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It's not the monster truck, I mean that's physically impossible!. Anyway here's Gravedigger:


Name: Gravedigger

Short Name: Gravedigger

Nickname: "The Monster"

Home: Undertaker - Death Valley

Strategy: Clean

AI Logic: Grappling

Weight: 350 pounds

Moveset Template: Undertaker

Leave taunts the same

Specials: Perfect Pedigree

Stone Cold Stunner

Choke Slam From Hell

Running Big Boot

Momentum Shift: Batista Bomb


Figure - Whole body: 66, 46, 35

Face: 30, rest is zero

Forehead: all zeros

Eye: all zero

cheek bone: all zero

nose and nose top: all zero

mouth: all zero

lip angle: all zero

cheek: 26

outline: 0, 0, -16

jaw: 0, 0, 19

Body - crown: all -2

head: 16, 0, 0

neck: 60, 2, 13

shoulder: 47

chest: 20, 25

abdomen: 35, 22

waist: 32, 10, 16

upper arm: 22, 22

forearm: 19, 19

hands: 12, 5, 12

thigh: 21, 12

calf: 12, 21

foot: 4, 5, 14

head: faceline 03 - wrinkle 06

hairstyle: shaven head 03 - color: C.1

eyebrow: normal common curve - color: B.1

eye: single edged eyelid - wrinkle 01, normal blue 02

nose: smart

mouth: normal 02

mustache: beard 09 - color1: B.1 - color2: C.1

gear setup: soft hat - both colors: -2, 0, 12

regulate: head - 0, 15, 0, 4, 100, 51, 8, 0, 0

accessories: elbow - left elbow pad - color: -2, 0, 12

wrist: wristband pin 01 - color1: -2, 0, 12 color2: 0, 0, 32

hand: driving gloves 01 - color: -2, 0, 12

body: base - smart hairy chest - color: 0, 2, 60

inner wear: no sleeves 01 color: -2, 0, 12

bottom wear: jeans color: I.1

pattern upper: belt 03

footwear: boots belt: color1: -2, 0 12 2&3: 0, 0, 32

Entrance - Detailed

Music: kane

Movie: undertaker

Walk: Austin

Name Setting: Ramp

Intro time: 15 seconds

Intro: camera: rise

lighting: cena intro

effects: deadman smoke

Stage: Deadman

Camera: advance 05, continue 2x's, right 01, continue 2x's,

walk 04, continue

Lighting: all Triple H Intro

effects: deadman smoke

Ramp: Austin

Camera: go back 03, continue

Lighting: cena intro

Effects: deadman smoke

Arena: male 49

Camera: right 03, continue, right 01, continue, left 02,

continue 2x's, left 05, continue 2x's, advance 02, continue 2x's

right 01, continue 2x's

Lighting: 1st five: deadman ring 01, 6-10: deadman ring 02,

11-16: cena ring

Effects: arena 02: Kane ring


grave digger from what exacttly


just an old friend that used to hang at my house. it was one of his back on WrestleMania 2000 on N64.


only have one pic of Gravedigger. He has some logos on his shirt i forgot to add, but they look crappy. Add whatever logos you want to his shirt though if you want.


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