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Akio CAW for SVR2006

Created by ja7kou87


Hometown:Japan or Korea

Weight class:200 pounds



Head: (0, 0, 20, 16)

Eyebrows: (0, -11, 14, -33)

Eyes: (0, -55, -8,-36, 0, 100, -5)

Nose: (0, 80, -5, 35, 0, 20, -10, 80)

Cheek: (0, 5, 5, 0)

Mouth: (-33, -7, -15, 100, 1, -19, 50)

Jaw: (-68, 14, 42, -29, 0, 50)

Ear: (0, 0, 0, 0)

Age: 0


Hair: 77 (92, 50, 23,18) or 81(95,50,40,0)

If you want to create bald with red attire,

use 89 (93,50,43)

Eyes: 8 (100, 50, 33)

Eyebrows: 47 (94, 50, 33, 75)

Lips : 1 (100,50,50,18)

Face Skin: 4

Eyelids: 10 (93,50,0)

Teeth: 1 default


Body Type (50)

Advanced Options:

Head: (0, 14, 20)

Neck: ( -33, 0, 5)

Chest: (0, 0, 14)

Shoulder: (5, 0, 0)

Abdomen: (0, -18, -48)

Waist: (-23, -18)

Arms: (0, -37, -37)

Hands: (0, -11, -11)

Legs: (5, -34, -34)

Feet: (0, 0, 0)

Body Skin: 5 (96, 47, 51)

Body Hair: 1

Body Height: 5'10

[2003-2004 attire]

11 Facial Hair: Sideburn: 7 (95, 50, 20, 88)

12 Facial Hair: Goatee: 5 (95, 50, 41, 50)

13 Facial Hair: Other: 17 (94, 50, 22, 19)

14 Facial Hair: Sideburn: 13 (95, 50, 33, 62)

15 Facial Hair: Goatee: 12 (95, 50, 40, 59)

16 Facial Hair: Other: 17 (94, 50, 50, 0)

17 Facial Hair: Sideburn: 1 (95, 50, 24, 39)


18 Wrist Bands: 1 (43, 0, 8, 100, 82)


19 Shoes: 1 (43, 0, 8)


20 Pants: 3 (43, 0, 10,0)



21 Make-Up: 117 (95, 50, 24, 38)

22 Make-Up: 53 (96, 41, 51, 64)

23 Make-Up: 52 (96, 43, 54, 93)

24 Make-Up: 9 (96, 45, 39, 78)

25 Head-Tatoo/Logo-Letter-Sign-Page1 "("

Rotate 3 times, Press right once

place it on the right below eye (make shadow)(38,50,11,14)

26 Jast copy layer 25

27 Head-Tatoo/Logo-Letter-Sign-Page1 "("

Rotate 3 times, Press right once

place it on the left below eye (make shadow)(38,50,11,14)

28 Jast copy layer 27

29 Long Hemeline 20 (43,0,11,100,85) (Entrance&Cut scene only)

30 Torso-Tatoo/Logo-Letter-Chinese Page20 The one at the center of first row

Place it on left side of chest(95,0,100,100)

(Entrance&Cut scene only)

31 Torso-Tatoo/Logo-Letter-Chinese Page57 The second from the right of the second row

Place it on left side of chest (under the layer 30)(95,0,100,100)

(Entrance&Cut scene only)

[bald with red attire]

11 Facial Hair: Goatee: 5 (95,50,41,50)

12 Facial Hair: Goatee: 12 (95,50,40,19)

13 Facial Hair: Other: 17 (94,50,50,0)

14 Facial Hair: Sideburn: 1 (95,50,24,0)

15 Facial Hair: Sideburn: 2 (95,50,19,23)

16 Facial Hair: Sideburn: 2 (95,50,19,23)

17 Wrist Bands: 1 (43, 0, 100, 100, 82)

18 Shoes: 1 (43, 0, 8)

19 Pants: 18 (100,46,46,0)

These Make-Up are same from [2003-2004 attire]

20 Make-Up: 117 (95, 50, 24, 38)

21 Make-Up: 53 (96, 41, 51, 64)

22 Make-Up: 52 (96, 43, 54, 93)

23 Make-Up: 9 (96, 45, 39, 78)

24 Head-Tatoo/Logo-Letter-Sign-Page1 "("

Rotate 3 times, Press right once

place it on the right below eye (make shadow)(38,50,11,14)

25 Jast copy layer 24

26 Head-Tatoo/Logo-Letter-Sign-Page1 "("

Rotate 3 times, Press right once

place it on the left below eye (make shadow)(38,50,11,14)

27 Jast copy layer 26

28 Long Hemeline 20 (100,45,50,100,85) (Entrance&Cut scene only)

29 Torso-Tatoo/Logo-Letter-Chinese Page20 The one at the center of first row

Place it on left side of chest(95,0,0,100)

(Entrance&Cut scene only)

30 Torso-Tatoo/Logo-Letter-Chinese Page57 The second from the right of the second row

Place it on left side of chest (under the layer 29)(95,0,0,100)

(Entrance&Cut scene only)

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