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heh this should be interesting

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last year when i talked to cmx he said this game will most likely have the labels and functions all in this games slus.

lets hope so so we can get back to hackin' this game like sym.


I wonder if the hacking will ever be as good as it was for SD2kyr, there was some awesome codes for that game


Yup better start making list of what people want. cause with the blood its going to be alot of ideas


i dunno guys, do you think we're ready?

fickin' i can think of 100 codes off the top of my head.

does anyone know how many dudes are on the team this year?

hopefully we can get in the 30's.


well there is me, Kinji, smouthboy, boytoy, i might be missing some. But mostly they will hack and i will stand back and take credit ;)


dis year am gona make the effort an try an learn, last year i jus leeched the codes off yas

gona attempt dis year lol

welcome bak again nick by da way


What up y'all?! What up Nick?! I haven't been here in a minute, but I'll never forget where all the best codes come from (i.e. here); so's the hacking for SD!HCTP gone down yet? Dying for some "Pins ON/OFF" codes, etc. right about now. Be back to "test" soon, so good luck w/ the hackin.

P.S. Will Tokidiom be hackin SD!HCTP too? Both Nick and Tokidiom on board... here's hoping.


ComPeterGames_V1 :sleep


i talked with toki and i think he said he would have a go at hacking this but we'll see what happens


CMX was right, i does have labels. But unfortunatly I can't hack them because I lost my gameshark cartridge. :>


when i get it, ill be on it. I did a few codes for SYM. But yeah imma totally be hackin it, only problem is unless i get a job, its gonna be christmas before i get it :'( oh well, heres to hoping


even if you don't have the game you could download the slus file and ps2dis program to find codes. for it so please it will be a help to those hackers. if you need the slus email me at



anyone who has the SLUS file could you e-mail it to me. The like by kid-Minus doesnt work for me.



im also in dyer need of the slus lol.

can someone send it to bicyclesgalore@hotmail.com


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