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Nailz CAW for SVR2006

Created by biz7


Name : Nailz

Hud : Nailz

Nick Name: Default

Nick Name placement: None

Announcer : The Criminal

Hometown : Georgia (He is from Minnesota but was always billed as from Gerogia prison...so it is your call)

Weight : 302

Tactic : Dirty

Show : up to you (I used Raw)

Voice : Voice 4 (yet again,up to you)


Morphing - Head :

S: (24)

H: (-75)

W: (27)

D: (44)


Y-Axis: (100)

T: (-33)

D: (62)

A: (-1)



H: (-66)

W: (71)

Y-AXIS : (-12)

X-AXIS: (12)

D: (49)

A: (0)


S: (0)

H: (12)

W: (46)

L: (14)

NH: (5)

HW: (-7)

A: (0)

ARC: (12)


S: (100)

Y: (70)

X: (98)

D: (60)


H: (-14)

T: (-16)

HW: (-40)

D: (-21)

Upper Lip: (-21)

Lower Lip: (-47)

Angle: (49)


H: (23)

HW: (22)

D: (19)

O: (20)

UL: (29)

T: (16)


S: (39)

Angle 1: (-21)

Angle 2: (-14)

S: (-10)

AGE : (52)


Hair: 85 (92, 50, 51)

Eyes: 15 (98, 50, 25)

Eyebrows: 23 (92, 100, 53, 59)

Facial Hair - Other - 1 (91, 81, 53, 53)

Facial Hair - Sideburns - 16 (92, 57, 58, 53)

Lips - 27 (98, 50, 50, 100)

Face Skin - 7

Eyelids - 1 (93, 50, 50)

Teeth - 1 (98. 50, 32)

Body Type:

Ripped-Thick - 39 (click advanced options)

Advanced Options:

Head (100,9,31)

Neck (18,0,0)

Chest (77,-23,-5)

Shoulder (0,0,0,)

Abdomen (10,0,0)

Waist (23,6)

Arms (37,16,22)

Hands (21,24,9)

Legs (25,7,8)

Feet (8,5,5)

Body Hair - 9 (95,53,51,100)

Height - 6"5


Feet - Shoes - 14 (43,50,0)

Torso - Clothes - Men - 1 (43,0,32)

Torso - Clothos - Men - 10 (96,55,87)

Legs - Pants - 19 (96,55,53,0)

Torso - Tattoo/Logo - Letter - Front - Numeral page 2 - (use any numbers you want here because you really wont be able to see it anyway...I put '902' over his heart all in black...but it is your choice...check pic for reference.

Torso - Tattoo/Logo - Letter - Back - On the back it is quite easy..Just spell D.O.C and make it all in black...then followed up by doing numeral 902714 below it also all in black...use the pic as reference if needed.

Head - Make up - 133 (96,50,50,100)

Head - Make up - 72 (97,50,46,93)

Other :

Fighting style 1 : Brawler

Fighting style 2 : Grappler

Crowd signs : up to you (I used "Tables,Ladders,Chairs" and "Old School")

Advanced :

Move : Aggresive

Irish whip : Less

Diving moves : Less

Taunt : Less

Attributes: (you can change it of course)

Strength: 9

Submission: 7.5

Durability: 7

Technique: 7.5

Speed: 4.5

Charisma: 6.5

Hardcore: 8

Stamina: 7.5

Overall = 80

Moveset : (Your choice....but finisher move is sleeper hold....I used Million $ Dream)

Entrance :

Moves: Snitsky (almost perfect for Nailz)

Video: Tazz (The Orange works for Nailz)

Music: Tazz (Also good for Nailz)

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