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loading screens

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Anyone know how to replace the ingame load screens with custom pictures?

I have been able to open and extract the loading screens wth Game Graphic studio but these are in a wierd tm2 format. when i export the files as bmp, the filesizes become to big to replace original.

What am I doing worng? Is there a guide on how to do this?


You need to make the pictures you are using to replace the in game ones the sam size as the originals. There is an old posting already with the instructions. Do a search for loading screens and you will find it.


Your problem is probably when you want to put another picture as a loading screen then you probably either have the picture set at the wrong size or you have the colors set right. I do not have a nice graphics program such as Paint Shop Pro or Photoshop and only use MSPaint. But I use a program called Irfanview (free at downloads.com if you feel you need it). It allows me to shrink picture sizes (such as going from 512 x 512 pixels to 256 x 256) with no loss of quality, unlike MSPaint. It also allows you to change the color settings of a picture (like from 256 colors to 16 or 8) with out color loss, as MSPaint will. When doing loading screens you will want to have you picture look like it is a little bit squeezed together width-wise, or else in-game you pictures will be stretched width-wise.

Here's a picture of Somoa Joe that I have placed into my game as a loading screen. If you pay attention you can tell that it appears to be a little bit squeezed.



Thanks for your help guys. I've used Irfanview to resize and change the colours to 256 colours of the load screens. I've replaced the in game load screens with game graphic studio by dragging over the originals but the screens appear really bad as if it only has a few colours.

i have not changed the colour depth to 8 bit in game graphics studio but in irfanview instead. any ideas as to why this is happening?


Take a shot changing them in game graphics studio. I did all mine in there, and they are not bad at all. I know you do lose a little fine detail, but its really not bad at all.

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