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CAW Mods Repost

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also with the 'one legged' code, u can't leave the ring unless u are thrown over the ropes by the oppenent - moves where u dive to outside also don't work.


could someone post the 1 legged code please.


It's on the first page of this topic below the caw body part mods


Well,I'm done hacking for a loooooong time.

Thanks to tokidoims hard work in his findings from my caw code,He's found everthing in the game I was looking for.No more trial and error testing for a long time for me.

Thanks tokidoim.


Here is what i have right now i still have a lot of pages to sort through


131C-Taunt Austin 1

1761-Taunt Austin 2

2602-Taunt Brother 4

2337-Taunt Chuck

232C-Taunt Dancing 1

234C-Taunt Goldust 1

234D-Taunt Goldust 2

234E-Taunt Goldust 3

2334-Taunt HBK 1

2335-Taunt Kurt Angle 1

2336-Taunt Kurt Angle 2

2332-Taunt Molly Holly 1

2604-Taunt RVD 7

2605-Taunt RVD 8

2600-Taunt Tajiri 4


1449- 3 Handled Credenza (SP)

17eb- 39 Fire Spin

17B4-39 Stretch

0960- 3D

0967- 3D B

0DFD- 5 Star Frog Splash (SP)


151b- Abdominal Stretch 1

1531-Abdominal Stretch 2

1759-Abdominal Stretch 3

163A-Accident 2

139A-Angle Slam 1 (SP)

14e6- Angel Slam 2 (SP)

0F0A-Angry Stomp

1838 - Ankle Lock

1766-Armbar 1

1765-Armbar 2

17B0-Armbar 3

1745 - Armbar

1315-Arm Drag 4

1592 - Arm Drag 5

13A5-Arm Wrench

1319-Armwrech And Elbow

141A-Arm Wrench Hip Throw

1283-Arm Wrench Hook Kick 1

1283-Arm Wrench & Hook Kick 2

0EA7-Asai Moonsault

14C1-Atomic Drop

1775-Atomic Leg Drop 1 (Sp)

1776-Atomic Leg Drop 2 (Sp)

16da - Austin Attack

12CE-Austin Back Chop

0F0C-Austin Elbow Attack

186C-Austin Elbow Drop

1311-Austin Knee Strike 2

142C-Austin Spinebuster 1

159C-Austin Spinebuster 2


1414 - Back Bodydrop Pin

1414-Back Body Suplex

Oc95- Backbreaker And Leg Drop

1539-Backdrop & Cocky Pin

0cf1 - Back Elbow Attack

Obbf- Back Elbow Strike

1626- Back Elbow Strike1

1629- Back Elbow Strike 2

0bbf - Back Elbow Smash

1598 - Back Flip To Pancake

142A-Backflip To Pancake 2

14bb- Back Side Slam

1411-Baldo Bomb

0E22-Banzai Drop

0CAE-Back Kick 2

0E74-Baseball Slide

1411- Blado Bomb

0c04 - Blackman Quick Kick

131F-Bearhug 2

13b7- Bearhug Front Slam

1679- Beat Head

1401- Belly To Back Slam.

1402- Belly To Back Suplex.

13F5- Belly To Belly

0bbe- Big Boot

1762-Big Elbow Drop And Pin

1419-Big Knee Smash

0DFC- Big Senton Bomb (SP)

175B-Big Splash Pin

176C-Big Stomp

17E6-Big Swing

1630 - Big Thump

096E-Body Attack

1421-Body Press Bomb

13da - Body Press Drop

13d9 - Body Press Drop Foreword

13C6-Body Press Front Slam

13BC-Body Press Slam

162e - Body Strikes

1404-Bomb To Facebuster

13b5- Book End 1 (Sp)

1458- Book End 2 (Sp)

1774-Booker T Knee Drop 2

1453- Booker T Scoop Slam

187e- Booker T Special (SP)

1454- Booker T Spine Buster

0CA7-Booker T Spinning Kick

17DC-Boston Crab

183C-Bow And Arrow Lock

17A1- Bow Back Breaker

17AF-Bow Back Breaker

0bfb - Boxing Body Blow

0bfc - Boxing Strong Upercut

1442- Brain Breaker


1410-Brainbuster DDT

13E5- Brainbuster Pin (SP)

0CF3-Bronco Buster

1475- Bubba Cutter (SP)

0CB5-Bubba Ray Punches 2

1773-Buffalo Sleeper

1764-Butterfly Lock

1772-Buzzsaw Kick (Sp)


0962- Calf Kick And Sweep

17A3-Camel Clutch 1

17B5-Camel Clutch 2

0c8e - Capporia Spinkick

17a4 - Chicken Wing Cross Face

17B6-Chicken Wing Stretch

162a- Chokeslam



the value for the reverse peachrana pin is wrong. it turns out to be the back rake. if anyone knows the correct value, it is much appreciated.


00E0 is some sort of dodge animation. Maybe you can use this to make people do certain things like if we make a barbwire or something like that.



What are the modifiers for layer lengths? I understand that these would only work on layers that can normally be lengthened or shortened, but is it possible to use these to lengthen or shorten one side of a layer; for example, a shirt sleeve?


The length mods don't do anything that can't already be done in create mode.

You could use the layer effect modifiers to make one sleeve shorter than the other. Make your CAW have 2 shirts that are identical except for sleeve length. Make sure the long sleeved shirt is in layer 8 and use the layer 8 effect mod to make that shirt show up on only half the CAW.

When you turn off the code you can move the layer if you need to. If you move it with the code on, whatever gets shifted into layer 8 will only be on half the CAW.



Wait a sec......I'm still a little confused about the directions. Are these codes for the GS2v2/AR2 or somethin else?


All the codes are in HEX NTSC format. The directions tell you everything you need to know to convert to any cheat device.


  • 2 weeks later...

just bumpin this back up coz its a bitch 2 find


sorry my bro deleted my stuff on my laptop so i am gonna start the list again.

so if there are any moves not listed in the list K-Minus has there plese add them here


hey tokidoim here is wat u were asking for the other day or last week w/e ne wayz trigin posted it as a link in one of his replies so i added a reply to this page to get it back out in the open!!! and ur superstar mods one too!!!! ;)


Bumped for Update including Move Mod Offsets for Walking Style, Edge of a Ceiling moves, and Rope Down move ( there it is, Dacrone...if all you're going to do is put the West Coast Pop as a Rope Down move, don't bother, they'll teleport to the nearest corner ) + Fixed the Ground Strike Left/Right Offset.



Wondering if you could post the code for the Angle Lock 2


Got that posted in "The move list" thread.

Also bumped for update including Running Style, Winning Move, Entrance Move, Ring In, Ring Out, Combination Strike 2 & 3, and Favorite Move 1, 2, & 3. Some of these I don't have any values for, yet. I don't know when I'll get around to it.



hhmmm...i wonder if you put a aerial move as a combo strike will the option come up 2 reverse it?? I cant be farked 2 test it myself


I'm Looking for "Edge Spear" addy to put it as a running attack to My CAW Goldberg...Does some1 Know what the addy is??


Supa Fly - You won't be able to reverse it in the Create Moves menu, but I believe the moves get reversed by adding 8000 to the value.

Psycosmack - There's like 3 or 4 different Spear values that can be used depending on if you want it as a strike or a grapple. They're all in " The move list " thread.

Also bumped for update including J.R. & King commentary ID offset. For those of you who make CAWs to Update Superstar's appearances and just can't do without J.R. spouting off about " Hellfire and Brimstone" blah blah blah.



Bumped for consolidation of CAW mods & Superstar Mods into one post.



Bumped for update including offsets for Classification ( heavy/cruiserweight ) , Entrance Video ( w/ a few unselectables ) , Entrance Music ( w/ many unselectables-check it out, you poor PAL bastards ) and Logic 1 & 2.


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