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Another question lol... (HDD related)


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hi im looking for some1 who knows alot about building computers and stuff

u see my main computers HDD uses the new style connector those new really small rectangular ones not sure what they are called and i want to connect my SONY PS2 HDD (official sony one duh) to my comp to sue as slave drive so i can use wiinhip to install games and edit games

but the problem is i dont know where on the motherbaord i connect it and how to set it (the PS2 HDD) to SLAVE so y comp recoginzed it so i can do all this stuff

My motherboard is a ASUS P4P800 deluxe.

if some1 could help me out that'll be great i apologize if my explaining is hard to understand i really wanna start importing my own music into my SvR2006 hehe thx for everyones cooperation and effort to help me

yes i know i type alot but thats how i am :D

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I was wondering this to, when I was trying to combine my older PC HDD into my new pc. I asked Sal and he said there's this thing that allows you to connect SATA and IDE HDDs. I seriously can't remember the name.

However, once I do, I'll come tell you in this topic.

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k thanks alot both of u

in short wha i mean is i want to conenct me sony ps2 hdd to my comp

my comps HDD uses a SATA cable (something like that) and my ps2 hdd uses regular hdd cable

im asking how would i connect my PS2 HDD to my comp knowing that my Ps2 hdd uses old style hdd cable and my comp HDD uses new style cable (sata or w/e it called)

hope that clarifies it

and lain if u do find out just PM me or email me at nWo_life4ever@hotmail.com (or add me to MSN at that email address) whichever you prefer

thanks alot for your guys helps dunno where id be without u guys hehe (in terms of this hacking stuff)

EDIT: i might just try Dravens method but im gonna wait to see if you (lain) can find out that info for me :D

Edited by LordSpawn
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