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Mad Dog Vachon

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As I can't see anyway to improve this CAW, I'm just gonna release it "as is" and let you lot touch it up if you want it.

As for a moveset or entrance I haven't got the foggiest. For the entrance I think I just used "Rule Breaker" with the WWE logo and Andres music. For the moveset I just used "Rough Neck" whatever that one is, with Piledriver 1 for his finisher.

Anyway, Enjoy.

Maurice "Mad Dog" Vachon

By: John Doyle



Name: Maurice Vachon

HUD: Mad Dog

Nick Name: Mad Dog

Nick Name Placement: Suffix

Announcer Introduction The Icon ???????

Hometown: Montreal, Canada

Gender: Male

Weight Class: 231lbs

Match Tactics: Fight Dirty ???

Show: Your Choice. I chose RAW.

Voice: Your Choice again. I chose Voice 1.



Head: (0,-12,0,0)

Eyebrows: (58,-48,0,-58)

Eyes: (-7,-53,0,0,0,0,-68)

Nose: (0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0)

Cheek: (-45,25,40,-14)

Mouth: (-92,-71,3,0,0,0,100)

Jaw: (0,100,22,100,100)

Ear: (-5,0,0,0)

Age: (40)


Hair: #91/91 (57,50,50 )

Eyes: #1/26 (92,50,35)

Eyebrows: #1/48 (97,50,45 )

Lips :#35/35 (99,50,50,87)

Face Skin: #8

Eyelids #1/22: (93,50,50 )

Teeth: #1/93: (98,50,50 )


Body Type

Ripped <-> Thick: 0

Advanced Options:

Head: (50,14,0 )

Neck: (-48,12,8 )

Chest: (-18,39,9 )

Shoulder: (10,-25,0 )

Abdomen: (-68,40,19 )

Waist: (40, 29)

Arms: ( -14,5,0 )

Hands: (0,0,0 )

Legs: (0,12,12 )

Feet: ( 0,0,0 )

Body Skin: #1/9: (96,50,50 )

Body Hair: #32/32: (95,50,50,100 )

Body Height: 5

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