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Ultimate Warrior 9 (Various Attires)

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Ultimate Warrior (Various Attires) CAW for SVR2006

Created by Wolfgang/Zurick

Help pics & formula by ollie the magic bum


Click here for help pics


Head: 56, 79, -40, 0

Eyebrows: 100, 15, 72, -25

Eyes: -12, -38, 10, -34, 0, 0, -1

Nose: 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, -44, 0, 0

Cheek: -1, -99, 51, -19

Mouth: 100, -30, -59, 24, 100, 57, 51

Jaw: -93, -7, 29, 0, -11, 0

Ear: -18, 0, -25, 0

Age: 29

Body Type: -38


Head: 16, 0, 0

Neck: 0, 7, 0

Chest: -5, 29, 43

Shoulder: -3, 40, 34

Abdomen: -14, 33, 32

Waist: 19, 39

Arms: -36, 51, 20

Hands: 0, 0, 0

Legs: 0, 0, 29

Feet: 0, 0, 0

Body Height: 6\'4\"

Body Skin: 8 (96, 50, 48)

Face Skin: 2 (96, 50, 48)

Eyes: 1 (84, 40, 33)

Eyebrows: *HACK IN* Head Paint: 2 (49, 50, 0, 100)

Eyelashes: *HACK IN* Shoes: 40-1 (43, 0, 100)

Lip: 7 (97, 43, 46, 100)

Teeth: Default

Hair: 45 (90, 44, 56, 13)

Body Hair: *HACK IN* Kneepads: 15-1 (6, 41, 76, 100)

Underwear: 1-1 (53, 40, 83)

Wristbands: 1-1 (69, 38, 60, 100, 81)

Head Paint: 9 (100, 50, 0, 100)

Head Paint: 28 (41, 50, 0, 100)

Head Paint: 10 (100, 50, 0, 100)

Pattern_Flag: 7 *Largest V / 2nd smallest H* (96, 50, 55, 100) [Help Pic 1]

Head Paint: 20 (98, 80, 100, 100)

Head Paint: 43 (70, 73, 100, 100)

Head Paint: 27 (88, 60, 61, 100)

Head Paint: 37 (70, 49, 100, 100)

Make Up: 133 (96, 50, 0, 100)

Wristbands: 1-1 (96, 42, 94, 100, 93)

Pattern_Simple: 25 *Smallest V / 2nd largest H / Rotate 2x* (92, 63, 100, 100) [Place on center of left kneepad.]

Pattern_Simple: 25 *Smallest V / 2nd largest H / Rotate 2x* (92, 63, 100, 100) [Place on center of right kneepad.]

Pattern_Simple: 145 *Largest V / Largest H / Rotate 1x* (6, 90, 67, 100) [Help pic 2... place on right arm]

Pattern_Simple: 110 *Largest V / 2nd Largest H* (6, 93, 75, 100) [Help pic 3... place on left arm so it connects the large gap of the previous layer]

Pattern_Simple: 145 *Largest V / Largest H / Rotate 1x* 6, 90, 67, 100) [Help pic 2... place on right arm]

Pattern_Simple: 110 *Largest V / 2nd Largest H* (6, 93, 75, 100) [Help pic 3... place on left arm so it connects the large gap of the previous layer]

Pattern_Simple: 153 *2nd largest V / Largest H / Rotate 1x* (96, 40, 81, 100) [Help pic 4]

Pattern_Picture: 64 *2nd smallest V / 2nd largest H / Rotate 2x* (96, 58, 62, 100) [Help pic 5]

Pattern_Simple: 153 *2nd largest V / Largest H / Rotate 1x* (96, 40, 81, 100) [Help pic 6]

Head Paint: 38 (100, 50, 0, 100)

Pattern_Simple: 136 *2nd smallest V / 2nd largest H / Rotate 2x* (79, 50, 0, 100) [Help pic 7]


Head: 56, 79, -44, 0

Eyebrows: 100, 15, 72, -96

Eyes: -16, -42, 10, -37, 0, 0, -5

Nose: 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, -47, -1, -3

Cheek: -5, -96, 51, -22

Mouth: 100, -33, -62, 24, 100, 57, 51

Jaw: -96, -10, 29, 0, -14, 0

Ear: -21, 0, -29, 0

Age: 29

Body Type: -23


Head: 16, 0, 0

Neck: 0, 7, 0

Chest: -7, 14, 18

Shoulder: -7, 40, 34

Abdomen: -18, 25, 19

Waist: 19, 34

Arms: -38, 32, 20

Hands: 0, 0, 0

Legs: 0, 14, 29

Feet: 0, 0, 0

Body Height: 6\'4\"

Body Skin: 3 (96, 49, 47)

Face Skin: 2 (96, 49, 47)

Eyes: 1 (84, 40, 33)

Eyebrows: *HACK IN* Head Paint: 2 (49, 50, 0, 100)

Eyelashes: *HACK IN* Pants: 60-32 (6, 51, 53, 4)

Lip: 7 (57, 43, 45, 100)

Teeth: Default

Hair: 45 (84, 41, 57. 13)

Body Hair: *HACK IN* Socks 1-15 (92, 36, 49, 100, 33)

Underwear: 1-32 (57, 0, 56)

Pattern_Picture: 82 *2nd smallest V / Largest H* (69, 48, 42, 100) [Place on center of crotch. Needs a transparency hack.]

Pattern_Simple: 159 *Smallest V / 2nd smallest H* (88, 83, 66, 100) [Help Pic 1]

Pattern_Simple: 25 *Smallest V / Smallest H / Rotate 2x* (88, 83,66, 100) [Help Pic 2... place in center of previous layer]

Letter_Alphabet: Alphabet : 11/18 : 6th column, 2nd row *Largest V / Largest H* (38, 50, 50, 100) [Help pic 3... requires transparency hack]

Letter_Alphabet: Alphabet : 11/18 : 2th column, 3rd row *2nd Largest V / Largest H / Rotate 3x* (88, 85, 50, 100) [Help pic 4]

Wristbands: 1-6 (37, 30, 53, 100, 81)

Head Paint: 9 (100, 50, 0, 100)

Head Paint: 28 (41, 50, 0, 100)

Head Paint: 10 (100, 50, 0, 100)

Head Paint: 27 (32, 0, 39, 100)

Pattern_Flag: 7 *Largest V / 2nd smallest H / Rotate 1x* (100, 50, 0, 100) [Help pic 5]

Head Paint: 20 (56, 0, 100, 100)

Head Paint: 43 (29, 0, 100, 100)

Pattern_Simple: 153 *Largest V / 2nd smallest H* (40, 0, 81, 100) [Help pic 6]

Head Paint: 65 (86, 53, 54, 100)

Make Up: 130 (96, 50, 0, 100)

Pattern_Simple: 145 *Largest V / Largest H / Rotate 1x* (40, 0, 84, 100) [Help pic 7... place on right arm]

Pattern_Simple: 110 *Largest V / 2nd Largest H* (39, 0, 81, 100) [Help pic 8... place on left arm so it connects the large gap of the previous layer]

Pattern_Simple: 145 *Largest V / Largest H / Rotate 1x* (40, 0, 84, 100) [Help pic 7... place on right arm]

Pattern_Simple: 110 *Largest V / 2nd Largest H* (39, 0, 81, 100) [Help pic 8... place on left arm so it connects the large gap of the previous layer]

Socks: 19-1 (100, 50, 39, 100)


Head: 56, 79, -44, 0

Eyebrows: 100, 15, 72, -96

Eyes: -16, -42, 10, -37, 0, 0, -5

Nose: 0, 0, 100, 0, 0, -47, -1, -3

Cheek: -5, -96, 51, -22

Mouth: 100, -33, -62, 24, 100, 57, 51

Jaw: -96, -10, 29, 0, -14, 0

Ear: -21, 0, -29, 0

Age: 29

Body Type: -37


Head: 16, 0, 0

Neck: 0, 7, 0

Chest: -1, 29, 43

Shoulder: 0, 40, 34

Abdomen: -11, 33, 32

Waist: 19, 39

Arms: -33, 51, 20

Hands: 0, 0, 0

Legs: 0, 0, 29

Feet: 6, 19, 49

Body Height: 6\'4\"

Body Skin: 3 (96, 49, 47)

Face Skin: 2 (96, 40, 47)

Eyes: 1 (84, 40, 33)

Eyebrows: *HACK IN* Head Paint: 65 (12, 50, 50, 100)

Eyelashes: *HACK IN* Head Paint: 2 (28, 100, 100, 26)

Lip: 7 (97, 43, 46, 100)

Teeth: Default

Hair: 45 (94, 50, 36, 13)

Body Hair: *HACK IN* Pants: 60-1 (86, 35, 48, 23)

Underwear: 1-1 (21, 30, 36)

Wristbands: 1-1 (84, 37, 47, 100, 81)

Wristbands: 1-6 (21, 46, 43, 100, 93)

Pattern_Flag: 10 *Largest V / Largest H* (21, 80, 31, 100) [Help Pic 1]

Pattern_Flag: 10 *Largest V / Largest H* (21, 80, 31, 100) [Help Pic 2]

Head Paint: 37 (100, 0, 100, 100)

Pattern_Flag: 10 *Largest V / Largest H* (83, 0, 100, 100) [Help Pic 3]

Pattern_Flag: 10 *Largest V / Largest H* (83, 0, 100, 100) [Help Pic 4]

Pattern_Picture: 107 *Largest V / 2nd largest H / Rotate 1x* (92, 50, 100, 100) [Help Pic 5]

Pattern_Picture: 107 *Largest V / 2nd largest H / Rotate 1x* (92, 50, 100, 100) [Help Pic 6]

Make Up: 131 (96, 50, 47, 100)

Socks: 1-38 (14, 61, 50, 100, 32)

Socks: 1-38 (93, 43, 64, 82, 55)

Socks: 19-1 (43, 0, 77, 100)

Pattern_Simple: 25 *Smallest V / 2nd smallest H / Rotate 2x* (25, 33, 62, 100) [Place in center of yellow spot on left leg]

Pattern_Simple: 25 *Smallest V / 2nd smallest H / Rotate 2x* (25, 33, 62, 100) [Place in center of yellow spot on right leg]

Pattern_Simple: 145 *Largest V / Largest H / Rotate 1x* (86, 27, 73, 100) [Help pic 7... place on right arm]

Pattern_Simple: 110 *Largest V / 2nd Largest H* (86, 35, 74, 100) [Help pic 8... place on left arm so it connects the large gap of the previous layer]

Pattern_Simple: 145 *Largest V / Largest H / Rotate 1x* (86, 27, 73, 100) [Help pic 7... place on right arm]

Pattern_Simple: 110 *Largest V / 2nd Largest H* (86, 35, 74, 100) [Help pic 8... place on left arm so it connects the large gap of the previous layer]

Pattern_Simple: 25 *Smallest V / 2nd smallest H / Rotate 2x* (84, 27, 73, 100) [Place left of crotch on underwear]

Pattern_Simple: 25 *Smallest V / 2nd smallest H / Rotate 2x* (84, 27, 73, 100) [Place right of crotch on underwear]

Pattern_Simple: 25 *Smallest V / 2nd smallest H / Rotate 2x* (84, 27, 73, 100) [Place on center of crotch on underwear. Needs transparency hack]

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