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Housemate Troubles

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Right, a fit housemate of mine can't connect to the internet. Her computer recognises there's a wireless connection, but can't use it to connect to the internet. It sounds simple to fix, but I dunno how to. Little help?


Cause she's fit I feel obliged to help.

If it's through a router than internet sharing should be turned on by default. If it's though another computer then that computer will have to choose to share the internet connection. Mess around in the Network Connections and you'll eventually figure it out.

Sorry, was no help.


If she has Wireless B and you have Wireless G allowed, it could be confusing. Try things as simple as that, allow everything and see if she gets on, then try it from there.


But if the connection is B and she's configured to G, wouldn't she just not pick it up at all?


Hm I was expecting arguements between you and your housemate.

Fix the problem?


Yeah I know so was I. Very disappointing, sort it out Thom.

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