggest v, largest h) leg paint 102 (35,0,100,100) leg paint 102 (35,0,0,100) fighting style = charlie hass signs = a match made in hell + match of the century advanced = aggressive,less,less,less ======================CM PUNK======================= goldberg cm punk cm punk default none the icon chicago,illinois male heavyweight clean raw voice 1 morphing head (0,-27,29,-32) brows (100,0,48,14) eyes (0,-7,-34,33,29,0,-11) nose (0,72,0,8,-34,-11,-27,3) cheek (-88,-49,20,23) mouth (-68,-38,-65,-5,29,29,32) jaw (-88,0,0,-22,-86,-40) ear (-33,70,-42,-12) age (20) body type (0) head (36,0,-3) neck (-29,7,9) chest (19,0,0) shoulder (-58,-12,0) abs (-8,14,12) waist (0,0) arms (-11,0,0) hands (0,0,0) legs (0,0,0) feet (-64,0,0) height 6'2" body skin 5 (96,51,48) face skin 6 eyes 16 (54,30,36) brows 1 (97,50,46,76) hair 41 (95,48,7) lip 7 (97,46,50,81) teeth 1 (default) hair 83 (97,62,16,64) socks 1 (43,0,3,100,27) shoes 33 (43,0,12) mustache 1 (96,44,43,17) goatee 12 (95,39,35,44) sideburns 14 (95,40,55,82) knee pads 5 (43,0,9,100) make up 133 (96,47,49,64) arm paint left arm only 25 (33,0,45,38) picture 136 (100,79,34,39) (smallest v, default h) (rotate x3) (place on the top of the arm paint on left arm) picture 142 (100,46,37,26) (default size) (place in the middle of arm paint on the side of the left arm) wwe logos 64 (100,38,22,16) (place on stomach so the top curves around the middle of belly) (biggest size) design 147 (95,28,65,63) (biggest v, 2nd largest h) (rotate x1) (place in the middle of wwe logo to cover up the middle) underwear 1 (43,0,14,100) piercings 33 (88,23,100) gloves 6 (43,0,41) picture 113 (83,0,50,42) (smallest h, default v) (place om his right arm on the front of bicep) flag 7 (87,100,73,100) (default v, smallest h) (place on left side of underwear) copy on other side of underwear picture 93 (58,50,28,18) (place on back of right elbow) (largest h, 2nd largest v) wwe logos 6 (0,100,25,25) (place on his right shoulder) (rotate x2) (default size) picture 18 (100,100,47,30) (place on his left shoulder) (smallest size) simple 149 (46,40,50,52) (place just below to make the pepsi tattoo on his left shoulder) (rotate x1) (smallest h, 2nd biggest v) letter sign pg1 3rd row 6th cloumn, (97,24,51,100) (place in between basketball design and simple design) (largest size) picture 116 (85,47,30,32) (place above the design on back of elbow) (smallest size) fighting style = RVD signs = ECW and showstopper advanced = aggressive,less,less,less more coming soon... Edited October 22, 2006 by aerofreak Quote
Aero Posted October 20, 2006 Posted October 20, 2006 great, i've been waiting on these lol. would it not be easier, both for others to view and for you to post, if you created a new topic for each formula? just a thoguht Quote
djnefilim Posted October 20, 2006 Author Posted October 20, 2006 nah, just thought i'd post everything in one topic so I won't have to go through making new titles every once in a while... just my own personal thread for people to look for my caws. ADDED CM PUNK! Quote
djnefilim Posted October 22, 2006 Author Posted October 22, 2006 (edited) =====================VITO========================== vito vito default none hot stuff italy male heavyweight clean smackdown voice 2 morphing head (0,0,0,-42) brows (55,0,49,49) eyes (0,0,-23,0,12,0,-37) nose (0,100,0,23,-15,-22,-25,-18) cheek (-37,-74,44,54) mouth (100,50,-74,25,39,56,50) jaw (38,29,0,-36,-7,0) ear (29,100,13,25) age (32) body type (0) head (0,0,0) neck (-55,34,36) chest (12,1,29) shoulder (-48,25,0) abdomen (-7,43,24) waist (28,25) arms (5,11,7) hands (0,0,0) legs (11,14,13) feet (0,0,0) body skin 1 (96,50,48) face skin 6 eyes 16 (98,44,37) brows 41 (94,50,42,57) lashes 1 (default) lip 4 (97,43,51,44) teeth 1 (default) hair 91 body hair 1 (default) underwear 15 (43,0,62) knee pads 7 (43,0,15,100) wristbands 1 (43,0,61,11,80) shoes 1 (43,0,15) make up 129 (96,50,45,83) make up 74 (96,51,45,40) make up 45 (95,50,48,100) make up 76 (97,46,50,100) simple 147 (96,22,71,60) (place under bottom lip) (largest h,default v) make up 55 (96,44,53,100) make up 48 (96,41,48,100) simple 92 (38,0,50,58) (default h,smallest v) (place on the side of his right shoulder) wwe logos 49 (100,0,16,31) (smallest v,default h) (place on side of his left shoulder) simple 16 (38,0,43,15) (place over previous) (default h,smallest v) wwe logos 39 (96,29,50,39) (place centred in the middle of previous 2 designs) (default size) body paint 16 (100,18,48,12) simple 147 (97,26,66,31) (smallest size) (place in between nose and lip) l-hemline 69 pattern 26 (63,0,65,100) skirt 25 pattern 26 (63,0, 56) simple 37 (40,0,26,40) (rotate x1) (largest h,smallest v) (place on his right bicep) copy design and wrap it around his arm simple 37 (40,0,26,40) (rotate x1) (largest h,smallest v) (place on his left bicep) copy design and wrap it around his arm fighting style = danny basham signs = nice outfit, im a sexy beast ===================THE MIZ========================== mike mizanin the miz the miz suffix the miss richmong,virginia male light heavyweight fight dirty smackdown voice 1 morphing head (20,-99,80,0) brows (65,34,0,25) eyes (0,0,-7,-48,3,0,-21) nose (0,88,0,0,-5,-14,-55,0) cheek (-27,-95,57,38) mouth (0,0,-55,36,34,9,0) jaw (-48,-29,0,1,-44.14) ear (17,80,-33,57) age (20) body type (0) head (-3,-5,-3) neck (-34,43,29) chest (0,0,25) shoulder (-58,20,-18) abdomen (0,29,19) waist (11,23) arms (7,9,3) hands (0,0,0) legs (10,29,25) feet (0,0,0) body skin 5 (96,50,49) face skin 2 eyes 1 (45,27,45) brows 1 (94,51,55,100) lashes 1 (default) lip 3 (97,46,44,55) teeth 1 (default) hair 17 (96,47,62) body hair 1 (default) underwear 1 (43,50,0) elbow pads 1 (43,0,16,100) knee pads 2 (43,3,12,100) socks 1 (43,0,56,100,64) socks 1 (43,0,2,100,70) shoes 16 (43,0,59) make up 131 (96,51,48,85) make up 45 (97,50,46,88) gloves 9 (43,0,14) pants 9 (43,0,15) wwe logos 64 (100,61,51,100) (place near the top of pants leaving enough space for belt) (rotate x2) (default h,smallest v) belt 14 (98,0,44,100) picture 38 (0,19,1,100) (place centred on his right shin at the front of foot) (default h,smallest v) simple 150 (40,0,31,100) (place on left side of picture making it touch bottom of shoe) simple 150 (place on other side of picture making it touch the bottom of shoe) (rotate x1) (40,0,31,100) copy the last 3 design on his other foot simple 83 (38,0,66,100) (largest h,2nd largest v) (place right at the bottom of pants on his right leg) picture 38 (0,16,39,100) (place over side pocket on his left leg) (default h,smallest v) simple 88 (38,0,59,100) (place just under previous) (largest h,smallest v) picture 80 (100,50,29,100) (place just under belt on side of his right leg) (largest h,smallest v) wwe logos 1 (81,0,38,100) (smallest v,2nd largest h) (place just under wwe logos 64) fighting style = christian signs = am i on tv? + page 10 top right corner ====================LIL' BAST***===================== little bastard shortstack default none the freak blackpool,england male diva weight dirty smackdown voice 3 morphing head (90,-99,100,-38) brows (37,0,100,2) eyes (100,100,0,-99,-99,0,-50) nose (0,-33,100,0,87,-44,66,-38) cheek (3,-73,-42,-67) mouth (5,-26,-88,33,28,69,35) jaw (0,0,0,8,74,41) ear (0,90,-14,-58) age (0) body type (0) head (100,75,60) neck (92,12,10) chest (-99,-34,1) shoulder (-99,-99,-99) abdomen (-37,-14,42) waist (-22,6) arms (-99,21,62) hands (0,0,0) legs (-99,6,12) feet (-32,-62,88) body skin 1 (96,50,50) face skin 5 eyes 16 (69,50,30) brows 36 (94,44,68,71) lashes 1 (default) lip 27 (97,50,48,100) teeth 1 (default) hair 15 (93,39,54) body hair 1 (default) underwear 1 (default) shoes 2 (43,0,38) l-hemline 49 (43,0,59) l-hemline 92 (71,30,31,100) pants 19 (69,30,29,0) hats 22 (70,50,25) (e+c only) picture 70 (99,0,65,76) (place on front of l-hemline 92) (biggest v,2nd largest h) picture 70 (99,0,65,75) (place on the left side of previous) (biggest v,2nd largest h) picture 70 (99,0,65,55) (place in the middle of previous 2 pictures) (biggest v,2nd biggest h) belt 20 (95,0,15,100) jacket 2 (64,100,31) make up 135 (96,52,51,100) make up 53 (95,41,59,100) make up 45 (96,49,52,100) make up 134 (97,50,48,100) make up 74 (96,51,50,55) simple 138 (95,41,59,51) (rotate x1) (default v,2nd biggest h) (place in between eyebrows) simple 153 (96,22,74,62) (place on forhead) (largest h,2nd biggest v) (rotate x1) simple 153 (95,23,73,59) (place above previous) (rotate x1) (largest h,smallest v) simple 147 (96,22,74,46) (place at bottom of chin) (smallest v,default h) simple 147 (97,22,68,58) (default h,smallest v) (rotate x1) (place below previous) body accessories 14 (28,0,50,100) make up 103 (97,50,1,4) brawler x2 signs = i call shena*censored*ns + son of the beast advanced = agg,less,less,less =====================BATISTA======================== batista batista dave none hacked washington dc,district of columbia male super heavyweight clean smackdown voice 5 morphing head (0,-84,45,-18) brows (43,28,68,40) eyes (0,-8,-23,-11,10,0,5) nose (100,75,0,16,-8,-44,-37,53) cheek (-25,-47,29,20) mouth (-3,-33,-77,0,80,53,28) jaw (-41,-3,9,5,-40,43) ear (72,100,19,5) age (0) body type (0) head (3,0,0) neck (-22,66,66) chest (60,24,88) shoulder (-16,50,-34) abdomen (0,31,39) waist (25,53) arms (81,55,22) hands (59,25,27) legs (86,50,50) feet (0,-27,13) body skin 4 (95,51,43) face skin 8 eyes 16 (98,50,33) brows 38 (95,37,44,92) eyeslashes hacked hair 22 (96,59,43) lip 5 (98,49,33,70) teeth 1 (default) hair 24 (95,50,46) body hair hacked hair 19 (95,38,31) underwear hacked shoes 4 (43,1,16) face other 13 (96,28,0,28) make up 135 (95,53,45,79) make up 48 (95,41,43,100) make up 131 (95,50,46,61) body paint 52 (46,64,42,20) letter chinese pg 5 3rd row 5th column (97,97,48,60) (place just above elbow pad on left arm) (default size) simple 56 (49,48,37,20) (place on side of shoulder on right arm) (biggest v, 2nd largest h) simple 103 (95,33,66,77) (rotate x2) (place in the middle of previous) (2nd largest v,default h) simple 89 (100,15,50,36) (place as far up on back) (rotate x2) (largest size) simple 33 (91,77,37,32) (default h,smallest v) (place around beely button) simple 149 (97,23,60,84) (place in between nose + lip) (default h,smallest v) underwear 1 (100,62,44,100) elbow pads 2 (43,0,16,100) knee pads 14 (40,0,15,100) word 34 (37,0,36,100) (place at the top of underwear) (2nd largest h,smallest v) picture 105 (100,0,0,100) (largest h,smallest v) (rotate x1) (place on left side in middle of underwear on front) picture 105 (100,0,0,100) (largest h,smallest v) (place centred in middle of underwear) word 106 (37,0,36,100) (largest h,smallest v) (place so its over the 2 pictures on front of underwear) picture 95 (largest h,default v) (place on right side on back of underwear) (99,0,33,100) picture 94 (largest h, default v) (place on left side of back of underwear) (99,0,33,100) picture 106 (0,0,44,100) (rotate x2) (place centred on back of underwear) (default v,largest h) simple 91 (100,100,74,100) (2nd biggest h,default v) (rotate x2) (place over previous) fighting style = batista signs = the animal, batista bomb advanced aggressive,less x3 =========================KURT ANGLE================================== kurt angle angle default none hacked pittsburgh,pennsylvania male heavyweight clean raw voice 4 morphing head (-93,-93,77,-3) brows (100,-16,46,29) eyes (0,21,-19,-38,24,0,-10) nose (0,8,100,8,0,-47,16,0) cheek (-77,-79,39,-12) mouth (55,-51,-33,-27,-33,5,31) jaw (0,-52,0,9,-30,20) ear (-32,54,-5,0) age (0) body type (0) head (6,0,0) neck (-38,62,100) chest (21,29,59) shoulder (-47,29,-40) abdomen (0,33,25) waist (1,45) arms (0,33,23) hands (0,0,0) legs (7,29,29) feet (-42,0,29) height 6'2" body skin 3 (96,51,48) face skin 8 eyes 1 (43,34,49) brows 1 (97,50,50,81) eyeslids hacked costume 15 (40,100,50,100,87) lip 26 (98,52,44,100) teeth 1 (98,34,23) hair hacked shoes 37 (43,0,13) body hair hacked knee pads 15 (43,0,15) underwear hacked costume pattern 19 (100,60,63,100) make up 135 (95,35,48,85) make up 48 (96,41,48,100) make up 130 (96,53,48,100) simple 149 (97,22,64,100) (default h,smallest v) (place in between nose and lip) underwear 3 (40,100,50,100) underwear 1 (43,0,14,100) simple 154 (largest size) (place on costume on his left side right up against the edge) (40,0,37,100) copy on his right side of costume make sure that they join at the bottom simple 153 (largest size) (rotate x1) (place on side of costume where the gap should be) (40,0,37,100) simple 153 (place on other side of costume where gap should be) (rotate x1) (largest size) (40,0,36,100) simple 154 (place on back of costume on his left side joining to the simple 153) (rotate x1) (40,0,37,100) (largest size) simple 154 (place on back of costume on his right side joining to simple 153 ) (40,0,37,100) (largest size) picture 109 (default h,smallest v) (place centred on simple 153 on his left side) (12,100,43,100) picture 109 (default h,smallest v) (place centred on simple 153 on his right side) (12,100,43,100) picture 109 (default h,smallest v) (place centred on simple 154 on his left side) (12,100,43,100) picture 109 (default h,smallest v) (place centred on simple 154 on his right side) (12,100,43,100) picture 109 (default h,smallest v) (place centred on simple 154 on left side on back of costume) (12,100,43,100) picture 109 (default h,smallest v) (place centred on simple 154 on right side on back of costume) (12,100,43,100) picture 109 (default h,smallest v) (place centred on left knee pad) (12,100,43,100) picture 109 (default h,smallest v) (place centred on right knee pad) (12,100,43,100) picture 109 (place centred on back of costume where the two simple 154's meet at the bottom) (12,100,43,100) (default v, 2nd largest h) picture 109 (place centred on front of costume where the two simple 154's meet at the bottom) (12,100,43,100) (default v,2nd largest h) fighting style = angle signs = it's true its true, ecw ============================EDGE==================================== edge edge default/rated r superstar none hacked toronto, canada male heavyweight dirty raw voice 4 morphing head (0,-51,-19,0) brows (96,33,50,0) eyes (0,14,-22,-11,11,0,2) nose (0,100,0,5,8,-36,-37,23) cheek (-99,-48,42,21) mouth (-7,20,-40,37,46,36,3) jaw (3,48,42,-68,-27,0) ear (0,60,-37,-22) age (0) body type (0) head (0,-25,-26) neck (0,20,14) chest (0,0,0) shoulder (-22,2,0) abdomen (0,7,6) waist (0,10) arms (11,0,0) hands (0,0,0) legs (25,7,9) feet (0,0,0) body skin 1 (95,50,48) face skin 1 eyes 16 (86,35,36) brows 44 (94,44,52,64) lashes hacked wristbands 15 (43,0,15,100,81) lip 27 (99,57,43,41) teeth 1 (default) hair 45 (94,39,60,0) body hair hacked elbow pads 1 (43,0,15,100) underwear hacked tights 1 (37,100,41,100,0) picture 109 (15,0,0,100) (largest h,default v) (place on side of left leg) picture 109 (15,0,0,100) (largest h, default v) (place on side of right leg) wwe logos 64 (100,0,30,100) (2nd biggest h and v) (place centred on star on left leg so it looks like rated on top of star and superstar on bottom of star) letter alphabet pg 1, R , (place in middle of star on left leg) (default size) (38,0,50,100) wwe logos 64 (100,0,30,100) (2nd biggest size) (place on right leg the same as on left leg) letter alphabet,pg1,R,(place in the middle of star on right leg) (38,0,50,100) (default size) picture 82 (93,38,39,34) (default size) (place under bottom lip) (rotate x1) face others 14 (94,44,59,41) make up 135 (97,53,46,46) letter sign pg 3 (2nd row,5th column) (96,23,39,25) (rotate x1) (place in between eyebrows at the top of nose) (largest h,2nd largest v) make up 46 (96,48,52,75) make up 133 (96,46,48,38) shoes 32 (43,0,14) feet accessories 7 (40,0,39,100) picture 109 (38,100,100,100) (place at the top of left foot accessorie) (largest h,default v) picture 109 (38,100,100,100) (place at the top of right foot accessorie) (largest h, default v) simple 153 (40,0,36,100) (place centred on star on left foot accessorie) (default h,smallest v) simple 153 (40,0,36,100) (place centred on star on right foot accessorie) (default h,smallest v) letter alphabet pg 1,R,(largest h,smallest v) (place on simple 153 on left foot accessorie) (38,0,50,100) letter alphabet pg1,R, (largest h,smallest v) (place on simple 153 on right foot accessorie) (38,0,50,100) picture 104 (place on left arm on side of shoulder) (default size) (41,41,48,20) coat 5 (43,0,10) (e+c only) ===================CHRIS BENOIT====================== chris benoit benoit default none the superstar calgary,canada make heavyweight fight clean smackdown voice 1 morphing head (0,74,74,14) brows (55,100,48,23) eyes (5,-8,-23,3,13,0,-33) nose (87,62,74,0,0,-33,-47,16) cheek (-5,-81,60,18) mouth (100,29,-38,0,35,35,53) jaw (81,58,14,-10,91,72) ear (6,82,5,-12) age (47) body type (-22) head (-8,-11,-10) neck (1,49,59) chest (32,-1,25) shoulder (-60,29,-51) abdomen (0,23,23) waist (0,25) arms (0,8,1) hands (0,0,0) legs (10,7,7) feet (0,0,0) body skin 3 (96,50,49) face skin 6 eyes 1 (46,24,44) brows 36 (94,52,51,100) lashes 1 (93,50,50) lip 7 (96,47,48,75) teeth 2 (default) hair 12 (96,48,40) hats 28 (43,50,50,0) hair 86 (96,66,41) make up 53 (97,43,53,66) make up 76 (97,47,49,100) make up 45 (96,52,49,67) face other 21 (95,50,48,45) wristbands 1 (43,0,12,100,80) tights 1 (42,100,40,100,0) knee pads 15 (42,100,43,100) leg paint 56 (85,100,100,100) leg paint 56 (83,100,100,100) leg paint 56 (0,75,69,100) mustache 1 (96,47,58,30) shoes 4 (43,0,14) make up 116 (97,49,54,23) make up 133 (96,47,46,100) make up 127 (96,53,55,23) simple 153 (96,25,73,23) (place in between nose + lip) (default h,smallest v) simple 149 (95,27,50,9) (place on top of previous) (smallest v,default h) letter numeral page 1 (4 on the first row) (place on right leg at the top) (largest h,default v) (80,100,86,100) letter page 5 (R on the last row) (place under the 4) (84,100,100,100) (largest h,smallest v) letter page 5 (E on the 2nd row) (place under the R) (84,100,100,100) (largest h,smallest v) letter page 5 (A on the first row) (place under the E) (84,100,100,100) (largest h,smallest v) letter page 5 (L on the 3rd row) (place under the A) (84,100,100,100) (largest h,smallest v) Edited October 26, 2006 by djnefilim Quote
Niles Jansen The Third Posted October 29, 2006 Posted October 29, 2006 Awesome man. Great work. Quote
Fozy Posted October 29, 2006 Posted October 29, 2006 CREDIT to american badd ass for the forms No need to thank me. Quote
deadman_cgc Posted October 31, 2006 Posted October 31, 2006 HOLY SHIT!!!!!!!! BEST FUCKING CAW'S IVE EVER FUCKING SEEN IN MY LIFE!!!!!!!! Quote
bigpoppn Posted November 5, 2006 Posted November 5, 2006 Sooooo many CAWs but there all very very very good Quote
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