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Who Needs Because I'll Make U Any One Because Im Cool Like That So If U Need Help With Move Set Just Call Me Up Thumps Up

Posted (edited)

U got one for Jeff Hardy? I just cant seem u make Jeff look like the way he looks now or the moves he does.

Edited by HaRdYBoY001

a Paul Birchill (sp) would be very nice, or a Jake "The Snake" Roberts would be cool. but no rush or nothin


Im Making Moveset Not Caws -.-


yea i know, i mean a Paul Birchill moveset, i thought that was kind of implied by the fact i was posting it in a 'Im Making Movesets' thread



Put The Evolition And Armbar


Can you make a good Team 3d and Abyss Moveset???


Heres Abyss

Fighting Stance - Rage

Ring In Style - Giant

Ring Out Style - Roll Out

Apron to Ring - Giant

Turnbuckle Climbing - Normal

Rising Style - Dead Man

Reversal Style - Monster



Light Striking [N] - Deadman Punch

Light Striking [o] - Toe Kick 01

Combination 2nd - Hell Punch

Combination 3rd - None

Combination 4th - None

Combination 5th - None

Combination 6th - None

Combination 7th - None

Combination 8th - None

Combination 9th - None

Combination Finish [N] - Violent Clothesline

Combination Finish [o] - Sledge Hammer

Heavy Striking [N] - Big Boot

Heavy Striking [o] - Bionic Heavy Punch


U Have A Caw Of Terry Funk ?



for Jeff Hardy do Matt Hardies moveset give him the Swanton Bomb and tweak it if u want to give him any other moves he does often.....

for Vince McMahon give him all the easy to pull off dirty moves and wrestling lifts, then give him the eugene stunner as a special.....

team 3D should hav someone like triple HHHs moveset with a few tweaks to give them the powerbomb specials and some other powerbomb regular moves....

hope that helps


Can U Give Me The Terry Funk Fomula

  • 7 months later...

how about a current undertaker moveset for dor2

  • 1 month later...

can u make the moveset 4 mvp


i need 1 for bobby lashley

ASAP :rolleyes


Is this like the newbies post section? Formulas are on almost every CAW site.


@ cm punk1 - You do know that 'Taker hasn't really changed his moveset in real life compared to the game?


no i hav a formula but no moveset :rolleyes

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