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CAW Mods Repost

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Posted (edited)

Updated to include all Regular Superstar Mods, since all are the same except for the Negative offsets.

Directions :

1 - Open up kpdavatar's code converter thingy

2 - Scroll down and select the BCA99B83 button

3 - Scroll up and select the HEX button

4 - Find the address of the superstar you want to modify

5 - Put the address in the Code box

6 - Find the offset for the characteristic you want to modify

7 - Put the offset in the Hex Offset box

8 - Click the Add Offset button

9 - Find the value that represents what you want to change the characteristic to

10 - Put the value in the Code box after the address ( doesn't matter if you leave a space or not )

11 - Convert from NTSC ( US ) to PAL ( Europe ) if necessary

12 - Select the button for your cheat device

NTSC to PAL conversion :

- Put 00002380 in the Offset box

- Click the Add Offset button


CAW 1 : 0040A688

CAW 2 : 0040B15C

CAW 3 : 0040BC30

CAW 4 : 0040C704

CAW 5 : 0040D1D8

CAW 6 : 0040DCAC

CAW 7 : 0040E780

CAW 8 : 0040F254

CAW 9 : 0040FD28

CAW 10 : 004107FC

CAW 11 : 004112D0

CAW 12 : 00411DA4

CAW 13 : 00412878

CAW 14 : 0041334C

CAW 15 : 00413E20

CAW 16 : 004148F4

CAW 17 : 004153C8

CAW 18 : 00415E9C

CAW 19 : 00416970

CAW 20 : 00417444

CAW 21 : 00417F18

CAW 22 : 004189EC

CAW 23 : 004194C0

CAW 24 : 00419F94

CAW 25 : 0041AA68

CAW 26 : 0041B53C

CAW 27 : 0041C010

CAW 28 : 0041CAE4

CAW 29 : 0041D5B8

CAW 30 : 0041E08C

CAW 31 : 0041EB60

CAW 32 : 0041F634

The Rock : 0041FD94

Steve Austin : 0041FEDC

Triple H : 00420024

Undertaker : 0042016C

Rob Van Dam : 004202B4

Kurt Angle : 004203FC

Chris Jericho : 00420544

Kane : 0042068C

Booker T : 004207D4

Chris Benoit : 0042091C

Edge : 00420A64

Christian : 00420BAC

Matt Hardy : 00420CF4

Jeff Hardy : 00420E3C

Lita : 00420F84

Bubba Ray Dudley : 004210CC

D-von Dudley : 00421214

William Regal : 0042135C

Lance Storm : 004214A4

DDP : 004215EC

Stephanie McMahon : 00421734

Vince McMahon : 0042187C

WSM ( Wouldabeen Shane McMahon ) : 004219C4

Farooq : 11421B0C

Bradshaw : 00421C54

Test : 00421D9C

Big Show : 00421EE4

Trish Stratus : 0042202C

Tajiri : 00422174

Rikishi : 004222BC

Ric Flair : 00422404

Stacy Kiebler : 0042254C

Hulk Hogan : 00422694

Kevin Nash : 004227DC

Rico : 00422924

Chuck : 00422A6C

Billy : 00422BB4

Albert : 00422CFC

Scotty 2 Hotty : 00422E44

Tazz : 00422F8C

The Hurricane : 004230D4

Molly Holly : 0042321C

Torrie Wilson : 00423364

Spike Dudley : 004234AC

Brock Lesnar : 004235F4

Rhyno : 0042373C

Raven : 00423884

Maven : 004239CC

X-pac : 00423B14

Jazz : 00423C5C

Michael Cole : 00423DA4

Earl Hebner : 00423EEC

Jim Ross : 00424034

Jerry Lawler : 0042417C

Debra : 004242C4

Linda McMahon : 0042440C

Eddie Guerrero : 00424554

Billy Kidman : 0042469C

Al Snow : 004247E4

Mark Henry : 0042492C

Ivory : 00424A74

Randy Orton : 00424BBC

The Big Valbowski : 00424D04

Hardcore Holly : 00424E4C

Shawn Stasiak : 00424F94

Shawn Michaels : 004250DC

Goldust : 00425224


Ability Points :

Offset : Characteristic

00000000 : Attack Power

00000001 : Attack Speed

00000002 : Attack Technique

00000003 : Attack Roughneck

00000004 : Defense Power

00000005 : Defense Speed

00000006 : Defense Technique

00000007 : Defense Roughneck

Known Values : 00000000 - 00000005


Move Modifiers :

Offset : Characteristic

10000008 : Fighting Style

1000000A : Taunt L2

1000000C : Taunt L2 Down

1000000E : Taunt L2 Left

10000010 : Launt L2 Up

10000012 : Taunt L2 Right

10000014 : Special Weapon 1

10000016 : Special Weapon 2

10000018 : Special 1

1000001A : Special 2

1000001C : Ready Grapple

1000001E : Ready Grapple Down

10000020 : Ready Grapple Left

10000022 : Ready Grapple Up

10000024 : Ready Grapple Right

10000026 : G1 Grapple

10000028 : G1 Grapple Down

1000002A : G1 Grapple Left

1000002C : G1 Grapple Up

1000002E : G1 Grapple Right

10000030 : G2 Grapple Down

10000032 : G2 Grapple Left

10000034 : G2 Grapple Up

10000036 : G2 Grapple Right

10000038 : Ready Strike

1000003A : Ready Strike Down

1000003C : Ready Strike Down Diagonals

1000003E : Ready Strike Left

10000040 : Ready Strike Up Diagonals

10000042 : Ready Strike Up

10000044 : Ready Strike Right

10000048 : Ready Back Grapple Down

1000004A : Ready Back Grapple Left

1000004C : Ready Back Grapple Up

1000004E : Ready Back Grapple Right

10000052 : G1 Back Grapple Down

10000054 : G1 Back Grapple Left

10000056 : G1 Back Grapple Up

10000058 : G1 Back Grapple Right

1000005C : Ground Upper Grapple Down

1000005E : Ground Upper Grapple Left

10000060 : Ground Upper Grapple Up

10000062 : Ground Upper Grapple Right

10000066 : Ground Lower Grapple Down

10000068 : Ground Lower Grapple Left

1000006A : Ground Lower Grapple Up

1000006C : Ground Lower Grapple Right

1000006E : Walking Style

10000070 : The Edge of a Ceiling Front O-button

10000072 : The Edge of a Ceiling Front Direction+O-button

10000074 : The Edge of a Ceiling Back O-button

10000076 : The Edge of a Ceiling Back Direction+O-button

10000078 : Ground Strike

1000007A : Ground Strike Up/Down

1000007C : Ground Strike Left/Right

1000007E : Rope Down

10000082 : TB Grapple Down

10000084 : TB Grapple Left

10000086 : TB Grapple Up

10000088 : TB Grapple Right

1000008C : TB Back Grapple Down

1000008E : TB Back Grapple Left

10000090 : TB Back Grapple Up

10000092 : TB Back Grapple Right

10000094 : TB Standing Strike

10000096 : TB Standing Strike D-Pad

1000009A : TB Down Grapple

1000009C : TB Down Strike

1000009E : Aerial Ground

100000A0 : Aerial Ground Down

100000A2 : Aerial Standing Left

100000A4 : Aerial Ground Up

100000A6 : Aerial Standing Right

100000A8 : Rebound Jump Over

100000AA : Rebound Standing

100000AC : Rebound Ground

100000AE : Rebound Over Side

100000B4 : Running Grapple

100000B6 : Running Grapple D-pad

100000B8 : Running Strike

100000BA : Running Strike D-pad

100000BC : Running Ground Strike

100000BE : Running Ground Strike D-Pad

100000C0 : Running Style

100000C2 : Running Back Grapple

100000C4 : Running Back Grapple D-Pad

100000C6 : Running Counter Grapple

100000C8 : Running Counter Grapple Up/Down

100000CA : Running Counter Grapple Left/Right

100000CC : Doubleteam

100000CE : Doubleteam Down

100000D0 : Doubleteam Left

100000D2 : Doubleteam Up

100000D4 : Doubleteam Right

100000D8 : TB Doubleteam Down

100000DA : TB Doubleteam Left

100000DC : TB Doubleteam Up

100000DE : TB Doubleteam Right

100000E2 : Winning Move

100000E4 : Entrance Moves

100000E6 : Ring In Move

100000E8 : Ring Out Move

100000EA : Combination Strike 2

100000EC : Combination Strike 3

100000EE : Favorite 1

100000F0 : Favorite 2

100000F2 : Favorite 3

Known Values: 0000????

All values that can be used for regular wrestlers are the same for CAWs


Offset : Characteristic

100000F4 : Specific Size modifier ( 16-bit )

Values : ( The larger the value, the bigger they get )

00000000 : Speck-sized

Most superstars are between 00001000 and 00001100

00001200 : Larger than 7'2

00002300 : Huge

000000F5 : Broad Size Modifier ( 8-bit )

Values : ( The larger the value, the bigger they get )

00000000 : Speck-sized

Most superstars are 00000010 or 00000011

00000012 : Larger than 7'2

00000023 : Huge

Note: The farther past maximum or minimum size you go, the more deformed a CAW becomes.

You'll have more control of CAW size if you use this code in the Edit Height menu

Bigger/Smaller CAW ( HEX )

002E03E8 000000C0

002E0400 00000020


Offset : Characteristic

100000F6 : J.R & King will call wrestler by this name

Values : 0000???? ( NOT ALL HAVE BEEN TESTED - This is a copy&paste from the Change Champs in season mode thread, it seems to follow the same pattern )

0000 : The Rock

0001 : Steve Austin

0002 : Triple H

0003 : Undertaker

0004 : Rob Van Dam

0005 : Kurt Angle

0006 : Chris Jericho

0007 : Kane

0008 : Booker T

0009 : Chris Benoit

000A : Edge

000B : Christian

000C : Matt Hardy

000D : Jeff Hardy

000E : Lita

000F : Bubba Ray Dudley

0010 : D-von Dudley

0011 : William Regal

0012 : Lance Storm

0013 : DDP

0014 : Stephanie McMahon

0015 : Vince McMahon

0016 : WSM ( Wouldabeen Shane McMahon )

0017 : Farooq

0018 : Bradshaw

0019 : Test

001A : Big Show

001B : Trish Stratus

001C : Tajiri

001D : Rikishi

001E : Ric Flair

001F : Stacy Kiebler

0020 : Hulk Hogan

0021 : Kevin Nash

0022 : Rico

0023 : Chuck

0024 : Billy

0025 : Albert

0026 : Scotty 2 Hotty

0027 : Tazz

0028 : The Hurricane

0029 : Molly Holly

002A : Torrie Wilson

002B :Spike Dudley

002C : Brock Lesnar

002D : Rhyno

002E : Raven

002F : Maven

0030 : X-pac

0031 : Jazz

0032 : Michael Cole

0033 : Earl Hebner

0034 : Jim Ross

0035 : Jerry Lawler

0036 : Debra

0037 : Linda McMahon

0038 : Eddie Guerrero

0039 : Billy Kidman

003A : Al Snow

003B : Mark Henry

003C : Ivory

003D : Randy Orton

003E : The Big Valbowski

003F : Hardcore Holly

0040 :Shawn Stasiak

0041 : Shawn Michaels

0042 : Goldust


Name Modifiers

Offset : Characteristic

000000F8 : First Letter - A value of 00000000 for the first letter removes the wrestler from Season Mode

000000F9 - up : Second Letter-up

If changing a name to something shorter than the original, set 00 after the last letter )

You can use 16 and 32-bit codes to change more than 1 letter at a time )

For 8-bit codes ( 1 Letter ) place 000000 before the value

Add 00000001 to the Address for your next code

For 16-bit codes ( 2 Letters ) exchange the first 0 of the ADDRESS with 1

AND use this format 0000YYXX, where XX is the value for the first letter you want to use and YY is the value for the next

Add 00000002 to the ADDRESS for your next code

For 32-bit codes ( 4 Letters ) exchange the first 0 of the ADDRESS with 2

AND use this format LLZZYYXX, where XX is the first letter, YY is the second, etc, etc

Add 00000004 to the ADDRESS for your next code

Note that 16 and 32 bit codes require the values for letters to be entered in reverse for each address.

Example :

Albert changes to A Train

20422DF4 72542041

20422DF8 006E6961

If you translate the VALUE from HEX into TEXT, it reads

20422DF4 : rT A

20422DF8 : nia
























































Offset : Characteristic

0000013A : Gender

( Can be used to play as females in season )

Values :

00000000 : Male

00000001 : Female


Offset : Characteristic0000013D : Classification


00000000 : Heavyweight

00000001 : Cruiserweight


Offset : Characteristic

0000013E : Entrance Video

Unselectable Values:

00000044 : Shane McMahon

0000004C : Sean Morley

0000004E : Torrie Bikini ( locks up )


Offset : Characteristic

0000013F : Entrance Music

Unselectable Values:

00000000 : Main Menu BGM

00000001 : Exhibition Menu BGM

00000002 : Create Menu BGM

00000003 : Season Menu BGM

00000004 : Real American ( Credits Version )

00000005 : BGM 1

00000006 : BGM 2

00000007 : BGM 3

00000008 : BGM 4

00000009 : BGM 5

0000000A : BGM 6

0000000B : BGM 7

0000000C : PPV 1

0000000D : PPV 2

0000000E : PPV 3

00000028 : RAW ( Abridged Intro Version )

0000002E : Smackdown! ( Lyrics Version )

0000002F : Short F

Edited by tokidoim

Find a Move?

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0320-Irish Whip



0960-Dudley Death Drop 1

0961-Spine & Neckbreaker

0964-Cool Elbow Drop

0966-Stomach Crusher

0967-Dudley Death Drop 2

096C-Side Walk & Reverse DDT

096E-Body Attack

0971-Whip & On All Fours

0972-Whip & Lay Down

0977-Double Chokeslam

0979-Groin Press

097A-Kick To Stomach

097E-Atomic Leg Drop

09C4-Super Double Powerbomb 1

09C7-Spike Piledriver

0A28-Double Suplex 1

0A29-Double Clothesline

0A2D-Dudley Death Drop

0A2E-Double Suplex 2

0A2F-Double Dropkick

0A30-Double Punches 1

0A38-STO & Sweep

0A39-German Suplex & STO

0A3B-Double Facecrusher

0A3C-Double Flapjack

0A8C-Suplex & Cross Body

0BB8-Austin Punches 1

0BB9-Shake Jab

0BBA-Spinning Wheel Kick 1

0BBB-Clothesline 1

0BBC-Middle Kick 1

0BBD-Spinning Kick

0BBE-Big Boot 1

0BBF-Back Elbow Smash

0BC0-Body Punch

0BC1-Shuffle Side Kick 1

0BC2-Toe Kick 1

0BC3-Kane Throat Thrust 1

0BC4-Low Kick 1

0BC5-Elbow Smash 1

0BC6-Slap 1

0BC7-Snap Jab

0BC8-Spinning Back Kick 1


0BCA-Overhand Chop

0BCB-Throat Thrust 1

0BCC-Back Chop 1

0BCD-Mongolian Chop

0BCE-Double Axe Handle 1


0BD4-Overhand Punch 1

0BD5-People's Punch 1

0BF5-Spinning Back Chop

0BF6-Strong Spinning Elbow

0BF7-Boxing Snap Jab

0BF8-Boxing Straight Punch

0BF9-Boxing Uppercut

0BFA-Boxing Hook Punch

0BFB-Boxing Body Blow

0BFC-Boxing Strong Uppercut

0BFD-Boxing Quick Jab

0BFF-People's Punch 2

0C00-Karate Straight Punch

0C01-Karate Slide

0C02-Fake Roundhouse Kick

0C03-Bubba Ray Punches 1

0C04-Quick Kick

0C05-Spinning Back Elbow

0C06-Woman's Slap 1

0C07-Tae Kwon-Do Jump Kick

0C08-Shuffle Side Kick 2

0C09-Undertaker Punches 1

0C0A-Spinning Wheel Kick 2

0C0B-Spinning Back Kick 2

0C0C-Backhand Blow

0C0D-Middle Kick 2

0C0E-Angle Punches

0C0F-Billy Punches

0C10-Benoit Punches

0C11-Austin Punches 2

0C12-Triple H Punches 1

0C14-Powerful Back Chop

0C15-Triple H Punches 2

0C16-Tajiri Punches

0C17-Undertaker Body Punch

0C18-Toe Kick 2

0C19-Roundhouse Kick 3

0C1A-Tajiri Low Kick

0C1B-Woman's Slap 2

0C1C-Rikishi Throat Thrust

0C1D-Brother Snap Jab

0C1E-Tajiri Spinning Kick

0C1F-Back Chop 2

0C20-Double Axe Handle 2

0C21-Big Boot 2

0C22-Shuffle Side Kick 4

0C23-Austin Punches 3

0C24-Shuffle Side Kick 5

0C25-Kane Uppercut

0C26-Clothesline 2

0C28-RVD Spinning Back Kick

0C29-Woman's Toe Kick

0C2A-Woman's Elbow Smash

0C2B-Stacy Keibler Kick

0C2D-Hogan Punches

0C2E-Spinning Back Kick 3

0C2F-Undertaker Punches 2

0C88-Shake Rattle & Roll

0C8D-Back Kick 1

0C92-Tae Kwon-Do Back Kick

0C93-Outside Crescent Kick 1

0C97-Swing Punch

0C9B-Kung Fu Roundhouse Kick

0CA1-Shuffle Side Kick 3

0CA2-Feint Kick & Sweep

0CA6-Dropkick to Knee 2

0CA7-Booker T Spinning Kick

0CA8-Spinning Wheel Kick 3

0CA9-Jump Spin Back Kick 2

0CAE-Back Kick 2

0CAF-Undertaker Big Boot

0CB1-Undertaker Punches 3

0CB2-Lesnar Clothesline 1

0CB3-Kane Throat Thrust 2

0CB4-Kane Big Boot

0CB5-Bubba Ray Punches 2

0CE4-Clothesline 4

0CE5-Flying Lariat 1

0CE6-Ho Train Attack

0CE7-Jumping Knee Attack 1

0CE8-Shoulder Block 1

0CE9-Yakuza Kick

0CEA-Dropkick 4


0CEC-Diving Shoulder

0CED-Flying Cross Chop

0CEE-Elbow Attack

0CEF-Diving Forearm Smash

0CF0-Short Clothesline 1

0CF1-Back Elbow Attack 1

0CF2-Karate Kick 1

0CF3-Bronco Buster

0CFB-Spinning Wheel Kick 4

0D21-Axe Bomber

0D22-Flying Forearm Smash

0D23-Handspring to Thump

0D24-Handspring to Kick

0D25-Knee Attack 1

0D26-Clothesline 5

0D27-Clothesline 6

0D28-Crossover Clothesline

0D29-Diving Spinning Lariot

0D2A-Running Elbow Smash

0D2B-Back Elbow Attack 2

0D2C-Clothesline 7

0D2D-Cross Body 1

0D2E-The Rock Clothesline

0D2F-Front Dropkick 3

0D30-Clothesline 8

0D31-Clothesline 9

0D32-Turnbuckle Clothesline

0D33-The Rock Forearm Smash

0D35-Shoulder Block 2

0D36-Clothesline & Bulldog

0D37-Handspring FC 1

0D38-Handspring FC 2

0D39-Outside Crescent Kick 2

0D3A-Flash Magic 2

0D3B-Shoulder Block 3

0D3C-Spinning Wheel Kick 5

0D3D-Flying Forearm Smash 2

0D3E-Flash Magic 3

0D3F-Running Calf Kick

0D40-Clothesline 10

0D41-Clothesline From Hell 2

0D42-Flash Magic 4

0D43-Flash Magic 5

0D44-Flash Magic 6

0D45-Dropkick 5

0D46-Back Elbow Attack 3

0D47-Kitchen Sink 1

0D48-Bicycle Kick 2

0D49-Back Elbow Attack 4

0D4A-Jumping Knee Attack 2

0D4B-The Rock Elbow Attack

0D4D-RVD Shoulder Thrusts 1

0D4E-Taunt Elbow Attack

0D4F-Shoulder Block 4

0D50-Flying Lariat 2

0D51-Turnbuckle Dropkick 1

0D52-Turnbuckle Dropkick 2

0D53-Rolling & Dropkick

0D54-Handspring FC 3

0D55-Kurt Shoulder Block

0D56-Lesnar Clothesline 2

0D57-Triple H Clothesline 1

0D58-Edge Clothesline

0D59-Rikishi Thump

0D5A-Goldust Thump

0D5B-Goldust Bronco Buster

0D5D-The Hurricane Blow

0D5E-Jumping Knee Attack 3

0D5F-On The Top Rope

0DAC-Front Dropkick 4

0DAD-Flying Clothesline

0DAE-Double Axe Handle 3

0DAF-Spinning Wheel Kick

0DB0-Shoulder Block

0DB1-Diving Spear

0DB2-Dragonrana Pin

0DB3-Diving Fame Asser

0DB4-Missile Dropkick

0DB5-Head Scissor Takedown

0DB6-Martial Arts Kick 1

0DC0-Diving Hurricanrana

0DC1-Over Castle

0DC2-Dance Missile Dropkick

0DC3-Kane Diving Clothesline

0DC4-Molly Go Round Pin

0DC5-Diving Cross Body

0DC6-Diving Elbow Bat

0DC7-RVD Diving Kick

0DC8-Diving Cross Body Pin

0DDE-Elbow Drop Pin 3

0DDF-Diving Elbow Drop Pin

0DE0-Money Shot

0DE1-Diving Headbutt 1

0DE2-Knee Drop 1

0DE3-Frog Splash Pin 1

0DE4-Senton Bomb

0DE6-Diving Elbow Drop Pin 1

0DE7-The 450

0DE8-Diving Leg Drop

0DF3-Shooting Star Press 1

0DF4-Diving Headbutt 2

0DF6-Taunt Leg Drop

0DF7-Swanton Bomb 1

0DF8-Frog Splash Pin 2

0DF9-Diving Fist Drop

0DFA-Hardy Leg Drop 3

0DFB-Taunt Body Splash Pin

0DFC-Big Senton Attack

0DFD-Five Star Frog Splash

0DFE-Shooting Star Press 2

0DFF-Swanton Bomb 2

0E01-Huston Hangover

0E1A-Diving Moonsault Pin

0E1B-Rolling Thunder 1

0E1C-Dragon Attack Pin

0E1E-Whisper In The Wind 1

0E22-Banzai Drop 1

0E25-Kurt Diving Moonsault

0E26-Lita Diving Moonsault

0E27-Super Star Press Pin

0E28-Cork Screw Body Pin

0E74-Baseball Slide

0E75-Dive Through Ropes

0E76-Rope Flip 1

0E77-High Flying Body Press

0E78-Corkscrew Body Attack

0E79-Rope Flip 2

0E7A-Fake Diving Attack

0E7B-Tajiri Elbow Attack

0E7C-Shooting Star Press

0E7D-Vaulting Body Press

0EA6-Vaulting Body Press

0EA7-Asai Moonsault

0EA9-The 619

0EAE-Jeff Body Press

0EBA-Slingshot Body Splash 1

0EBB-Slingshot Body Splash 2

0F0A-Angry Stomp

0F0C-Austin Elbow Attack 1

0F0D-Elbow Drop 4

0F0E-Knee Drop 2

0F0F-Leg Drop

0F10-Falling Headbutt

0F12-Double Knee Drop

0F14-Flip Splash

0F15-Senton Splash

0F29-Fist Drop

0F2A-Karate Punch

0F2B-Taunt & Elbow Drop

0F2C-Jumping Elbow Drop

0F2D-D-Von Elbow Drop

0F2E-Flip Leg Drop

0F2F-Austin Elbow Drop 2

0F32-Spiral Leg Drop

0F34-Double Axe Handle 4

0F38-Women's Angry Stomp

0F39-Stacy Keibler Stomp

0F5D-Running Flip Splash

0F5F-Dropkick to Knee 4

0F60-Double Axe Handle 5

10CC-Undertaker Chokeslam(off the cell)

10CD-It Thrusts Down(off the cell)

11C7-Neckbreaker Drop 1

11C8-Lou Thesz Press 1

11C9-Sunset Flip Pin


11CB-Lou Thesz Press 2

11CC-Running DDT

11CD-Headscissor Takedown

11CE-Hurricanrana Pin

11D0-Running Spinning Pin

11D1-Running Backslide Pin

11D3-Spinning Arm Drag 1

11D4-School Boy Pin 1

11D5-Queen Sunset Flip Pin

11D6-Jeff Neckbreaker Drop

11D7-Reverse Mat Slam

11D8-Neckbreaker Drop

11D9-Facecrusher 1

11DA-Spinning Arm Drag 2

11DB-Victory Roll Pin

11DD-Hurricanrana & Punches


11E0-Spear & Punching

11E1-Octopus Stretch 1

11E2-RVD Back Rolling

11E3-Tajiri Rise & Kick

11E4-Kurt German Suplex 1

11E5-Edge Spear

11E6-Flapjack & Dropkick

1260-Lifting Chokehold

1261-Reverse Armbar

1262-Rolling Leg Lock

1263-Strong Headbutt

1264-Torture Rack

1265-Shoulder Arm Breaker

1266-Dragon Screw 1

1267-Headlock and Punch 1

1269-Knee Strike 1

126A-Snapmare 1

126B-Club to Neck 1

126C-Rolling Leg Scissors

126D-Reverse Knee Lock

126E-Small Package

126F-Special Ankel Lock(sp)

1270-Clothesline From Hell 1(sp)

1271-Trapping Headbutts

1272-Crucifix Pin

1273-Crippler Crossface(sp)

1274-Flipping Armbar 2

1275-Rolling Armbar

1276-Fury Punch

1277-Sweet Chin Music(sp)

1278-Martial Arts Kick 2

1279-Kung Fu Straight Punch(sp)

127A-Knee Attack 2

127B-Hopping Sunset Flip Pin

127D-Standing Crossface

127E-Elbow Strike

127F-Front Dropkick 5

1280-Leg Trip

1281-Overhand Punch 2

1282-Judo Hip Toss and Armbar

1283-Arm Wrench & Hook Kick 2

1285-Kung-Fu Back Rolling

128F-Queen Arm Scissors

12A1-Rolling Butterfly Lock

12A2-Victory Roll Pin 1

12A6-Flipping Armbar 3

12AA-Victory Roll Pin 2

12AB-Brother Combination

12AD-Backslide Pin 1

12AF-Cradle & Side Leg Lock

12B6-El Paso

12BE-Throat Thrust 2

12C6-Short Clothesline 2

12CA-Hurricanrana Pin 2

12CB-Head Pound 1

12CC-Woman's Jawbreaker


12CE-Austin Back Chop

12EA-Triple H Clothesline 2

1301-Front Low Blow

1302-Suplex and Cocky Pin

1303-Punch and Grapple 2

1304-Walls of Jericho 2(sp)

1305-Super Kick 2

1306-Edge O' Matic 2

1307-Kane Throat Thrust 2

1308-Kane Throat Thrust 3 or 1

1309-Kane Grapple

130A-Punch & Grapple 3

130B-Ric Flair Suming 2

130C-Ric Flair Back Chop 1

130D-Ric Flair Back Chop 2

130E-Kick to Groin 1

130F-Kick to Groin 2

1310-Flash Magic 8

1311-Austin Knee Strike 2

1312-Goldust Throat Thrust

1313-Goldust Deep Breath

1314-Gold Dust Eye Rake

1315-Arm Drag 4

1316-Snapmare & Deep Breath

1317-Rico Spin Kick


1319-Armwrech and Elbow

131A-Wrist & Arm Wrench

131B-Wrist Lock

131C-Taunt Austin 1

131D-Hurricanrana 2

131F-Bearhug 2


1389-Chokeslam 1

138A-Fame Asser

138B-X Factor

1390-Side Belly to Belly Suplex 1

1391-Hurricanrana 3

1392-DDT 1

1393-Suplex 1


1395-Jacknife Powerbomb 1

1396-Scoop Slam 1

1397-Jump Swinging DDT

1398-Double Arm DDT

1399-Hard Scoop Slam

139A-Angle Slam 1

139B-Show Stopper

139C-Northern Lights Driver

139D-Stone Cold Stunner 1

139E-Spinning Rack Pancake

139F-Trapping Suplex


13A1-Pendulum Backbreaker 1


13A3-Gutwrench Powerbomb

13A4-Death Valley Driver 1

13A5-Arm Wrench

13A6-Flip Texas Cloverleaf

13A7-Jumping Arm Breaker

13A8-Spinning Backdrop

13A9-Swinging Neckbreaker

13AA-Running Power Bomb

13AB-Falcon Arrow

13AC-Sidewalk Slam 1

13AD-Chokeslam 2

13AE-Choke Toss 1

13AF-Push Attack 2



13B2-Rib Breaker

13B3-Shin Breaker

13B4-Test Neckbreaker

13B5-Bookend 1

13B6-Fall Away Slam

13B7-Bearhug Front Slam


13B9-Falling Powerslam 1

13BA-Double Arm Suplex 1

13BB-Double Arm Suplex 2

13BC-Body Press Slam

13BD-Fisherman Suplex

13BE-Michinoku Driver

13BF-Undertaker Chokeslam 1(SP)

13C0-Powerbomb Pin

13C1-Kane Chokeslam

13C2-Powerbomb with Bridge

13C3-Manhattan Drop

13C4-Falling Powerbomb Pin 1

13C5-Scissors Kick 1

13C6-Body Press Front Slam

13C7-Dangerous DDT

13C8-Last Ride(sp)

13C9-Judo Hip Toss 1

13CA-Northern Lights Suplex

13CB-Sambo Suplex

13CC-Double Powerbomb Pin

13CD-Suplex Pin


13CF-Suplex to Front Slam

13D0- Jumping Tornado DDT

13D1- Scoop Reverse DDT

13D2- Dangerous Driver

13D4- Falling Neck Breaker

13D6- Double Arm Backbreaker

13D8- Drop Suplex

13D9- Body Press Drop FW

13DA- Body Press Drop

13DB- Sky High

13DC- The Alleyoop

13DD- Regal Powerbomb

13DE- Snow Plow (SP)

13DF- Pulling Piledriver 1

13E0- Screw Spinebuster

13E1- Half Nelson Face Buster

13E4- Stone Cold Stunner 2 (SP)

13E5- Brainbuster Pin (Jack Hammer) (SP)

13E6- Tombstone Piledriver 2

13E7- Super Powerbomb 1

13E8- Downward Spiral

13E9- Judgment Slam

13EA- Jacknife (SP)

13EB- Cobra Clutch Bomb

13EC- Spiral Bomb

13ED- Fireman Carry to Slam

13EE- Fisherman DDT

13EF- Facebuster 2

13F0- Samoan Neckbreaker

13F1- Side Belly to Belly 2

13F2- Tazz Belly to Belly 1

13F3- T-bone Suplex 1

13F4- Half Belly to Belly

13F5- Belly to Belly

13F6-Fireman Carry

13F7-Headlock Takeover

13F8-Matt's Twist of Fate(sp)

13F9-Samurai Driver

13FA-Falling Powerslam 2

13FC-Jawbreaker 1

13FD-Kung Fu Toss

13FE-Emerald Fusion 1

13FF-Wrist Clutch Suplex

1400-Mat Slam 1

1401-Belly to Back Slam

1402-Belly to Back Suplex

1403-Flip Suplew w/ Pin

1404-Bomb to Facebuster

1405-judo Hip Toss 2

1406-STO 1


1408-Judo Flip Suplex

1409-Judo Hip Throw

140A-Flip Suplex

140B-Snap Suplex

140C-Bubba Cutter 2(sp)

140d-Mexican Strech Pin or Bomb (don't rember name of move)

140E-Raven Effect

140F-Emerald Fusion 2

1410-Brainbuster DDT

1411-Baldo Bomb

1412-Orange Crush Pin

1413-Oriental Toss

1414-Back Body Suplex

1415-Cross Backbreaker

1416-Shoulder Breaker

1417-Jawbreaker 2

1418-Stalling Suplex

1419-Big Knee Smash

141A-Arm Wrench Hip Throw

141B-Super Spinebuster

141C-Super Powerbomb 2

141D-Gutwrench Suplex 1

141E-Spinebuster 1

141F-Oklahoma Slam 2

1420-Jeff Twist of Fate

1421-Body Press Bomb

1422-Falling Powerbomb Pin 2

1423-Pulling Piledriver 2

1424-Kneeling Powerbomb Pin

1425-STO 2

1426-Mexican Stretch Buster

1427-Suplex 2

1428-Rock Bottom

1429-Falling Powerbomb 1

142A-Backflip to Pancake 2

142B-Fake Short Clothesline

142C-Austin Spinebuster 1

142D-Chokeslam 3(sp)

142E-Choke Toss 2

142F-Kane Powerbomb Pin(sp)

1430-DDT 2

1431-Sidewalk Slam 2

1432-Regal Cutter(sp)

1433-Hide Neck Crack

1434-Jeff Jaw Breaker

1435-Death Valley Driver 2

1436-Side Belly to Belly 2

1437-Reverse Sidewalk Slam

1438-Tazz Capture Suplex

1439-Falling Powerbomb 2

143A-Gutwrench Suplex 2

143B-Double Wrist Suplex Pin

143C-Final Cut

143D-Short Clothesline 3

143E-Lita Tornado DDT

143F-Suplex 3

1440-Samoan Driver

1441-Swinging Neckbomb

1442-Brain Breaker

1443-The Alabamaslam



For step #10 replace the last 4 digits with the move digits.


I've found the Layer I.D. addys; the addys that tell the game what each layer is.

CAW 13 : Layer 8 ( HEX ) : 20412518

Layer 9 : 20412528

HEX offset to next layer is 10

Value : 00XX00YY

XX = Type of layer ( 00 = skin, 04 = eyes )

YY = Layer Item ( seems to follow sequence of items in Edit Appearance menus )

Anybody who feels like it can play around with these values to see if there's any new unselectable items that can be used here. But be prepared for a lotta lockups when loading in the CAW.

Please post any findings. If anything usable is found, I'll add the offset to the primary post of this thread ( giving due credit of course )

In the meantime, there's still over a thousand addys to be uncovered...we'll see how many are useful.

Useless things I found : Head shape mod ( nothing unselectable there, except male-female swaps, which leaves a gap in the neck ) , Layer Transparency mod ( ALMOST useless, if anybody wants it, I'll post it; maybe you could make funky looking shoes or boots since the polygon changes would probably stick ) , Layer Length mod ( only works on items that can normally have their length changed ), CAW picture mod ( displays a superstar's pic next to your CAW in season mode, but locks up when selecting the CAW - that was a real heartbreaker )



If you know how to mess around with this you could put the Shane skin on the WSM. :eek


can we get the skins of the superstars allready in the game?


I only tried one out-of-range value and it resulted in a lockup. With what we know about the game right now, we're probably REALLY far away from getting a superstar's texture onto a CAW. Someone would most likely have to find the addys to alter one of the skin textures and find a value for a superstar texture to put in its place.

Anyways, I was able to combine the Extra Small + Extra Big CAW codes into 1 and narrow the range down to roughly where the deformities make the CAW unusable as a realistic wrestler. I'm posting it in the primary post of this thread as a footnote to the Size Modifier Offset. It's still in the back of my head to look for a way to get the polygons to grow & shrink right.



hey Kminus, the People's Elbow value u have is wrong, the right 1 is:

People's Elbow-173E


Sorry bro, I copied and pasted from another place. I'll edit that.

Lionsault and Peoples Elbow have known to lock up. Just put those as 2 Specials if ya want 'em.


no problem for me, i found it in ps2dis for somebody and just noticed that u had it wrong, ill check the lionsault for u and if its wrong get u the right value

i checked it and u got the right value, as for it locking up, they either typed it in wrong or it might freeze if u try to do it backstage, if u do it outside the ring, it teleports u to the right side of the ring and looks weird.


i had another idea, which probably wont work

is it possible to replace a caw with, say the rock, and edit the rock in create a superstar?

Posted (edited)

edited lower on

Edited by Smartdude613

does anyone know the move addy for the power of the punch and the finishing punch? thanks for any help


I can't believe that nobody's taken responsibility to archive all the move values into one post and update it as they're found. I'd do it, but I'm spending my free time hacking.

I just found me some form addys. You can go well beyond the -100 to 100 limits. I'm hoping that there's some joint connection XYZ addys in there to fix the distortion from making really huge and really small CAWs. We'll see.

And if you really want to you could make one leg shorter than the other. I wonder if I could make a Zach Gowen CAW with 'em...



Well, I found all the form mods for CAWs, but they're a little weird.

-80 is minimum and 7F is maximum; 00 is somewhere between -100 and 100 ( varies )

-Chest and Waist height mods only work on the top half of the polygon

-Thigh height mods only work on the bottom half of the polygon

-There's strange little foot mods in addition to the ankle mods I knew were there

It appears that the parts of the chest and waist where the arms and legs attatch is strictly off-limits for height modification. I guess the height is controlled by the CAW size. There's a good chance that the mods I do have will help make an oversized CAW normal-shaped.

Good news is that by minimizing the thigh + leg height as well as the ankle thickness gives you a reasonably realistic Zach Gowen. There'll still be a stump, but if you put short pants on the CAW, there's nothing coming out of the pants. ( It's pretty f***ed-up-looking going through the moves and watching the CAW kick somebody with his stump, though... )

I'll post the offsets in the primary post of this thread tomorrow or Sat. There's 63 offsets altogether plus a couple more that could be used as goofs.



Bumped for update including one-legged CAW code


Posted (edited)

i am in the process of putting all of the found moves into one list

and does nebody know the Taunts offsets so when the ref's moves are found someone can make a caw of the ref since i have found his taunts

and if we find the moves that you need the undertakers stance for such as the leg drop on the apron and we find the move offset for that we dont need that fighting stance and we could do the swanton off the ladder if the moves are found

Edited by Smartdude613

Here ya go

Bumped for Update including Fighting Style and Taunts under Moves section



It's called 'Edit' toki... Edit... It's simple, you click it and you can edit your post... Isn't that amazing?


its called BUMP Heart Breaker BUMP, he wanted to bump the topic up so people would actually see the 1 legged caw code. if he just edited it, it wouldn't take his post back to the top


i made a zach gowen caw using that code but the bad thing is that i cant climb the turnbuckle with him. Is any1 else having this problem?


yeah i've had the same problem, u can only do turnbuckle moves by whipping them into the corner the running at them and pressing square. It isn't possible just by running at the turnbuckle or by pressing R1 near it.

The one leg code works perfectly, can't even see a stump. For some moves where u hit with the right leg ie, stunner etc... u can try using the 'change to lefthanded code' which is posted on previous page this may make more moves available for use.

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