Smacktalks Posted March 6, 2006 Posted March 6, 2006 Ernest "The Cat" Miller CAW for SVR2006 Created by SimulatedOrganizm Ernest Mller The Cat The Cat Suffix Atlanta Georgia male Light Heavyweight Dirty Voice 3 Morphing: Head: -21,29,48,-27 Eyebrows: 68,-18,-14,-7 Eyes: -27,-29,17,68,-27,-25,-33 Nose: -22,0,-10,-36,56,100,28,3 Cheek: 42,-70,48,12 Mouth: 53,100,-19,40,0,0,0 Jaw: 57,42,-7,-18,-37,28 Ear: 25,22,-21,0 Age: 22 Morphing - Continued Hair: 88 (88,47,71) Eyes: 1(92,65,31) Eyebrows: 1(97,50,42,52) Facial Hair:Other:19(92,52,38,38) Facial Hair:Other:4(95,50,50,34) Facial Hair:Goatee:2(95,50,0,14) Lips : 2(98,51,39,100) Face Skin: 1 Eyelids: Teeth: Body Type: Ripped <-> Thick:-10 Advanced Options: Head: 21,25,8 Neck: -10,1,0 Chest: 5,-23,-5 Shoulder: -45,3,-29 Abdomen: -15,13,7 Waist: -5,7 Arms: 14,10,0 Hands: 46,17,14 Legs: 32,-14,-11 Feet: 27,9,7 Body Skin: 5(96,56,37) Body Hair: Body Height: 6\'2 underwear: 1(43,50,0) wristband:1(43,24,100,83) Make Up:134(97,57,19,100) Make Up:130(96,62,36,100) Make Up:45(97,55,39,75) Head:Tattoo/logo:Alphabet:sign:6th culumn, 2nd row, use pic for refference(to make nostrails bigger)(do same for other side) Head:Accesseries:1(88,16,50) Pants:19/62,14/45(90,37,50,58) Belt:19(83,50,0,100) Shoes(for dancing):46(100,50,50) ENTERENCE ONLY Shirt:men:92/101,14/45(90,35,50,100) ENTERENCE ONLY A.I. Fighting Style 1: Striker A.I. Fighting Style 1: Grappler Advanced Move: Aggressive Irish Whip: Less Diving Moves: Less Taunt:Often(dancing,Chris Jerhico 5{i think] works) Finishers:Steven Kick,Throat Trust 4 Lots of karate moves,lots of kicks
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