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Tatanka CAW for SVR2006

Created by mammaltoes123



Head: (-78, -44, 100, 6

Eyebrows: (31, -41, 21, -29

Eyes:(0, -60, -3, -75, -60, 100, 10

Nose: (11, 44, 74, 9, 6, -5, -42, 0

Cheek: (70, -12, -71, -10

Mouth: (-99, -21, -50, -33, 0, 51

Jaw: (-99, -19, 0, -18, -59, -38

Ear: (-48, -3, 0, 0

Age: (14


Hair: #79 (0, 85, 28, 0 )

Eyes: #16 (98, 50, 16)

Eyebrows: #44 (94, 50, 50, 100 )

Lips : # 1 (98, 50, 50, 100)

Face Skin: #6

Eyelids #6: (93, 50, 0 )

Teeth: #1


Body Type

Ripped <-> Thick: 0

Advanced Options:

Head: (29, 21, 0 )

Neck: (-97, 40, 10 )

Chest: (-33, 11, 34 )

Shoulder: (-99, 21, 100 )

Abdomen: (-70, 31, 34 )

Waist: (24, 58 )

Arms: (-99, 84, 58 )

Hands: (83, 40, 0 )

Legs: (-47, 29, 86 )

Feet: (0,0,0 )

Body Skin: #: (I think it was 6, look for the one like Hulk Hogan )

10.) Underwear: # 1 (43, 55, 55, 100

11.) Kneepads 5: 43, 55, 55, 100

12.) Wristbands 16: 43, 55, 55, 100

13.) Head Paint 36: 16, 0, 100, 100

14.) Head Paint 35: 16, 50, 0, 100

15.) Accessories 4: 88, 0, 40

16.) Shoes 14: 93, 40, 37

17.) Skirt 37: 91, 44, 45

18.) Left Arm Pattern 153: Place right below shoulder, make longest size and one click thin, make horizontal, 88, 55, 52, 100

19.) Copy and make it look like an arm band

20-21.) Repeat on right arm

22.) Left leg pattern 153, make thickest size and one click tall, place on laces of shoe, 40, 0, 100, 100

23.) Repeat on right leg

24.) Body Accessories 5: 95, 0, 59, 100

25.) Body Accessories 4: 90, 48, 92, 100

26.) Body Pattern 160: Place on bottom of chain near chest, one click thin, (86, 55, 44, 100

27.) Left Arm Pattern 147: one click long, place on arm band (40, 50, 0, 100

28.) Repeat on right arm

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