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CAW Mods Repost

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the music u dont know that ends in 53 is billy gunn, i've got it all....

and the other one u dont know is t&a *test and albert, w/trish...*


his video is already in the game though.....??? :x i dont get y u have it w/the unchooseables?


k, i will just use it and see the difference then, but can u get the shane'o'mac's music in the game, cuz if they took his video out, i bet they took his music out too.....so lemme know if u can.....


It's in the unselectables because it's for Sean Morley, different from The Big Valbowski. You dare question me?

All the unselectables (video & music) cause lockups in the Create Entrance Menu.

And Shane's video IS in the game, but most likely not the music. Somebody would have found it by now.



I was messing 'round with the music values, & 0000006E ended up being Chris Jericho 2 instead of Maven. I tested a few values & here's what the results were for me.

5E: Maven (Real Theme)

5F: X-Pac (DX)

60: Jazz

61: Eddie Guerrero

62: Billy Kidman

63: Al Snow

64: Mark Henry

65: Ivory

66: Randy Orton

67: The Big Valbowski

68: Hardcore Holly

69: Shawn Stasiak

6A: Shawn Michaels

6B: Debra

6C: Linda McMahon

6D: Triple H 2

6E: Chris Jericho 2

6F: Kurt Angle

70: Albert/X-Pac (X-Factor)

Posted (edited)

I was wondering has there been a value found for the no mercy video the other videos are cool but I would like the no mercy video for my CAWs aka the Vampyres Ruben,Ravnos,and Ruvven aka :evil THE BLOODKNIGHTS :evil

Thanks up front for your time of reading and answering

Edited by BloodKnight13
Posted (edited)

My bad. must be a typo. Yup. I was reading my list wrong. Fixed 'em. Thx Trigin.

I've checked every value from 00-whichever one I listed and higher. Once I found every selectable value and consistently found nothing new afterwards, I quit looking for additional values. Normally there won't be any other values you can use.

Didn't find any PPV videos.


Edited by tokidoim

Yah, I found every one, but DDP's is already selectable, so it's useless. If you want to find something new, you'll have to go higher than any of the values I listed and prepare for a lot of tedious tinkering with the codes.



Tokidoim, I've been testing the Layer Modifiers for CAW 13 you talked about a while ago. ...don't know if you have some of these - probably all & more - but this is what I found today. ...hope it helps.

...tested most all of these on a Type 2 model - ya' know, the one with boobs. Some of the effects - broad shoulders, missing lower half of abdomen, etc. - might be different for a Type 1, because the Pants - Pants modifier didn't affect it at all.

Layer Modifiers (HEX [NTSC])

Layer 4 - Negative Offset: E0000360

Layer 5 - Negative Offset: E0000310

Layer 6 - Negative Offset: E0000300

Layer 7 - Negative Offset: E00002F0

Layer 8 - Negative Offset: E00002E0

Layer 40 - Negative Offset: E00000E0


00000000 Skin

00010000 FROZE

00020000 FROZE

00030000 Head (shoulders are broad)

00040000 Eyes

00050000 FROZE

00060000 Glasses

00070000 Hair

00080000 Eyebrows

00090000 Mustache

000A0000 Paint

000B0000 Cheek

000C0000 Masks

000D0000 Caps & Hats

000E0000 Face - Accessories

000F0000 dmy (freezes when selected)

00100000 FROZE




00140000 FROZE

00150000 Body - Underwear

00160000 No Sleeves

00170000 T-Shirts

00180000 Shirts

00190000 Vest

001A0000 Costum

001B0000 One Piece

001C0000 Body - Accessories

001D0000 Body - Tattoo

001E0000 Jackets - Jacket

001F0000 Jackets - Coat

00200000 FROZE



00230000 FROZE


00250000 FROZE



00280000 Elbow Pads

00290000 Wrist Bands

002A0000 Arms - Accessories

002B0000 Arms - Tattoo

002C0000 FROZE



002F0000 FROZE

00300000 FROZE




00340000 FROZE




00380000 FROZE

003C0000 Waist - Underwear

003D0000 Belts

003E0000 FROZE


00400000 FROZE




00440000 FROZE




00480000 FROZE


004A0000 Pants - Short Pants (lower half of abdomen is missing - is fixed after selecting another pair of short pants)

004B0000 Pants - Pants (lower half of abdomen is missing - is fixed after selecting another pair of pants)

004C0000 Pants - Mini Skirt (lower half of abdomen is missing - is fixed after selecting another mini skirt)

004D0000 Pants - Skirt (lower half of abdomen is missing - is fixed after selecting another skirt)

004E0000 Pants - Long Skirt (lower half of abdomen is missing - is fixed after selecting another skirt)

004F0000 FROZE

00500000 Socks

00510000 Shoes

00520000 FROZE


00540000 FROZE




00580000 FROZE

00590000 Design - Letters - Body - Sign

005A0000 Design - Word - Body (Word begins on back - is moveable around all of upper torso)

005B0000 Design - Pattern - Body - WWE (Pattern begins on back - is moveable around all of upper torso)

005C0000 Design - Letters - Body - Alphabet (Letter begins on back - is moveable around all of upper torso)

005D0000 Design - Letters - Body - Numeral (Number begins on back - is moveable around all of upper torso)

005E0000 Design - Letters - Body - Chinese (Letter begins on back - is moveable around all of upper torso)

005F0000 Design - Letters - Body - Japanese (Letter begins on back - is moveable around all of upper torso)

00600000 Horns

00610000 FROZE

00620000 FROZE

00630000 FROZE

00640000 Paint (freezes when editing)




00680000 o (its effect is paint - freezes when selected)


You gots to be more specific to hack useful codeses. You've definitely got the right idea, but you want to try to narrow it down to 8-bit, 16-bit, or 32-bit codes. Odds are, if you're using a 32-bit code, you're going to effect more than one characteristic, so you're bound to get confused as to exactly what changes are being made.

Start small with an 8-bit code. Once you figure out what the addy actually does, you can usually use common sense to figure out if there's going to be more than FF values. That's when you go up to a 16-bit code, where the values go up to FFFF.

What you should try to do is break down the 32-bit codes you're messing around with into the 4 8-bit addys and see which addys are doing stuff and which aren't.

From what I remember of the Layer addy's, the ones that actually determine what the layers are, I think there's one addy ( the one where you're changing the value ) that tells the game what type of clothing is there, and the following 16-bit addy tells it which item of clothing it is. I think the last 0000 of your values are messing up some stuff, telling the game conflicting values.

Keep at it, though. You'll probably figure out some cool useful stuff!



Thanks for the criticism. I gots lots to learn, & I'll start with 8-bit as you suggested. Keep up the great work, Tokidoim!


can someone hack the stable music so i can make dx w\music


I didn't know if anybody new this but I tried the savable code for christian's (out of date) version and what I got got was a crackling sound on the intro no music and not much sound. Now is that what everybody else got or did I do something wrong?? :o:lol

  • 4 weeks later...

Bumped for this:

Offset : Characteristic

00000141 : Side

You can use this to keep your stables together, but I will not be held responsible for whatever might happen if you have too few superstars on either side.

Values :

000000FF : Blue ( Smackdown! / Owner )

00000000 : Red ( RAW / Superstars )


  • 2 months later...

Sorry just bumping, was looking for something and couldn't find the main post with all the mods. :)

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