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Matt Hardy 08

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Matt Hardy CAW for SVR2006

Created by TMX




Head: 0, 8, 3, -19

Eyebrows: 54, 58, 12, -14

Eyes: 29, -26, -40, 16, 20, -66, 0

Nose: 0, 62, -10, -21, -1, -1, -64, 0

Cheek: -8, 57, 14, -48

Mouth: -49, 31, -70, -22, 7, -21, 37

Jaw: 0, 0, -21, -16, -8, -23

Ear: 2, 3, -14, -29

Age: 0


Hair: 81/91 (95, 50, 44, 0)

Eyes: 8/26 (100, 40, 40)

Eyebrows: 44/48 (94, 45, 41, 77)

Lips: 34/35 (100, 51, 54, 31)

Face Skin: 3/8

Eyelids: DEFAULT



Body Type: 0


Head: 0, 8, 0

Neck: -21, 18, 19

Chest: 0, 6, 0

Shoulder: -3, 3, 0

Abdomen: 0, 2, 5

Waist: 8, 0

Arms: 0, 0, 0

Hand: 0, -5, 0

Legs: 0, 0, 0

Feet: 0, 0, 0

Body Skin: 5/9 (96, 51, 50)

Body Hair: DEFAULT

Body Height: 6'2"


11. Sideburns 17/17 (93, 50, 50, 100)

12. Goatee 5/13 (95, 39, 44, 60)

13. Goatee 3/13 (92, 50, 50, 79)

14. Elbow Pads 2/16, 1/45 (43, 0, 10, 100)

15. Shoes 1/48, 1/45 (43, 0, 0)

16. Gloves 6/18, 1/45 (43, 0, 50)

17. Pants 11/62, 9/45 (42, 33, 46, 0)

18. Pattern_simple 153/162 *largest horiz, 2nd smallest vert, place on right leg, look at help pics* (40, 0, 20, 100)

19. Pattern_simple 153/162 *largest horiz, 2nd smallest vert* place on right leg, look at help pics* (40, 0, 20, 100)

20. Pattern_simple 149/162 *2nd smallest horiz, 2nd smallest vert* place on right leg, look at help pics* (40, 0, 74, 100)

21. Pattern_simple 149/162 *2nd smallest horiz, 2nd smallest vert, rotate once* place on right leg, look at help pics* (40, 0, 74, 100)

22. Pattern_simple 149/162 *2nd smallest horiz, 2nd smallest vert* place on right leg, look at help pics* (40, 0, 74, 100)

23. Pattern_simple 149/162 *2nd largest horiz, 2nd smallest vert* place on right leg, look at help pics* (40, 0, 74, 100)

24. Pattern WWE 45/64 *2nd smallest horiz, smallest vert, rotate x2* place on right leg, look at help pics* (40, 0, 100, 100)


LAYERS 25 - 31

Do the same for these but on the LEFT LEG. They are the same as layers 18-24. Dont forget to look at help pics for guidance.

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