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Two Raw Spoilers

The Don

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NoDQ.com > WWE > Spoilers: Two huge angles for RAW tonight

Posted by Aaron Rift on 08/21/2006 at 12:22 PM

Credit: Dave Scherer, PWInsider

Obviously, only read this if you don't mind knowing some of what will happen at tonight's Raw.

WWE has two big angles planned for tonight's Raw, live from Bridgeport, CT.

Tonight's show is at the Arena at Harbor Yard, which is right on the shore of the Long Island Sound. WWE plans to air a fight scene between John Cena and Edge live at one of the piers with the plan being that at least one of them ends up in the water. It's supposed to air after 10:30.

Also, tonight is scheduled to be Mick Foley's last show for a while according to what he was telling people at the PPV yesterday. There was talk of him doing a "join the kiss my ass club" angle tonight with Vince McMahon and Melina turning on Mick, presumably for being a "quitter and a loser".

As of last week, they were also scheduled to do pre-tapes with some of the divas around the water as well.

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i hope my cena baby wont go into the water :(

Not another one! When will they go away?

and I hope he drowns too.

Edited by CrossFan
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the world needs cena fans for people with iq's over 90 to make fun of.


ive had honor roll at my school for 3 years,im really smart.i just think cena is mad hott.and i hope lita gets thrown over :lol

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i think cena and edge should drown and end this stupid feud. its getting really old and worn out, give someone else the belt and put cena back on smackdown where he belongs with the rest of the shitty WWE superstars (raw should trade cena for taker)

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could you check again, please?

also, cena sucks. also, people with 85 averages dont deserve any kind of recognition. fuck honor roll.

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Didn't Foley recently sign a new contract? If so, why is he fucking off?

Shit internet rumour sites.

I think Flair/Foley will continue.

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could you check again, please?

also, cena sucks. also, people with 85 averages dont deserve any kind of recognition. fuck honor roll.


lets try 96.3% average sweetie in english and chemistry.

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i have several reasons not to believe that:

a ) you're a john cena fan

b ) you post here

c ) your username

im not going to continue this anymore. if you like cena, fine. we'll just group you with the other winners gws, bbs and that other guy.

alright everyone. back to the cena bashing. thanks.

oh and praise mick foley for not kissing any old man ass.

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i have several reasons not to believe that:

a ) you're a john cena fan

b ) you post here

c ) your username

im not going to continue this anymore. if you like cena, fine. we'll just group you with the other winners gws, bbs and that other guy.

alright everyone. back to the cena bashing. thanks.

oh and praise mick foley for not kissing any old man ass.


i post here because ign.com's form were boring,and my cousin comes here all the time and doesn't have an account,so yea,plus some of the topics are really interesting,like this one guy can make a caw of yourself,i could fight here all day but im not. :tired

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you should see my tubgirl topic in the porn forum. its awesome.

and agreed. ign forums suck. theres more retards there than there are....here...or something.

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why are you guys ripping on this poor girl? leave her alone, so what she likes cena, weve established that she likes him and most people dont, so what. its her choice who she likes and who she doesnt. and who are any of us to say wether or not shes actually an honour roll student.....who cares? you like cena, fine, i dont, and neither do a lot of people....o well, lets just leave it at that

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Everyone get off of UrLittleChicax3's ass. She's new, she's a Cena fan, so what? Let's talk about RAW, not UrLittleChicax3.

Since Sal has been an ass, I will waive my obligatory "Who in the fuck are you?" comment with a "Hello UrLittleChicax3, welcome to SmackTalks!, nevermind Sal, he is just trying to win the Most Argumentative award."

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~~SAL~~ its been established that i rip on anyone and everyone. especially new people. you should know that by now.

i do know that, but your ripping on her because you think shes not an honour roll student....the cena thing in understand (cuz hes a giant douchebag) but the honour roll thing? come on, thats pointless

Edited by Jhardy_jr
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don, you're just mad because you couldnt get your "WHO IN THE FUCK ARE YOU" comment before anyone flamed her.

speaking of which, theres a new member in o/t. get him before i do.

*edit* jhardy, i didnt say "SAL" in my post. stop fucking with quotes, asshole.

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i know you didnt say that but im not sure how to put your name and all that shit in the top of the quote bar.....so i put it there

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