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In season mode, at Summerslam, my wrestler is involved in a Fatal 4-Way Cage Match against Kane, HBK, and Christian for the IC title. And my problem is, it's too damn hard to win. Is there any special way or strategies to win this kind of match? Cuz I find it F**KING impossible to win. I've been at it for a str8 hour, and I still havent won yet, everytime I get close to, a either HBK or Christian comes and knocks me down, and it's pissing me off >:

Can anybody help me?


I am here to give you 2 solutions.

1. Keep using you Specials to knock their asses down for awhile. Make sure all three Special slots are filled though. This helps a lot. But keep using your specials on all three to knock them out for a while.

2. Have a controller that has turbo. Have the A button on turbo during the whole match. When you see your chance for escaping, hold down the A button, and you should escape in just 15 seconds to 10 seconds.


I'll do the 2nd suggestion. I've already tried the 1st last night when I was having trouble, and the stupid bitches kept getting up, no matter what I tried.

Do I need a different controller to do the turbo than the standard one? Cuz that way sounds like it's a hell of a lot faster than tapping the damn A button for a minute.


what I did was get them weak and have their body in red and then do my finisher, then maker sure your stamina is high and that you're red in the energy area. then do your finisher and then climb.


heres a tip for beating it get a quick ko finisher like the stunner have all 3 special slots filled and have high spirit use up ur specials then climb

It would also work if ur guy had high speed strength and weighed less


What I do is beat everyone up until theyre red, preferably with submissions and stuff, and then beat the big guy up, and wait until one of the small guys does their finishers on the big guys and immediately do you finisher on him and then climb. This strategy of "teaming up" with the computer works out good if yo u got patience.


First of all. DO NOT USE GRAPPLING SPECIALS TO TAKE ALL OF THEM AT ONCE, USE STRONG RUNNING SPECIALS LIKE THE SPEAR and then use the grappling special as least one superstar then climb up. Your Sprit must be high and your Stamina as well or close to it.

  • 9 months later...

Well go to shop.com. Buy a girl template. Make shore u put it on all off shawn micheal's kane, and christian. Do ur special. Make sure it's an Rko. something quick. Make sure ur stamina meter is high. press A as fast as u can. I beat the game :p


there is a really easy way to do it....

hav regals running knee as ur special...wen u use it change targets and u will notice that the player u orignally intended to do it on is now frozen....do that to all 3 guys

  • 2 weeks later...

Well grab my dick and hold your tits! I didnt know this!

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