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Monty Brown 2

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"Alpha Male" Monty Brown CAW for SVR2006

Created by Do Flamingo



Name: Monty Brown

HUD Name: Monty Brown

Nick Name: The Alpha Male

Nick Name Placement: Pref

Announcer Introduction: Whatever


Gender: Male

Classification: Heavyweight 275lbs

Match Tactics: Dirty

Show: Either

Voice: Whatever


Head: [25, -32, 32, 0]

Eyebrows: [46, 44, 3, 21]

Eyes: [-7, 0, 6, 28, 10, 18, 8]

Nose: [55, 61, 31, 0, 25, 9, -16, 50]

Cheek: [27, 16, 59, 35]

Mouth: [-19, 21, 21, 19, -18, -51, -16]

Jaw: [65, 12, 44, 22, -8, 34]

Ear: [-22, 0, 0, 0]

Age: [14]


Hair: 90: [38, 0, 25]

Eyes: 16: [36, 42, 24]

Eyebrows: 4 [95, 50, 38, 87]

Lips: 1 [97, 48, 33, 100]

Face Skin: 7

Eyelids: 1: [93, 50, 0]



Head: [18, 10, 8]

Neck: [-38, 55, 20]

Chest: [0, 16, 3]

Shoulder: [-10, 38, 18]

Abdomen: [12, 27, 20]

Waist: [14, 34]

Arms: [-8, 0, 27]

Hands: [0, 0, 0]

Legs: [28, 16, 3]

Feet: [0, 0, 0]

BODY SKIN: 2: [96, 49, 30]


10.)underwear: 21 [100, 50, 45]

11.)face hair/other: 19 [95, 50, 0, 79]

12.)face hair/moustaches: 2 [95, 50, 0, 45]

13.)face hair/goat : 8 [95, 57, 34, 71]

14.)face simple: 149 second largest horizontal, second largest vertical [97, 23, 50, 67]

cover the beard on the left of the mouth

15.)face simple: 149 second largest horizontal, second largest vertical [97, 23, 50, 67]

cover the beard on the left of the mouth

16.)face hair/other: 7 [95, 50, 27, 58]

17.)face simple: 149 turn 1, second smallest horizontal, second largest vertical [97, 23, 50, 62]

place under the mouth to cover the goat

18.)make-up: 76 [97, 48, 36, 35]

19.)make-up: 72 [97, 51, 30, 40]

20.)elbow pads: 2 [43, 50, 0, 100]

21.)elbow pads: 1 only left [100, 50, 40, 100]

22.)socks: 1 [43, 50, 0, 100, 32]

23.)knee pads: 5 [100, 67, 27, 100]

24.)gloves: 9 [100, 50, 36]

25.)shoes: 4 [43, 50, 0]

26.)body/flag: 5 turn 1, second smallest vertical, smallest horizontal [93, 100, 19, 59]

on the right of underwear

27.)body/flag: 5 turn 1, second smallest vertical, smallest horizontal [93, 100, 19, 59]

on the left of underwear

28.)body/picture: 99 second smallest vertical, smallest horizontal [94, 50, 0, 41]

over the layer 26

29.)body/picture: 99 second smallest vertical, smallest horizontal [94, 50, 0, 41]

over the layer 27

30.)face/letters/signs: page 1

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