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Jeff Hardy 6

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Jeff Hardy CAW for SVR2006

Created by TMX



Head: 0, 44, 1, -40

Eyebrows: 73, 21, 34, 51

Eyes: -40, 55, 64, -100, -3, 9, 22

Nose: -18, 68, 0, -16, 29, 25, -48, 31

Cheek: -7, -5, -1, -22

Mouth: -37, -18, -7, -37, -7, -1, 16

Jaw: -55, -6, 14, 3, -45, -1

Ear: 0, 10, -29, -14

Age: 0


1. Body Skin 5/9 (96, 50, 50)

2. Face Skin 3/8 (DEFAULT)

3. Eyes 1/26 (92, 37, 39)

4. Eyebrows 4/48 (95, 41, 47, 100)

5. Eyelashes DEFAULT

6. Lips 1/35 (99, 50, 50, 50)

7. Teeth DEFAULT

8. Hair 31/91 (30, 56, 43)

9. Bodyhair DEFAULT

10. Underwear DEFAULT

11. Sideburns 11/17 (95, 43, 44, 50)

12. Face Other 1/25 (95, 44, 50, 16)

13. Goatee 13/13 (95, 41, 46, 67)

14. Goatee 3/13 (92, 44, 47, 64)

15. Head Paint 18/159 (48, 53, 77, 46)

16. Head Paint 31/159 (41, 44, 37, 87)

17. Head Paint 32/159 (41, 42, 37, 84)

18. Wrist Bands 1/20, 1/45 (43, 0, 0, 100, 0)

19. Wrist Band 9/20, 1/45 (43, 0, 43, 100, 0)

20. Shoes 1/48, 1/45 (43, 0, 0)

21. Letter_alphabet PAGE 01/18 "I" *2nd smallest horiz, 2nd largest vert. place under little patch of a goatee he has* (95, 25, 31, 33)

22. Pattern Picture 100/144 *2nd largest vert, largest horiz, place on the top right of his chest so it will connect to the arm paint* (45, 46, 15, 100)

23. Pants 11/62, 1/45 (43, 0, 83, 0)

24. Long Hemline 73/101, 1/45 (43, 0, 50)

25. Pattern simple 147/162 *largest vert, 2nd smallest horiz, rotate x1, place over his right eye* (40, 0, 16, 100)

26. Pattern simple 147/162 *largest vert, 2nd smallest horiz, rotate x1, place over his left eye* (40, 0, 16, 100)

27. Pattern_picture 134/144 *largest horiz, largest vert, rotate x3, place on the top of his right arm* (43, 50, 18, 84)

28. Pattern_picture 134/144 *largest horiz, largest vert, rotate x1, place underneath the previouspattern* (43, 50, 18, 84)

29. Pattern_picture 134/144 *largest horiz, largest vert, place under previous pattern so the bottom of it is on his hand* (43, 50, 18, 84)

30. Pattern simple 153/162 *2nd largest vert, largest horiz, place on his right leg so its half-over the pocket (40, 0, 31, 100)

31. Pattern simple 153/162 *2nd largest vert, largest horiz, place on his left leg so its half-over the pocket (40, 0, 31, 100)


ya good job, not my favorite person(i mean jeff) but still good job

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