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Colonel Trautman

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Colonel Trautman CAW for SVR2006

Created by zaffercharles


Name: Trautman

HUD Name: Trautman

Nick Name:

Nick Name Placement:

Superstar Introduction:



Weight Class:

Match Tactic:




Head: 0, -88, 45, 0

Eyebrows: 24, 0, 0, -59

Eyes: 36, -59, 20, -100, -16, -23, -66

Nose: 100, 85, 100, 5, -25, -33, -19, 40

Cheek: -53, 0, 24, 0

Mouth: 100, -59, 31, 22, 0, 70, -18

Jaw: 21, 25, 21, -18, -38, 54

Ear: 100, 0, -19, 31

Age: 14

Morphing - Continued

Hair: 23, 94, 70, 45

Eyes: 1, 89, 74, 34

Eyebrows: 1, 97, 50, 40, 89

Facial Hair:

Lips : 1, 98, 50 50, 0

Face Skin: 8



Body Type:

Ripped <-> Thick: 14

Advanced Options:

Head: 100, -32, -10

Neck: 91, -11, -29

Chest: -59, -26, -14

Shoulder: -100, -50, -100

Abdomen: 0, -59, 0

Waist: -48, 0

Arms: 25, -22, -18

Hands: 0, 0, 0

Legs: 25, -48, -33

Feet: 0, 0, 0

Shoes: 7, 43, 0 15

Hat: 10, 43, 0, 0

Makeup: 74, 96, 50, 42, 28

Faceletter: 1/18 I (put under nose), 100, 44, 35, 0

Head Pattern simple: 153/162 (put on back of head to lengthen hair), 98, 33, 37, 100

repeat all of the above but on other side for other hair piece

Long hemline: 48, 43, 0, 54

Body accessories: 9, 33, 0, 11, 100

Pants: 3, 63, 28, 19, 0

Jacket: 1, 61, 28, 20

Arm Pattern picture: 64, put in middle of shoulder, 68, 27, 6, 100 (on both arms)

Torso Pattern picture: 17 (put on the left side of his jacket), 0, 0, 43, 100

Torso Pattern picture: 101, (second largest horizontal, smallest vertical on his right side for medals) 19, 76, 50, 100

Torso Pattern picture: 92, (rotate twice, put on his left side) 72, 0, 50, 100

FacePattern simple: 150, (place between the eyebrows for wrinkles) 100, 50, 47, 0

copy onto other side of his face

Makeup: 117, 100, 100, 0, 44

Makeup: 49, 96, 45, 41, 52

Body Skin: 9, 96, 53, 43

Body Hair:

Body Height: 6\' 2\"

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