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Bruno Sammartino

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Bruno Sammartino CAW for SVR2006



Name: Bruno Sammartino

HUD Name: Bruno

Nick Name: The Italian Strongman or The Living Legend

Nick Name Placement: Prefix

Superstar Introduction: The Legend

Hometown: Pittsburgh, Pa

Gender: Male

Weight Class: Hvywt 262lbs

Match Tactic: Clean

Show: Pick it

Voice: 5 or whatever you wish


Head: 100,40,-16,19

Eyebrows: 53,16,77,-96

Eyes: 16,-19,-2,-95,-38,31,-48

Nose: 29,-38,-11,33,16,47,77,62

Cheek: -22,82,91,55

Mouth: 19,33,42,23,-58,27,-19

Jaw: 100,29,73,10,74,17

Ear: 46,79,-19,31

Age: 40

Morphing - Continued

Hair: 25(96,55,41)

Eyes: 1(93,52,36)

Eyebrows: 25(95,61,35,100)

Facial Hair: See Layer 11

Lips : 7(96,50,50,12)

Face Skin: 2

Eyelids: 1(93,50,36)

Teeth: Default

Body Type:

Ripped <-> Thick: 31

Advanced Options:

Head: 25,24,-3

Neck: -77,47,55

Chest: 14,16,71

Shoulder: 7,72,28

Abdomen: 25,34,8

Waist: 44,51

Arms: 7,29,19

Hands: 8,21,40

Legs: 10,47,48

Feet: Default

Body Skin: 2(96,50,50)

Body Hair: 17(97,50,38,80)

Body Height:6\'3\"

Layer Order

10 Underwear 1/1(38,98,30)

11 Face Other 20(96,50,0,63)

12 Underwear 3/1(40,100,29,100)

13 Socks 1/42(99,46,49,90,55)

14 Shoes 1/1(41,84,28)

15 Coat 1/1(37,46,28) (Entr & Cut Only)

16 Word 34(37,0,85,100) \"THE\" (Entr & Cut Only)

17 Word 112(37,15,100,100)\"LEGEND\"(Entr & Cut Only)

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