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Mr. Perfect 4

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Mr. Perfect CAW for SVR2006

Created by Nobody


Click here for help pics

Something not said is Default, turkey.

This also assumes you understand how to use CAW mode and can grasp simple logic.

If you notice anything wrong with the formula, any typos etc... Please notify me.


Name: Mr. Perfect

HUD Name: Mr. Perfect

Nick Name: DEFAULT

Nick Name Placement: None

Announcer Introduction: Whatever

Hometown: Minnesota

Gender: Male

Classification: Heavyweight

Match Tactics: Dirty

Show: Either

Voice: Whatever

Basic Faces - You actually think this matters don\'t you?


Head: [0, 0, 0, -19]

Eyebrows: [100, 6, 23, -71]

Eyes: [-1, -5, -3, 33, 14, -55, -30]

Nose: [0, 0, 51, 5, 32, -12, -14, 21]

Cheek: [-19, 100, 38, 0]

Mouth: [-77, 0, -75, -10, 87, 100, 36]

Jaw: [-84, 25, 19, -5, -25, 64]

Ear: [0, 39, -45, -27]

Age: [50]


Hair: 80: [93, 53, 57, 33]

Eyes: 16: [41, 30, 31]

Eyebrows: 1: [97, 50, 47, 100]

Facial Hair:

Others: 23: [95, 50, 50, 16]

*NOTE: You are going to want the make-up to go OVER this

facial hair later... (Just in case it doesn\'t do that by default)

and if you can\'t figure out what I\'m talking about.

Then you smell like fried grease don\'t you?

Lips: 1: [98, 50, 39, 6]

Face Skin: 6 [97, 50, 42] (You can edit this in the layers section to change color)

Eyelids: 1: [93, 50, 50]



Head: [29, -1, -19]

Neck: [-8, 40, 14]

Chest: [0, 0, 0]

Shoulder: [-84, -41, 0]

Abdomen: [0, 22, 5]

Waist: [9, 7]

Arms: [0, 0, 0]

Hands: [0, 0, 0]

Legs: [0, 7, 16]

Feet: [0, 0, 0]

BODY SKIN: 5: [96, 50, 42] - Make exact

BODY HAIR: 2: [95, 50, 50, 60]




Make all these exact.

Makeup: 44: [96, 52, 43, 100]

Makeup: 120: [97, 50, 41, 100]

Makeup: 116: [95, 0, 0, 0]

Tattoo/Logo: Letter: Sign: Page 02/08:

Ok use the damn equal sign. You know... the = sign.

Or is that above your intellectual level hmm?

Rotate once, largest horizontal, second smallest vertical.

Place it in middle of forehead right above eyebrows as shown

in capcard pic of face.

[38, 50, 0, 18]

Ok next...

Tattoo/Logo: Design: 153:

Make it as small as it\'ll go and place it right above the

upper lip under the nose but above the mouth itself.

In the center so it\'s that indentation in his face.

You know... the indentat..... shut up.

[40, 0, 35, 0]


Costume: M-13 P-1: [44, 37, 50, 100, 95]

*Note - You can now change the \'colour\' to whatever the hell you want

I don\'t care he wore all the colors of the rainbow at one time or another

Besides your mom likes me that\'s all I care about.

Now it\'s time for you to go through the immense displeasure of creating my

freakin\' perfect back design that took up lots of layers and gave me headaches

and I hope you get several as well because odds are you probably never posted in

my damn Mr. Perfect topic anyways so this is what you get!

If you did post in those topics... Well then.... Sorry \'bout that.

Tattoo/Logo: WWE: Back: 3:

Smallest horizontal, largest vertical. Place it on either strap as

high as it\'ll let you go. Use help pic.

[66, 0, 7, 100] - Make exact

Now do the same for the other strap...


Tattoo/Logo: WWE: Back: 3:

Rotate once, biggest horizontal, second biggest vertical

Place it in middle of back just a tiny bit above the bottom

of the U shaped blue on the back. Use the help pic.

[66, 0, 7, 100] - Make exact

Oh we\'re just getting started BUCKO!

Tattoo/Logo: Design: Back: 154:

Rotate it once like a good boy.

Largest horizontal, second smallest vertical

Place this damn thing as exact as you can according to the pic.

It needs to be the start of the left side of his diagonal arrow

shape. It\'ll be on his actual skin under the arms a bit but we\'re

gonna cover that up. If these next 2 layers aren\'t right you\'ll

be able to tell when it looks all stupid. Just tinker around and

eventually you\'ll happen upon greatness although I just happen to

be greatness itself and don\'t you envy me yes you do I know you do.

[40, 0, 20, 100]

Do the same for the other side best to copy flip and slide.


Tattoo/Logo: Design: Back: 138:

Rotate it once. Largest horizontal, second smallest vertical

It needs to be placed as the bottom point of his back design

It should match up damn near perfectly. If it doesn\'t

Then you screwed up.

Needs to be in center of back as well use help pics if you need it.

[79, 0, 18, 100]

Tattoo/Logo: Design: Back: 154:

Rotate once, second smallest vertical, second smallest horizontal

This is going to be the left side of the U on his back.

It\'s in the same help pic as the last layer,

[40, 0, 18, 100]

Now do the same for the other side obviously you\'ll need to just leave it

at default rotation.

Tattoo/Logo: Design: Back: 136:

Smallest horizontal, second largest vertical

Ok this one is hard to describe it\'s basically going

to cover up the rest of the blue on either side of the back

The help pic really helps for this one and the next.

[79, 0, 16, 100]

Now do the same thing for the other side.

Tattoo/Logo: Design: Back: 148:

Ok make it have smallest vertical second smallest horizontal.

Now this is used as the last help pic.

It\'s going to be skin colored so cover up the black where the skin

should be under the arms.

Obviously this one is for the left arm.

For the right arm you\'ll need to rotate it.

[96, 26, 61, 100] - Make exact

Now copy, rotate, slide over to other side.

Congrats, hard part over.

And yes, that was hard and deserving of the congrats


Wristbands: Both Arms: M-1 P-1: [43, 0, 50, 100, 86]


Knee Pads: Both Feet: M-15 P-1: [43, 0, 19, 100]


Shoes: M-4 P-1: [43, 0, 52]

Moving along....


Fighting Style 1: Balanced

Fighting Style 2: Grappler

Signs: Whatever


Move: Clever

Irish Whip: Less

Diving Moves: Less

Taunt: Less

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