Smacktalks Posted March 8, 2006 Posted March 8, 2006 Nunzio CAW for SVR2006 Created by KurtSteph Profile: Name: Nunzio HUD:Nunzio Nickname: None Announcer Introduction: Nick Hometown: New York Gender: Male Weight Class: Cruiserweight (175 lbs.) Match Tactics: Fight Dirty Show: SmackDown! Voice: Voice-2 Morphing: Head: Size: (-10) Height: (21) Width: (-44) Depth: (-22) Eyebrows: Y-Axis Position: (-23) Thickness: (5) Depth: (100) Angle: (25) Eyes: Size: (-25) Height: (0) Width: (0) Y-Axis: (0) X-Axis: (0) Depth: (0) Angle: (12) Nose: Size: (17) Height: (0) Width: (-81) Length: (10) Nostrils Height: (-33) Nostrils Width: (8) Angle: (40) Arc: (14) Cheek: Size: (-32) Y-Axis: (88) X-Axis: (-33) Depth: (-10) Mouth: Height: (-83) Thickness: (-40) Horizontal Width: (0) Depth: (-33) Upper Lip Shape: (0) Lower Lip Shape: (0) Angle: (-55) Jaw: Height: (-51) Horizontal Width: (16) Depth: (25) Outline: (-29) Upper Line: (-29) Thickness: (-44) Ear: Size: (0) Angle1: (69) Angle2: (-42) Shape: (-51) Age: 22 Morphing Cont. Hair: 20/91 Colour: (25) Shade (50) Brightness(45) Eyes: 1/26 Colour: (92) Shade: (55) Brightness: (37) Eyebrows: 47/48 Colour: (94) Shade: (33) Brightness: (35) Transp: (100) Facial Hair: None Lips: 35/35 Colour: (99) Shade: (50) Brightness: (50) Transp: (21) Face Skin: 6/8 Eyelids: 1/22 Default Teeth: Default Body Body Type: > Advanced Options Head: Height: (0) Width: (-49) Depth: (0) Neck: Height: (-68) Width: (0) Depth: (0) Chest: Height: (-44) Width: (-26) Depth: (-14) Shoulders: Height: (-47) Width: (-70) Depth: (-10) Abdomen: Height: (-70) Width: (0) Depth: (0) Waist: Width: (-36) Depth: (0) Arms: Length: (-99) Upper Arm: (-18) Forearm: (-10) Hands: Default Legs: Length: (0) Width: (-14) Depth: (0) Feet: Default Body Skin: 1/9 Default Body Height: 5'6 Outfit: Head: Face: Other: 21/25 Colour: (95) Shade: (42) Brightness: (50) Trans: (12) Repeat same step^^only: Colour: (95) Shade: (46) Brightness (50) Trans: (52) Legs: Underwear: 1/25; 1/45 Colour: (62) Shade: (50) Brightness: (50) Arms: Wrist Bands: 1/20; 1/45 Colour: (43) Shade: (0) Brightness: (48) Transp: (100) Length: (89) Knee Pads: 15/15; 1/45 Colour: (0) Shade: (50) Brightness: (50) Transp: (100) Feet: Shoes: 1/48; 1/45 Colour: (0) Shade: (50) Brightness: (50) Head: Makeup: 86/135 Colour: (98) Shade: (50) Brightness: (50) Transp: (32) Head: Makeup: 45/135 Colour: (3) Shade: (42) Brightness: (48) Transp: (22) Arms: Tattoo/Logo: Design: Simple: Right Arm: 160/162 Skinniest Width; Third to the smallest lenght Colour: (59) Shade: (47) Brightness: (50) Trans: (36) Arms: Tattoo/Logo: Design: Simple Right Arm: 145/162 Skinniest Width...Fit the length so it can be placed in the middle of the last oval, giving the appearance of a sword. Colour: (67) Shade: (70) Brightness: (50) Transp: (41) Arms: Tattoo/Logo: Design: Simple: Right Arm: 149/162 Rotate so it's horizontal place at the top of the vertcal blade, use tattoo pic for reference in sizing. Colour: (67) Shade: (67) Brightness: (50) Transp: (36) Arms: Tattoo/Logo: Design: Simple: Right Arm: 149/162 Make a smaller size and place in the middle and overlapping the horizontal oval. This is the handle of the sword...See pic for reference. Colour: (77) Shade: (72) Brightness: (50) Transp: (39) Arms: Tattoo/Logo: Design: Simple: Right Arm: 46/162 Resize and place so the top on the handle of the sword and the bottom is almost at the end of the blade. This is the snake. See pic for reference. Colour: (81) Shade: (50) Brightness: (37) Transp: (26) Torso: Tattoo/Logo: Flag: 6/12 Place on the back of his underwear. Default **Note: If anyone knows how to remidy part of the flag disppearing, let me know. I would have liked to have his name on the back, but this is the best I could do. Open for suggestions.** Head: Tattoo/Logo: Design: Simple: 1/162 Resize and rotate and place so that the tattoo is as far as it can go towards the top of the head. Check face pic for reference. Colour: (40) Shade: (33) Brightness: (45) Transp: (100)
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