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HUD Name:Batista

Nick Name:The Animal

Nick Name Placment:Prefix

Announcer:Hack in Batista or Put The Beast(Closest To The Animal)

Hometown:Arlington, Virgina


Weight 300lb




Head= -23, -68, 62, -45

Eyebrows= 35, 22, 62, 0

Eyes= -39, 71, 61, -45, 5, 73, 3

Nose= 79, 66, 100, 14, -7, -7, -22, 62

Cheek= 20, 0, 34, 51

Mouth= 25, -56, -55, 14, 17, 64, 21

Jaw= -8, 0, 36, 19, 21, 51

Ear= 88,-11, 24, 14

Age = 42

bodytype= -22

Head= Default

Neck= 49, 46, 61

Chest= 69, 46, 57

Shoulder= -29, 85, -42

Abdomen=-38, 28, 38

Waist= 1, 44

Arms= 68, 59, 14

Hands= 73, 65, 62

Legs= 69, 45, 28

Feet= -38, -97, -1

Height= 6'8"

body skin 7 (95, 51, 44)

face skin 8

eyes 16 (98, 49, 33)

eyebrows 44 (94, 44, 38, 60)

*hair 22 (96, 60, 48)

lip 13 (95, 53, 51, 100)


*hair 23 ( 96, 63, 46)



makeup 135 (92, 52, 49, 100)

makeup 45 (95, 54, 40, 63)

makeup 53 ( 96, 47, 47, 100)

makeup 131 (96, 53, 44, 100)

*hair 19 (96, 56, 36)

simple 149 (smallest v, 2nd h/ 95, 25, 59, 80/ dent on lip)


Pattern_Picture 82

rotate 3x, smallest H and 2nd V (100, 0, 3, 60)

**Back Tat**

Bodypaint 52 (46, 64, 42, 20)

Simple 89 (rotate 2x, 3rd V, largest h/ 63, 16, 45, 30/ Place above back tatto

**Right Arm Tat**

simple 56 (rotate 2x, largest V, 3rd H, 49, 52, 36, 56)

Simple 103 (3rd v, 2nd H/ 95, 33, 64, 77/ over above design, refer to pic)

***Current Attire***

Filipino Flag w/Tribal

simple 75 (rotate 1x, 2nd v & h/ 59, 23, 38, 16/place middle left shoulder)

Alphabet "I", page 1 (2nd v & h, 100, 35, 40, 17)

Copy above layer and turn blue, with same shade, brightness and transparency)

Logo 18 (smallest v & h, 100, 66, 40, 26/ for the triangle area with sun)

(Place at left end of the red and blue lines to make a wedge looking shape)

*B On back of Attire

WWE Pattern 54

Put one in the middle and turn it Red(Move Layer Above the 2 other white layers)

Place 2 more

move 1, 2 Spots to the left(Leave White)

Place 1, 2 Spots to the right(Leave White)

***WM21 Attire***

Orange attire... in exact order

Pic 106 (rotate 2x, 2nd v 3rd h/ 0, 0, 40, 100/ place on butt)

Pic 143 (2nd v, 3rd h/ 59, 0, 23, 100/place over above design)

Pic 94 (left butt cheek) and Pic 95 (right buttcheek) (2nd v, 3rd H/ 99, 0, 29, 100)

Pic 105 (2nd v, 3rd H/ 100, 50, 38, 100/ place on lower part of crotch... refer to pic over

at my thread)

Words "THE" and "ANIMAL"... self explanatory


isn't Batista's hometown Washington D. C?

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