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anyone got any over the top tall tales? i need 1 related to working in a shop, any sort of shite will do.


The Don had sex.

Oh right, shop related...

The Don had sex with himself on a dirty McDonald's floor, while boiling hot fat was poured over the top of him.

Wait, that's believable.

The Don bought sex from a shop.

Shit same sorta thing as the last suggestion.

An ugly female store clerk from K Mart was attracted to The Don.


I assume you're talking about the 2004 Matt Dillon movie and not the 2006 chick flick with Jessica Simpson.


the deal is, we're running a "your best moments" thing through all our chains at work, so far they have all been shit so i wanted some sort of alien invasion, some random shit just to see if it kickstarted some good stories.....

instead i went for the "make my co-worker look like a dick" approach and told the worst story yet, he's we'll pissed... to make it worse we put his nicknasme up which he hates, its not exactly hillarious but it keeps us amused.

will post some of the worst stories later.


What's his nickname? Is it Cockbreath? Because if it is Cockbreath I can see why he might hate it.

I have a story involving a whipped cream incident on the shop floor but it ain't that interesting.


its cookie, dunno where it came from but he hates it. plus the story also made him look like a pathetic wanker it said "one time i made a cup of tea, but i forgot to boil the water, it was soooooo funny"

this got sent around all the stores so alot of the stores that know us phoned to laugh at him for such a crappy story.

its more one of those "you had to be there things" and its a crap story but he's pissed and everyone thinks he's now an idiot so its all good

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