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Buff Bagwell

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Buff Bagwell

Credit: Insecure2k5


(Green because of camera quality)

Name: Buff Bagwell

HUD Name: Bagwell

Nick Name: Buff

Nick Name Placement: None

Announce Introduction: Hot Stuff

Hometown: Georgia

Gender: Male

Weight Class: 241lbs

Match Tactic: Fight Dirty

Show: SmackDown!

Voice: Voice 2


Head: (s) 0 (h) 30 (w) 40 (d) 0

Eyebrows: (y) 57 (t) -11 (d) 0 (a) 25

Eyes: (s) 0 (h) 25 (w) 0 (y) 30 (x) 0 (d) 0 (a) 0

Nose: (s) 97 (h) 58 (w) -23 (l) -27 (nh) 0 (nw) -36 (a) -37 (arc) 0

Cheek: (s) -93 (y) 0 (x) 0 (d) 0

Mouth: (h) -23 (t) 0 (hw) -33 (d) -66 (uls) 22 (lls) 0 (a) 20

Jaw: (h) 10 (hw) 65 (d) -15 (o) -93 (ul) 0 (t) 0

Ear: (s) -25 (a1) 25 (a2) -95 (s) -92

Morphing Continued

Hair: 4

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