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i will make any wrestler caw you want, i make better caws when other people want em. and you have to post pics of the wrestlers you want, or else i wont make em.

the pics must include:

detailed front view

full body view( for the attire and stuff)

i havent posted any good caws recently, but i am working on a lex luger, and so far its pretty good.

i will only make 6 caws...... so first come first serve


Yeah um i want to get a warm up guy and i tried to make the coach, but he doesnt look like him at all. do you think you could make a good one. if you can thank ya


your fricken copying me!


your fricken copying me!


yea srry about that, but i do better when other people tell me to make caws, if i just make one i wouldnt know if people would like him or not

but sorry about copying u, can i continue with this?????

i am asking u


Yeah um i want to get a warm up guy and i tried to make the coach, but he doesnt look like him at all. do you think you could make a good one. if you can thank ya


yea i will give it a shot


your fricken copying me!


yea srry about that, but i do better when other people tell me to make caws, if i just make one i wouldnt know if people would like him or not

but sorry about copying u, can i continue with this?????

i am asking u


go ahead just saying... how about you are the wrestler CAW guy and i am celebs and stuff.


o yea and vanterminator, i got your caw ready, i just have to type it up, then i will post it in caw section


damn, this is going to be hard, but i will try....... will do it tomorrow, once i post him can u take pics and post em here


yo but the attire thingy doesnt work, i clicked it but it didnt work, but is it the red and black one


ok thats cool just do any attire.And I can't post pics but if anyone does him please post pics


yo man, i will post the formula, but i cant get the pics


thats ok its just to anyone who can


i made yokozuna, it looks friken good to me, but i dont know about u


Do any one of these three Jimmy hart,Jimmy Snuka or Roddy piper


Do any one of these three Jimmy hart,Jimmy Snuka or Roddy piper


yo srry man, i tried to make roddy piper, jimmy hart and jimmy snuka, but i just couldnt get it


chris sabin, ok


k, i will try


yo havochavit, get me some good pics of his face, and attire and i will do it, cause i cant seem to find any good pics


hey can you make Junkyard dog or Ted Deibasie and if you can make a movset for them


i will make junkyard dog as soon as possible


i am done making him. its the one with no beard, and red pants, it looks pretty good to me, but i dont know about u. i will post the formula tomorrow, and i will try getting the moveset too

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