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nWo hall n nash early preview

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Hall needs some more work but other than that, they're very good. Hall gets a rating of 7.8/10 and the Nash a 9.4/10.


Hall needs some more work but other than that, they're very good. Hall gets a rating of 7.8/10 and the Nash a 9.4/10.


agreed also nash needs different hair imo


Dunno what it is, but, Hall is always harder to create. Something about the face that people can't get right[myself included, as I've tried :( ].

Nash, as others have already said, needs different hair. Other than that, he's fine;

early rating; hall 5/10 nash 6/10. Both need work, but, are good starts;



i tries but JUST COULD NOT make a good hall... hes too hard to create! ill do nash some tweaking and ill do his TNA attire. or maybe the big daddy cool one


The Nash one looks pretty good, Hall needs some work.


its cool hall a little help

nash just the hair

hall 8/10

nash 9.5/10

Posted (edited)

Best Hall i have seen thus far. After a little work i say 10/10 but now 8.5/10 As far nash i have a photo realistic nash i have been thinking of posting as a matter of fact here it is


Created By: NWOutsider

If you don't recognize the attire, its the attire he wore when Hall and himself faced Luger, Macho, and Sting at Bash of the Beach '96. I think he wore it for a little while after that as well, but not for long. I tried the classic all red Outsiders attire and it just didnt look anywhere as good as this.


Name: Kevin Nash

HUD: Nash

Nick Name: Default

Nick Name Placement: None

Announcer Introduction: Kevin

Hometown: Detriot, Michigan

Gender: Male

Weight Class: Super Heavyweight (315 lbs)

Match Tactics: Dirty

Show: Either (I chose Raw)

Voice: I chose Voice 3



Head: (0) (-40) (51) (-12)

Eyebrows: (100) (-21) (75) (-3)

Eyes: (-18) (-55) (20) (5) (-26) (0) (-21)

Nose: (0) (-14) (-51) (25) (0) (51) (-29) (34)

Cheek: (43) (-96) (-62) (9)

Mouth: (-97) (-49) (-64) (28) (-81) (-58) (14)

Jaw: (51) (56) (40) (5) (29) (11)

Ear: (-95) (80) (-95) (0)

Age: (29)


Hair: 45/91: (93) (43) (36) (39)

Eyes: 8/26: (100) (25) (43)

Eyebrows: 1/48: (97) (48) (41) (100)

Lips : 1/35: (98) (50) (50) (100)

Face Skin: 6/8

Eyelids: Default

Teeth: Default


Body Type

Ripped <-> Thick: 24

Advanced Options:

Head: (95) (17) (0)

Neck: (0) (46) (43)

Chest: (0) (17) (40)

Shoulder: (8) (100) (12)

Abdomen: (-1) (39) (9)

Waist: (56) (31)

Arms: (100) (27) (24)

Hands: (0) (58) (30)

Legs: (75) (14) (20)

Feet: (51) (28) (0)

Body Skin: 5/9: (96) (52) (47)

Body Hair: Default

Body Height: 6'11

10.) Underwear: Default

11.) Facial Hair: Other: 18/25: (96) (20) (38) (75)

12.) Facial Hair: Goatee: 12/13: (95) (40) (42) (100)

13.) Outfit: Head: Make-up: 48/135: (96) (41) (51) (100)

14.) Facial Hair: Mustache: 1/11: (96) (42) (51) (100)

15.) Facial Hair: Goatee: 3/13: (92) (40) (52) (100)

16.) Outfit: Head: Tattoos/Logos: WWE: 38/64: Rotate Three Time (The points of it need to be pointing inward). Second Largest Horizontal Scaling and Second Largest Vertical Scaling. (95) (47) (51) (100) View Help Pic for assistance with placement.

Click Here For Help Pic

17.) Repeat layer 16, expect place it on the opposite side of the goatee. Only rotate once this time that way the points point inward as well.

18.) Outfit: Torso: Costume: 11/17, 1/45: (43) (0) (13) (100)

19.) Outfit: Arms: Elbow Pads: Right Only: 2/16: (43) (0) (13) (100)

20.) Outfit: Feet: Shoes: 1/48, 1/45: (43) (50) (0)

21.) Outfit: Legs: Pants: 58/62, 1/45: (0) (0) (0) (0)

22.) Outfit: Head: Tattoos/Logos: Letter: Sign: Go to page 1/8 and select the 5 one in Row 1 (the dot). Smallest Horizontal Scaling and Second Largest Vertical Scaling. View help pic for assistance with placement.

Click Here For Help Pic

23.) Outfit: Head: Make-up: 130/135: (96) (55) (47) (100)

24.) Outfit: Torso: Tattoos/Logos: Picture: 46/144: Second Smallest Horizontal Scaling and Second Smallest Vertical Scaling. (100) (100) (19) (100) View Help Pic for placement.

Click Here For Help Pic

25.) Outfit: Torso: Tattoos/Logos: Simple: 154/162: Rotate Once. Second Smallest Horizontal Scaling and Second Smallest Vertical Scaling. (100) (100) (51) (100) View Help Pic for placement.

Click Here For Help Pic

26.) Outfit: Torso: Tattoos/Logos: Simple: 153/162: Rotate Once. Second Smallest Horizontal Scaling and Second Smallest Vertical Scaling. (100) (100) (51) (100) View Help Pic for placement.

Click Here For Help Pic

27.) Outfit: Torso: Tattoos/Logos: Simple: 154/162: Second Smallest Horizontal Scaling and Second Smallest Vertical Scaling. (100) (100) (51) (100) View Help Pic for placement.

Click Here For Help Pic

28.) Outfit: Torso: Tattoos/Logos: Picture: 46/144: Second Smallest Horizontal Scaling and Smallest Vertical Scaling. (100) (100) (19) (100) View Help Pic for placement.

Click Here For Help Pic

29.) Outfit: Torso: Tattoos/Logos: Simple: 153/162: Rotate Once. Second Largest Horizontal Scaling and Smallest Vertical Scaling. (100) (100) (51) (100) View Help Pic for placement.

Click Here For Help Pic

30.) Outfit: Torso: Tattoos/Logos: Letter: Alphabet: Go to page 10/18 and choose the N (second letter on the page). Largest Vertical Scaling and Largest Horizontal Scaling. For help with placement, view pics.

31.) Outfit: Torso: Tattoos/Logos: Letter: Alphabet: Go to page 11/18 and choose the W (sixth one in Row 2). Largest Vertical Scaling and Largest Horizontal Scaling. For help with placement, view pics.

32.) Outfit: Torso: Tattoos/Logos: Letter: Alphabet: Go to page 11/18 and choose the O (fifth one in Row 1). Largest Vertical Scaling and Largest Horizontal Scaling. For help with placement, view pics.

Edited by CaK

Umm... you need to make a new thread for that.

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