Aero Posted September 29, 2006 Posted September 29, 2006 DX Here are the finished formula (formulas typed up by Jamie) shawn michaels hbk shawn none hacked san antonio, texas male heavyweight (so he can pick kane, umaga etc up) fight clean raw voice 1 morphing head = (0,-21,28,0) brows = (47,-14,6,25) eyes = (0,-16,-34,-96,40,0,-47) nose = (0,44,0,0,0,0,-40,0) cheek = (-95,-95,14,6) mouth = (100,-10,-48,5,62,8,58) jaw = (50,17,3,-70,-7,2) ear = (-14,62,-7,-59) age = (20) body type = (23) head = (default) neck = (13,5,7) chest = (18,0,16) shoulder = (-64,23,0) abdomen = (-14,0,0) waist = (default) arms = (7,-18,-27) hands = (0,0,0) legs = (14,-5,0) feet = (default) body skin 5 (96,50,46) face skin 8 eyes 1 (42,24,46) brows 1 (95,50,49,76) lashes hacked in body hair 27 (95,50,54,100) lip 7 (96,44,47,100) teeth 1 hair 33 (93,55,54,100) body hair hacked into tights 10 (43,0,3,100,0) underwear hacked pants 59 (75,0,12,100) make-up 135 (98,50,49,83) hack in hair 83 (93,63,35,100) wristbands 1 (43,0,45,100,82) pattern simple 149 (97,25,60,57) (place in between nose and top lip) (2nd biggest h,smallest v) make-up 53 (97,40,54,100) make-up 130 (98,47,52,39) make-up 76(97,50,47,75) make-up 45 (95,49,46,100) pattern picture 144 (58,1,29,39) (smallest size) (place on left arm) pattern simple 141 (0,50,22,23) (smallest) (place just under previous) pattern simple 46 (39,0,39,38) (rotate 1x) (smallest) (place just under previous) shoes 12 (43,0,23) leg paint 67 (67,51,68,100) pattern simple 152 (66,34,66,100) (place on sode of left knee) (2nd biggest h,biggest v) copy on the other knee pattern simple 153 (65,36,66,100) (place on inside of his left leg) (smallest h,biggets v) copy and move all the way down to the bottom pattern simple 153 (65,35,66,100) (place on the insde of his right leg) (smallest h, biggest v) copy and move all the way down to the bottom pattern simple 139 (62,50,50,00) (default size) (place on side of pants right at the top) copy on the other side body accessories 20 (74,48,59,100) (E+C ONLY) fighting style = hbk signs = old school, (page 4) 1st hbk sign triple H: Triple H HHH Hunter none hacked for triple h greenwich, connecticut male 260 lbs fight clean raw voice 4 morphing head = (0,-49,-1,-8) eyebrows =(100,22,93,29) eyes =(0,10,-5,-85,6,0,-40) nose =(0,-18,60,37,0,-27,43,72) cheek =(-79,-64,32,43) mouth =(100,-60,-47,-16,47,100,51) jaw =(-44,11,29,-12,0,28) ear =(-27,66,13,-49) age =(37) body type head =(-1,-40,-23) neck =(-25,43,42) chest =(59,23,28) shoulder =(-70,33,27) waist =(0,9) arms =(14,33,21) hands =(default) legs =(38,27,25) feet =(0,-70,0) body skin 5(96,51,50) face skin 8 eyes 16 (95,47,36) brows 46 (96,47,56,79) eyelids hacked in to hair 33(94,59,54,22) lip 13(95,54,55,75) teeth = default hack in elbow pads 1 (43,0,22,100) hair 84 (93,63,48,22) underwear 4 (43,0,19) make-up 116 (98,49,50,68) make up 130 (98,52,52,73) mustache 4 (95,46,55,100) make-up 135 (97,52,51,88) sideburns 16 (95,44,59,100) face hair others 19 (95,46,58,100) head pattern simple design 147, (biggest size) (96,26,68,68) (place on cheek to cover part of the sideburns to make it thinner) copy and move to the other side of face design simple 153, (place on chin to cover up the bottom part of the face hair) (97,24,74,100) (biggest horizontal, default vertical) copy and move to the other side to cover the whole chin make-up 74 (96,57,44,34) make-up 55 (97,45,55,100) sideburns 8 (95,44,56,100) knee pads 14 (43,0,22,100) wristbands 1 (43,0,54,100,89) underwear 1 (43,0,19,100) shoes 4 (43,2,19) gloves 6 hacked for right hand only (43,0,50) pattern wwe 24 (2nd biggest h, default vertical) (place on front of underwear) (100,0,58,100) pattern wwe 24 (largest horizontal, default vertical) (place on back of underwear) (100,0,66,100) pattern picture 90 (place on front of underwear over the logo) (67,50,50,100) pattern picture 90 (place on back of underwear over the logo) (67,50,50,100) fighting style = HHH crowd signs = page 1 sign 1 and sign 2 other aggressive,less,less,less entrance easy creation = Triple h for all of them move-set HHH move-set Quote
The Phenom Posted September 29, 2006 Posted September 29, 2006 could you put this in a gave save that we could all get because some of us dont have hacking devices? Quote
bigpoppn Posted December 29, 2006 Posted December 29, 2006 f course you need to hack you saw how good they are Quote
Walter landaverde Posted April 1, 2007 Posted April 1, 2007 Shawn Michaels (2006 DX) Entrance credit to Fabri Fibra hbk none none green 3 no 2 1 1 1 fan favourite none none green 3 no 2 1 2 1 superstar 2 none titantron 2 green 3 no 6 12 5 2 hbk ring pyro 4 none green 3 yes 4 4 4 2(the best cameras i think) music HBK movie hhh(clothest things to dx movie) or hbk i like both movie look great Triple H (DX) Entrance Credit to Tazz Stage: Motion: Triple H Fireworks: None Screen effect: None Room Lighting: Green 4 Nameplate: off Camera: 7, 1, 7, 7 Ramp: Motion: Fan Favorite Fireworks: none Screen effect: none Room lighting: green 4 Nameplate: on Camera: 7, 6, 11, 11 Ring in: Motion: Triple H Fireworks: none Screen effect: titantron 2 Room lighting: green 4 Camera: 2, 1, 1, 2 Ring: Motion: Triple H Fireworks: RING PYRO 04 Screen effect: none Room lighting: green 4 Nameplate: off Camera: 1, 2, 2, 1 Movie: Triple H Music: HHH Quote
ECW rulez Posted October 24, 2007 Posted October 24, 2007 your shawn michaels and HHH looks great Quote
The Crow Posted October 26, 2007 Posted October 26, 2007 your shawn michaels and HHH looks great but you do know he hacked the game right? :rolleyes Quote
ECW rulez Posted October 26, 2007 Posted October 26, 2007 your shawn michaels and HHH looks great but you do know he hacked the game right? :rolleyes really Quote
takersfan Posted November 3, 2007 Posted November 3, 2007 ur pretty good ty btw cause i play svr06 cause i think 07 is an utter lol Quote
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