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lex luger caw

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(Use outlaw stance when making moveset)

Face 5

Head -40,12,3,17

Eyebrows 100,12,40,7

Eyes -14,-62,0,46,-44,-21,-51

Nose 5,-30,-14,5,19,39,-7,11

Cheek -36,71,14,-11

Mouth -68,-47,1,-1,44,69,23

Jaw 40,10,-19,-41,-14,0

Ear -34,56,-15,21

Age 40

Hair 3,92,49,64

Eyes 1,92,50,44

Eyebrows 25,95,51,48,82

Lips 1,98,46,46,100

Face Skin 2

Body Skin 7,7,97,50,45

Head 35,-10,5

Neck 19,28,44

Chest 21,5,34

Shoulder 34,31,16

Abs 33,12,25

Waist -12,25

Arms 37,46,34

Hands 28,25,27

Legs 24,13,33

Feet 5,9,27

Height 6"4

Underwear 4/25,2/45, colour default

Make-up 135 97,53,44,71

Head pattern simple 138 2nd smallest height smallest width place right below nose

and right above upper lip 96,56,38,14

Facial Hair other 21,95,50,0,4

Knee Pads 90,60,66,100

Knee Pads 5/15,42/45,100,51,59,100

Wristbands 20/20,2/45,38,50,71,100,80

Underwear 14,34,44,100,100

Shoes 1,43,0,56

Arms R&L pattern picture 88 2nd smallest height largest width place around

upper arm use two of these on each arm make sure to flip the second one on each

arm then connect them together colour default

Torso Pattern simple front 153 turn once smallest height largest width place on

waist to make underwear higher up 35,47,63,100 copy this 4 more times and connect

them all together by moving them sideways.

Legs picture 43 smallest height & 2nd largest width 35,100,41,100 place on

the knee pads but make sure it doesn't cover any of the golden/yellow knee pad

just the red stripe knee pad. Do this on both kneepads

Letter sign tors0 01/08 1st row sixth across the three circles 2nd smallest size

in height largest in width 38,0,56,100

Letter sign leg(s) 02/08 2nd row 5th across the three circles turn twice 2nd smallest

height largest width 38,0,62,100 make sure to do this on both kneepads

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