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Mosh CAW for SVR2006

Created by terror


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Name: Mosh

HUD Name: Mosh

Nick Name: Mosh

Nick Name Placement: None

Announcer Introduction: The Superstar (Or Chad. His real name is Chaz, though)

Hometown: New Jersey

Gender: Male

Weight Class: Heavyweight (243lbs)

Match Tactic: Fight Clean (or Dirty)

Show: RAW (or Smackdown)

Voice: Voice-3


Basic Faces: Face Type 1


Head: 16, 0, 0, 0

Eyebrows: 100, -79, 29, 8

Eyes: 0, -12, 0, -11, -59, 71, -29

Nose: 0, -34, 10, -23, 12, 25, 20, 0

Cheek: 45, -10, -30, 40

Mouth: -14, -16, 40, -7, -37, 32, -51

Jaw: 75, 76, 3, 19, 20, 25

Ear: 32, 31, -64, 50

Age: 0

Morphing Continued:

Hair: 91

Eyes: 1 [92, 50, 44]

Eyebrow: 48 [94, 50, 42, 69]

Facial Hair > Others: 4 [95, 50, 44, 89]

Lips: 1 [98, 50, 50, 100]

Face Skin: 5

Eyelids: 1 [93, 50, 50]

Teeth: 1 [98, 50, 50]


Body Type: -33

Body Type > Advanced Options:

Head: 5, 12, 10

Neck: -42, 25, 0

Chest: 0, 22, 3

Shoulder: -14, 11, 20

Abdomen: 0, 23, 9

Waist: 10, 12

Arms: 0, 38, 43

Hands: 5, 16, 0

Legs: 0, 13, 19

Feet: 0, 0, 0

Body Skin: 5 [95, 49, 49]

Body Hair: 2 [95, 50, 50, 28]

Body Height: 6'2"


Head > Other > Piercings: 1 [88, 0, 50]

Head > Face Paint: 37 [100, 0, 0, 58]

Torso > Clothes > Men's: 73 | Pattern: 1 [43, 0, 0]

Arms > Wrist Bands: 1 | Pattern: 1 [43, 0, 50, 100, 89]

Legs > Underwear: 19 | Pattern: 45 [0, 25, 50]

Legs > Skirts: 14 | Pattern: 21 [6, 60, 50]

Legs > Knee Pads: 8 | Pattern: 1 [43, 0, 0, 100]

Legs > Knee Pads: 5 | Pattern: 1 [43, 0, 19, 100]

Feet > Socks: 1 | Pattern: 1 [17, 45, 52, 100, 77]

Feet > Shoes: 6 | Pattern: 1 [43, 0, 0]


Use pictures for guidance.

Using arm patterns, position the Tribal Design [Left Arm > Tattoo/Logo > WWE: 38] all the way around his upper left arm. You'll need to use 2 of these. [32, 0, 50, 71]

Using arm patterns, position the Cross [Left Arm > Tattoo/Logo > WWE: 39] in the middle of his upper left arm, merged into the above tribal pattern. [87, 0, 37, 42]

Using arm patterns, position the Tribal Design [Right Arm > Tattoo/Logo > WWE: 38] on the middle of his upper right arm. [32, 0, 50, 62]

Using arm patterns, position the Spider Web [Right Arm > Tattoo/Logo > Picture: 93] just below the tribal pattern. [100, 0, 32, 53]

Using torso patterns, position the Spider Web [Tattoo/Logo > Picture > Front: 93] in the middle of his shirt. Maximise the size. [31, 72, 50, 100]

Using torso patterns, position the Skull [Torso > Tattoo/Logo > Picture > Front: 117] in the top left of the web. [91, 50, 63, 82]

Using torso patterns, position the Skull [Torso > Tattoo/Logo > Picture > Front: 117] in the bottom right of the web. Rotate twice. [91, 50, 63, 82]

Using leg patterns, position the Skull and Wings [Left Leg > Tattoo/Logo > Picture: 118] on the middle of his left ankle, just below the kneepad, [38, 47, 27, 39]


1. Body Skin

2. Face Skin

3. Eyes

4. Eyebrows

5. Eyelashes

6. Lip

7. Teeth

8. Hair

9. Bodyhair

10. Underwear

11. Face Other

12. Accessories

13. Headpaint

14. Pattern_WWE

15. Pattern_WWE

16. Pattern_WWE

17. Pattern_WWE

18. Pattern_Picture

19. Pattern_Picture

20. Wrist Bands

21. Knee Pads

22. Knee Pads

23. Socks

24. Shoes

25. Skirt

26. L_Hemeline

27. Pattern_Picture

28. Pattern_Picture

29. Pattern_Picture


A.I. Fighting Style 1: Striker

A.I. Fighting Style 2: Grappler

A.I. Fighting Style WWE Superstar: None

Crowd Signs > Sign 1: WWE Logo (10/13)

Crowd Signs > Sign 2: 'One Sadistic Man' (10/13)

Advanced > Move: Aggressive

Advanced > Irish Whip: Less

Advanced > Diving Moves: Often

Advanced > Taunt: Less

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