Smacktalks Posted March 16, 2006 Posted March 16, 2006 Batista CAW for SVR2006 Created by Cjafer Click here for help pics Profile Name: Batista HUD: Batista Nick Name: Dave Nick Name Placement: None, or Prefix Announcer Introduction: The Beast or David Hometown: Washington (DC isn\'t on the towns list.) Gender: Male Weight Class: Super Heavyweight(317 lbs) Match Tactic: Clean Show: SD! Voice: 4 Head Morphing Head(-44,-68,-25,-60) Eyebrows(100,42,-95,36) Eyes(-12,-44,6,21,10,43,-7) Nose(0,100,75,5,-14,-22,0,0) Cheek(-40,-71,27,-10) Mouth(-18,-18,-58,0,0,33,50) Jaw(71,29,3,-22,20,62) Ear(45,-10,-14,64) Age(34) Morphing Continued Hair: 88 (94,50,0) or 3(99,50,37) Eyes: 1(92,50,39) Eyebrows:44(94,54,40,69) Facial Hair:Goatee: 3 (92,50,27,100) Sideburns: 11(95,50,36,72) Goatee: 2 (95,50,44,18) Other: 17(94,50,50,20) Lips: 35 (99,50,44,48) Face Skin: 1 Eyelids: 1 (93,50,0) Teeth: 1(98,50,50) Body Body Type: (-56) Advanced: Head(3,13,3) Neck(-40,29,56) Chest(51,23,29) Shoulder(17,29,-29) Abdomen(0,18,14) Waist(0,0) Arms(0,14,-21) Hands(0,0,0) Legs(0,10,6) Feet(0,0,0) Body Skin: 4 (95,54,42) Body Hair: 1(default) Body Height: 6\'5\" Outfit -Always do attire in the order seen below: Head: Tattoo/Logo: WWE: 38: (HELP PIC 1 FOR PLACEMENT AND SIZE) (88,50,41,81) Tattoo/Logo: Letter: On Sign, Page 01/08\"(\"-last column, 3 rows down (HELP PIC 2 FOR PLACEMENT AND SIZE)(95,62,2,1) Tattoo/Logo: Letter: On Sign, Page 01/08\"\"\"- 4th column right, 1st row(HELP PIC 3 FOR PLACEMENT AND SIZE) (95,50,0,0) -FOR HAIR 88 Tattoo/Logo: Design 138 (HELP PIC 4 FOR PLACEMENT AND SIZE) (89,71,21,52) Tattoo/Logo: Design 138 (HELP PIC 4 FOR PLACEMENT AND SIZE(EXCEPT ON OPPOSITE SIDE OF HEAD)) (89,71,21,52) -FOR HAIR 3 Tattoo/Logo: Design 138 (HELP PIC 4 FOR PLACEMENT AND SIZE) (89,71,0,68) Tattoo/Logo: Design 138 (HELP PIC 4 FOR PLACEMENT AND SIZE(EXCEPT ON OPPOSITE SIDE OF HEAD)) (89,71,0,68) Torso: Ok, now I\'m going to put the underwear,even though it\'s under \"legs\", so we can work on the attire. Just giving you a heads up incase of confussion. Underwear:4,1 (41,0,44) Back to the torso now Tattoo/Logo: Design: Front:102 (HELP PIC 7 FOR PLACEMENT) (38,31,34,60) *HACK ONLY-Tattoo/Logo: Picture: Front: 94 (HELP PIC 5 FOR PLACEMENT AND SIZE)(0,100,0,100) Tattoo/Logo: Picture: Front: 82 (HELP PIC 6 FOR PLACEMENT and SIZE) (92,89,0,100) Tattoo/Logo: Picture: Back:143 (HELP PIC 8 FOR PLACEMENT AND SIZE) (100,12,27,100) Tattoo/Logo: Design: Back: 29 (HELP PIC 9 FOR PLACEMENT AND SIZE) (38,50,0,100) Tattoo/Logo: Design:Back: 89 (HELP PIC 10 FOR PLACEMENT AND SIZE)(38,50,33,41) Tattoo/Logo: Design:Back: 48 (HELP PIC 11 FOR PLACEMENT AND SIZE)(38,50,40,31) Arms:Tattoo/Logo: Design: Right: 3: (HELP PIC 12 FOR PLACEMENT AND SIZE)(100,67,0,58) Tattoo/Logo: Design: Right: 16: (HELP PIC 13 FOR PLACEMENT AND SIZE)(94,35,64,100) Tattoo/Logo: Design: Left: 129 (HELP PIC 14 FOR PLACEMENT AND SIZE)(39,50,38,56) Elbow Pads: 1, 1 (43,50,0,100) Legs: Kneepads:5, 1 (43,50,0,100) Shoes:8,1 (0,50,0) Other AI Fighting Style WWE Superstar: Batista Crowd Signs: The Animal, Batista Bomb
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