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This year is a little weird. There were quite a few duplicate entries with the same values, and also duplicate move names with more than one value.

For instance, pretty much all of the move names starting with "S" and lower were entered twice with the same value. I deleted the duplicates, so you'll only see one of each. Also, you'll notice there are moves like "Stunner 1" that are listed twice but with 2 different values, "136A & 139D." "Suplex 1" is listed as both "1668 & 1612." There are quite a few like this, and I don't know what the difference is between them, so you'll have to experiment with them and see which is right or if one might even be a hidden animation altogether. "Stunner 5" is missing, so maybe some of them were simply mislabeled.

Anyway, what I have listed here is exactly as it appears on the disc, all 1,736 values....


Credit: the enforcer

EDIT: It appears that some of the moves with "0" in the last 2 digits are reversed. I'll go through all of the moves again tonight and edit this post with any corrections. Otherwise, they're all working.

Ok. Checked all moves. 99% sure the values are all correct. However, some of the moves that are listed are NOT in the game anymore. If the move isn't liasted anywhere in the "create-a-moveset" part of the game, then it doesn't have an animation to go with it. Otherwise, ENJOY!

1615 - 10Punch

17EB - 39FireSpin

1449 - 3HandledCredenza

0DE7 - 450SplashPin

1878 - 5-KnuckleShuffle

136E - 99Crusher

1D01 - AbdominalStretch1

1759 - AbdominalStretch2

11B9 - AbdominalStretch3

097D - Accident

160E - AcrobaticClothesline

1347 - AirplaneSpin

14D9 - AirRaidSiren

14EC - AlabamaSlam

16C9 - AlleyOop1

14C1 - AlleyOop2

16CA - AlleyOopBomb

1880 - AmazingSlam&Splash

070A - AndreTheGiant

254A - AndreTheGiant

0C0E - AnglePunches

14F5 - AngleSlam1

1CB6 - AngleSlam2

0F0A - AngryStomp

1845 - AnkleLock1

1825 - AnkleLock2

126F - AnkleLock3

125D - Armbar1

1261 - Armbar2

1282 - Armbar3

12A6 - Armbar4

11BA - Armbar5

1733 - Armbar6

17C7 - Armbar7

17AA - Armbreaker1

172F - Armbreaker2

166C - Armbreaker3

1D92 - ArmDrag1

12C9 - ArmDrag2

12D1 - ArmDrag3

1368 - ArmDrag4

150A - ArmDrag5

1624 - ArmDrag6

1637 - ArmDrag7

14DB - ArmDrag8

14DC - ArmDragLegDrop

11A6 - ArmLock1

17AB - ArmLock2

1789 - ArmLock3

11B8 - ArmTwistKick

14CF - ArmWhip

13A5 - ArmWrench1

1357 - ArmWrench2

11BB - ArmWrench3

14DD - ArmWringerFlip

1C21 - AtomicDrop

097E - AtomicLegDrop1

1775 - AtomicLegDrop2

1777 - AtomicLegDrop3

0C8F - AxeKick

14BA - Back&Neckbreaker

14BF - Back&Neckbreaker

159F - BackBodyDrop1

15A6 - BackBodyDrop2

09C5 - Backbreaker&LegDrop

132A - Backbreaker1

13D6 - Backbreaker2

1488 - Backbreaker3

1CCC - Backbreaker4

12DC - Backbreaker5

1CB2 - Backbreaker6

119D - Backbreaker7

14B7 - Backbreaker8

14B9 - Backbreaker9

14D1 - Backbreaker10

16F3 - Backbreaker11

1C27 - Backbreaker12

1D1E - Backbreaker13

11AE - Backbreaker14

17C3 - BackChop1

0BF5 - BackChop2

0C14 - BackChop3

0C1F - BackChop4

12C4 - BackChop5

12CE - BackChop6

130C - BackChop7

1332 - BackChop8

11C2 - BackClub

1629 - BackElbowStrike

11A3 - BackhandBlow1

1346 - BackhandBlow2

0CAE - BackKick1

131E - BackKick2

16DF - BackLowBlow

1D05 - BackRake

1D9A - BackRolling1

1DA7 - BackRolling2

1DAD - BackRolling3

1285 - BackRolling4

1472 - BackSideSlam1

1CB3 - BackSideSlam2

1CEE - BackslidePin

13A8 - BackSuplex1

1CAE - BackSuplex2

1CC1 - BackSuplex3

1CC2 - BackSuplex4

1CC4 - BackSuplex5

1CC9 - BackSuplex6

14C9 - BackSuplex7

1C0E - BackSuplex8

1850 - BackSuplex9

1C85 - BackSuplexPin1

1D09 - BackSuplexPin2

1CFD - BackTazzmission1

1CFE - BackTazzmission2

02EA - BackwardRingOut

2410 - Bang!Bang!

0E74 - BaseballSlide1

1DB4 - BaseballSlide2

2547 - Batista1

2413 - Batista2

242D - Batista3

1496 - BatistaBomb

1334 - BatistaLifting&Toss

12E1 - BearHug1

11BC - BearHug2

23E5 - BeatChest1

244A - BeatChest2

1C25 - BellytoBack2

1401 - BellyToBackSlam

1402 - BellyToBelly1

1436 - BellyToBelly2

159B - BellyToBelly3

15A2 - BellyToBelly4

23FB - Benoit1

260E - Benoit2

0D69 - BenoitAttack

0C10 - BenoitPunches

0D48 - BicycleKick

1649 - BigBackChop1

16E4 - BigBackChop2

0CAF - BigBoot1

0D5C - BigBoot2

16E2 - BigBoot3

16FB - BigBoot4

1419 - BigKneeSmash

128B - BigPunch1

1233 - BigPunch2

128C - BigShoulderClaw1

172D - BigShoulderClaw2

06FB - BigShow

242E - BigShow

16EE - BigSlap

175B - BigSplashPin

176C - BigStomp

17E6 - BigSwing

1630 - BigThump

1854 - BigWalk

14EA - BlackOut

1CFB - BlackOutHold

17BD - BlackWidow

096E - BodyAttack

17C6 - BodyKick

120D - BodyKneeStrike

13D9 - BodyPressDropFW

0B0C - BodyPunch

0970 - BodySplash&Whip

162E - BodyStrikes

1404 - BombToFacebuster

0A3E - Bonsoir

1458 - BookEnd

19E6 - BookerT

06E9 - BookerT

02BD - BookerT

23DF - BookerT1

2434 - BookerT2

0F35 - BookerTKneeDrop1

1774 - BookerTKneeDrop2

187E - BookerTSpecial

0CA7 - BookerTSpinningKick

0F37 - BookerTStomp

17DC - BostonCrab

1852 - Bow&Arrow1

183C - Bow&Arrow2

1734 - Bow&Arrow3

1D21 - Bow&Arrow4

17AF - BowBackbreaker

060C - Boxing

0BFB - BoxingBodyBlow

0BFA - BoxingHookPunch

0BF8 - BoxingStraightPunch

0BFC - BoxingStrongUppercut

0BF9 - BoxingUppercut

14E9 - BrainDamage

2414 - Bret1

2415 - Bret2

0CF3 - BroncoBuster

0C1D - BrotherSnapJab

1DA1 - Bulldog1

15E2 - Bulldog2

15E4 - Bulldog3

165C - Bulldog4

1C26 - Bulldog5

15EC - Bulldog6

0962 - CalfKick&Sweep

0973 - CalfKick&TigerSuplex

1847 - CamelClutch1

184A - CamelClutch2

17C9 - CamelClutch3

17CA - CamelClutch4

06BE - Capoeira

0C94 - CapoeiraKick1

0C8E - CapoeiraKick2

119C - CatFight

0C31 - CenaPunch1

0CC2 - CenaPunch2

11BD - CenaUnderhook

23A2 - CharlieHaas1

2548 - CharlieHaas2

2435 - CharlieHaas3

2416 - Chavo01

2417 - Chavo02

11C7 - ChickenWing1

17B8 - ChickenWing2

132F - ChickKick

11BE - ChinLock

16E7 - Choke1

178D - Choke2

14E1 - Choke3

10CC - Chokeslam1

13B9 - Chokeslam3

13BF - Chokeslam4

13C1 - Chokeslam5

14B1 - Chokeslam8

162A - Chokeslam10

16FF - ChokeSlingshot

146F - ChokeToss

166E - Chop&PunchCombo

0449 - ChopBattle

15EB - ChopBlock

06F7 - ChrisJericho

2390 - ChrisJericho1

2391 - ChrisJericho2

2520 - ChrisJericho3

260F - ChrisJericho4

2411 - ChrisJericho5

2344 - Christian1

2573 - Christian2

23A1 - Christian3

2437 - Christian4

2438 - Christian5

070C - Christy

0D36 - Clothesline&Bulldog

0BBB - Clothesline1

0CB2 - Clothesline2

0CBA - Clothesline3

0C0F - Clothesline4

0D21 - Clothesline5

0D28 - Clothesline6

0D2C - Clothesline7

0D2E - Clothesline8

0D30 - Clothesline9

0D40 - Clothesline10

0D56 - Clothesline11

0D57 - Clothesline12

0D58 - Clothesline13

0D6C - Clothesline14

0D6F - Clothesline15

0D70 - Clothesline16

0D71 - Clothesline17

120B - Clothesline18

12C6 - Clothesline19

12E2 - Clothesline20

12EA - Clothesline21

1320 - Clothesline22

1322 - Clothesline23

134D - Clothesline24

1669 - Clothesline25

1884 - ClotheslineComboPin

0D41 - ClothslineFromHell

1829 - CloverLeaf

1D04 - CobraClutch1

1787 - CobraClutch2

1D22 - CobraClutch3

13EB - CobraClutchBomb

1748 - CockyPin

11AB - CoconutsCrush

0CCC - Combination1

129C - Combination2

12AB - Combination3

12BD - Combination4

12C1 - Combination5

134F - Combination6

0A3F - CombinationCutter

2562 - ComeOn!

14C2 - CompleteShot

0976 - CoolLegDrop

0975 - CoolPunches

0E78 - CorkscrewBodyAttack

0E28 - CorkscrewBodyPin

166F - CornerChoke

1273 - CripplerCrossface

1765 - CrossArmbreaker

1779 - CrossArmStretch

0D2D - CrossBody1

0D77 - CrossBody2

17A4 - CrossfaceChickenwing

167B - CrossPowerbomb

11C3 - Crucifix

14E5 - CrucifixHeadScissor

12F9 - CruiserweightMove1

1D08 - CruiserweightMove2

177E - CruiserweightMove3

17FE - CruiserweightMove4

1199 - CruiserweightMove5

119E - CruiserweightMove6

145B - CurtainCall

1475 - Cutter

2409 - CutTheAir

233A - CutThroat

1461 - Cyclone1

1489 - Cyclone2

06B1 - Dancing1

06B2 - Dancing2

179B - DannyFullNelson

1742 - DarknessChoke

0CFD - DashElbow

0CFE - DashKnifeEdgeChop

1D84 - DDT1

1D96 - DDT2

1D9F - DDT3

136D - DDT4

130D - DDT5

13D1 - DDT6

13EE - DDT7

1430 - DDT8

143E - DDT9

1444 - DDT10

145C - DDT11

1486 - DDT12

1487 - DDT13

148C - DDT14

1494 - DDT15

14A1 - DDT16

1C90 - DDT17

1CA4 - DDT18

1CDA - DDT19

1622 - DDT20

1639 - DDT21

1658 - DDT22

3BA7 - DDT23

14CD - DDT24

0978 - DeathDevice

0960 - DeathDrop1

0A2D - DeathDrop2

0967 - DeathDrop3

1841 - DeathLock

183B - DeathlockWithBridge

1435 - DeathValleyDrive

1313 - DeepBreath1

234C - DeepBreath2

234F - DeepBreath3

1628 - DiamondDust

166B - DirtyPunch

0E75 - DiveThroughRopes

0DCA - DivingClothesline

0DC9 - DivingCrossBodyPin1

0DC8 - DivingCrossBodyPin2

0DDF - DivingElbow

0DDE - DivingElbowDrop

0DE6 - DivingElbowDropPin1

0E02 - DivingElbowDropPin2

0DB3 - DivingFameAsser

0DF9 - DivingFistDrop

0DF4 - DivingHeadbutt

0D0C - DivingHurracanrana

0DE8 - DivingLegDrop

0E1A - DivingMoonsault1

0E25 - DivingMoonsault2

0E26 - DivingMoonsault3

0DCC - DivingReverseElbow

0DCB - DivingSideKick

0DB1 - DivingSpear

0D29 - DivingSpinningLariat

13B1 - Dominator

1CC7 - DoubleArmBuster

14A7 - DoubleArmSuplex1

14B8 - DoubleArmSuplex2

0984 - DoubleArmWhip

0C20 - DoubleAxeHandle1

0CBF - DoubleAxeHandle2

0DAE - DoubleAxeHandle3

0F34 - DoubleAxeHandle4

0F60 - DoubleAxeHandle5

1695 - DoubleAxeHandle6

0A2A - DoubleBeatHead

0977 - DoubleChokeslam

0A29 - DoubleClothesline

0A2C - DoubleDDT

0A2F - DoubleDropkick

0964 - DoubleElbowDrop1

0968 - DoubleElbowDrop2

0A36 - DoubleElbowDrop3

0A3B - DoubleFacecrusher

0A3C - DoubleFlapjack

1298 - DoubleKneeAttack

0F12 - DoubleKneeDrop

0987 - DoubleLegDrop

0A30 - DoublePunches1

0A34 - DoublePunches2

0980 - DoubleSideLegLock

096F - DoubleStomping

0A28 - DoubleSuplex

163C - DoubleUnderhookSuplex

143B - DoubleWristSuplexpin

1828 - DougLegLock

10CD - DownwardThrust

0DB2 - DragonranaPin

12A4 - DragonScrew

11C8 - DragonSleeper1

1CFF - DragonSleeper2

1750 - DragonSleeper3

1C94 - DragonSuplexPin

0C0A - DragonWhip1

1195 - DragonWhip2

0A33 - Dropkick&Rollingclutch

1681 - Dropkick&Schoolboypin

0C8B - Dropkick1

0CA4 - Dropkick2

0CB8 - Dropkick3

0F40 - Dropkick4

165E - Dropkick5

0983 - Dropkick6

11AA - Dropkick7

16F6 - Dropkick8

1855 - Dropkick9

1780 - DropkickToFace

0C9C - DropkickToKnee1

0CAB - DropkickToKnee2

0F5F - DropkickToKnee3

16FA - DropOut

0CDA - Dropsault

15B4 - DroptoHold

1674 - DudleyDog1

1682 - DudleyDog2

2392 - Dupree1

2448 - Dupree2

1198 - DupreeBomb

179E - DupreeDance&Attack

0CDD - DupreePunchCombo

0C0F - DupreePunches

186B - Earthquake

1CFA - EddieCradlePin

2596 - EddieGuerrero1

2360 - EddieGuerrero2

242B - EddieGuerrero3

243A - EddieGuerrero4

2612 - Edge1

2613 - Edge2

237E - Edge3

17F7 - Edgecator

146E - Edgecution

1306 - EdgeO'Matic1

1C97 - EdgeO'Matic2

16E3 - Elbow&IrishWhip

0CEF - ElbowAttack1

0D2A - ElbowAttack2

0D2B - ElbowAttack3

0D49 - ElbowAttack4

0D4B - ElbowAttack5

0D4E - ElbowAttack6

0E7B - ElbowAttack7

0F0D - ElbowDrop1

0F2F - ElbowDrop2

0F3A - ElbowDrop3

0F3F - ElbowDrop4

0F5A - ElbowDrop5

0F5B - ElbowDrop6

1762 - ElbowDrop7

1785 - ElbowDrop8

170A - ElbowDrop9

186C - ElbowDrop10

186D - ElbowDrop11

0F51 - ElbowDrop12

181C - ElbowDropCombo

0BC5 - ElbowSmash1

0C98 - ElbowSmash2

128A - ElbowToBackOfHead1

1CF9 - ElbowToBackOfHead2

1C8A - ElectricChairDrop

1846 - ElPaso

13FE - EmeraldFusion

0CBC - Enzuigiri

06FF - EricBischoff

253F - EricBischoff

2418 - Eugene1

2419 - Eugene2

14E8 - EugeneBottom

1D20 - EugeneDigInto

17C8 - EugeneDog

2429 - EugeneHogan

1857 - EugeneHorse

187A - EugeneLegdrop

11C1 - EugenePunch

260A - EugeneRock

187B - Eugene'sElbow

169D - EugeneSledgeHammer

11C5 - EugeneUp

187C - EugeneWhip

11A2 - EuropeanUppercut

06BC - Extreme

190F - Extreme

0D62 - ExtremeForearmSmash

09C8 - ExtremeLegDrop1

0A31 - ExtremeLegDrop2

0DFA - ExtremeLegDrop3

1D00 - ExtremeLegDropPin

1D8E - ExtremeNeckbreakerdrop

1295 - ExtremeSmallPackage

149A - ExtremeTwistOfFate

1196 - EyePoke1

11B6 - EyePoke2

12E3 - EyePoke3

12E4 - EyePoke4

133D - EyePoke5

125E - EyeRake1

12FC - EyeRake2

096A - Facebuster1

13EF - Facebuster2

14F7 - Facebuster3

138B - Facecrusher1

13B4 - Facecrusher2

14AF - Facecrusher3

1DA6 - Facecrusher4

1CE2 - Facecrusher5

17C5 - FaceLock1

11C9 - FaceLock2

174E - FaceStretch1

177B - FaceStretch2

0E7A - FakeDivingAttack1

0EA9 - FakeDivingAttack2

0F10 - FallingHeadbutt

096D - FallingPowerbomb

13FA - FallingPowerslam

138A - FameAsser

110B - FeintEyePoke

0CA2 - FeintKick&Sweep

11A1 - FeintStomping

1826 - Figure-4LegLock1

182B - Figure-4LegLock2

163F - Figure-4NeckLock

143C - FinalCut

175F - FinishingLegDrop

128D - FinishingPunch

14E2 - FinishingTouch

14D8 - FiremanCarry

138F - FireThunder

14F8 - FishermanSuplex

13BD - FishermanSuplexPin

0F43 - FistDrop1

0F3C - FistDrop2

178A - FistDrop3

178C - FistDrop4

0DFD - Five-StarFrogSplash

2608 - Flair1

244C - Flair2

234A - Flair3

2351 - Flair4

2403 - Flair5

1665 - FlairWalk

1D9E - Flapjack&Dropkick

142A - Flapjack1

1465 - Flapjack2

15A7 - Flapjack3

12FF - FlashBack1

1CBE - FlashBack2

0F2E - FlipLegDrop

163B - FlippingSlam

0F41 - FlipSentonAttack1

0F5C - FlipSentonAttack2

140A - FlipSuplex

14E7 - FloatOverDDT

0D50 - FlyingClothesline1

0DC3 - FlyingClothesline2

165B - FlyingClothesline3

0CED - FlyingCrossChop

0D22 - FlyingForearmSmash

0D3D - FlyingForearmSmash2

0D63 - FlyingHeadbutt

161A - FootChoke1

16BC - FootChoke2

1796 - FootStamp1

0E04 - FootStamp2

132C - ForearmBite

1873 - ForearmDrop

1CF8 - ForearmSmash

169A - ForearmtoBack

1345 - ForeheadBite1

1754 - ForeheadBite2

14C6 - FreeFallDrop

0DE3 - FrogSplashPin1

0E00 - FrogSplashPin2

0CA5 - FrontDropkick1

0D2F - FrontDropkick2

0DAC - FrontDropkick3

127F - FrontDropkick4

096B - FrontSlam

148F - F-U1

1392 - F-U2

1D0F - FullNelson

1CAB - FullNelsonBomb

1CAC - FullNelsonFaceBuster

149D - FullNelsonSlam1

1CB1 - FullNelsonSlam2

12CF - FuryPunch1

12D3 - FuryPunch2

12D8 - FuryPunch3

12ED - FuryPunch4

12F3 - FuryPunch5

176A - FuryPunch6

176E - FuryPunch7

16E8 - FuryStrikes

0A39 - GermanSuplex&STO

1D9C - GermanSuplex1

146C - GermanSuplex2

1479 - GermanSuplex3

1CB4 - GermanSuplex4

1CC3 - GermanSuplex5

15E9 - GermanSuplex6

147A - GermanSuplex7

1CC8 - GermanSuplex8

1C8F - GermanSuplexPin1

1C93 - GermanSuplexPin2

244B - GetUp!1

253A - GetUp!2

140E - GiantPush

130B - Gordbuster1

1433 - Gordbuster2

14F4 - GorillaPressSlam

0DC4 - GoRoundPin

1388 - GoryBomb

12A3 - GorySpecial1

1232 - GorySpecial2

12EC - Grapple3

120F - Grapple4

1309 - Grapple6

1338 - Grapple7

133B - Grapple8

1341 - Grapple9

1FA7 - GrappleBodyAttack1

1FAC - GrappleBodyAttack2

1FA6 - GrappleElbowStrike1

1FAB - GrappleElbowStrike2

1FAE - GrappleElbowStrike3

11CC - GrappleLucha

1FA5 - GrapplePunch1

1FA8 - GrapplePunch2

1FAA - GrapplePunch3

1FAD - GrapplePunch4

11CB - GrappleSig

11CD - GrappleSub

11C6 - GrappleTech

1FAF - GrappleThroatThrust

0979 - GroinPress

16F9 - GroinShaker

11A5 - GroundHeadlock

17A5 - GroundTazzmission

12D9 - Guillotine1

3BB1 - Guillotine2

1286 - Guillotine3

1289 - Guillotine4

130A - Gutbuster1

148B - Gutbuster2

1CCA - Gutbuster3

1321 - Gutbuster4

0966 - GutCrusher

143A - GutwrenchSuplex

1848 - HaasOfPain

17C4 - Hagakure

13E1 - HalfNelsonFaceBuster

1CA6 - HalfNelsonSuplex1

1CC5 - HalfNelsonSuplex2

11BF - HammerLock

252B - HandBeating

2367 - Hand-Clapping

0D37 - HandspringFC1

0D54 - HandspringFC2

186A - HandspringSplash

0D24 - HandspringToKick

1642 - HangingInReverse

1293 - HangmanChokehold1

1636 - HangmanChokehold2

2427 - Hassan

0C26 - Haymaker

0706 - HBK

2334 - HBK1

23AA - HBK2

242F - HBK3

2459 - HBK4

0CD8 - HeadAttack

1262 - Headbutt1

1271 - Headbutt2

133C - Headbutt3

1D17 - Headbutt4

11B4 - Headbutt5

09C6 - HeadbuttToGroin

12FE - HeadIsStruck

12E5 - Headlock1

12FB - Headlock2

17B9 - Headlock3

110C - Headlock4

12E6 - HeadlockPunch1

11B3 - HeadlockPunch2

13F7 - HeadlockTakeover

12CB - HeadPound

174F - HeadScissorRollover

0DB5 - HeadscissorTakedown1

1D0A - HeadscissorTakedown2

1757 - HeadShakeLegDrop

1CE5 - HeadSmasher

0CD9 - HeavyCombo1

161D - HeavyCombo2

23F1 - Hello1

240A - Hello2

06F4 - Hero

0D5D - HeroAttack

1CE3 - HighAngleBackbreaker

0974 - HighAngleBackSuplex1

0963 - HighAngleSuperplex

0E77 - HighFlyingBodyPress

174B - HipDrop

1D0B - HipsStruck

1580 - HipToss1

159D - HipToss2

0965 - HipToss3

14C3 - HipToss4

137A - HogLock

2343 - HoldHandsinPrayer1

2594 - HoldHandsinPrayer2

235F - Holdup1

2383 - Holdup2

127B - HoppingSunsetFlip1

1D1D - HoppingSunsetFlip2

0CE6 - HoTrainAttack

0E01 - HoustonHangOver

1D95 - Hurracanrana&Punches

12B8 - Hurracanrana1

131D - Hurracanrana2

1485 - Hurracanrana3

149E - Hurracanrana4

1C0F - Hurracanrana5

1D1A - Hurracanrana6

1883 - Hurracanrana7

14DE - Hurracanrana8

1619 - Hurracanrana9

1D86 - HurracanranaPin1

1483 - HurracanranaPin2

1D06 - HurracanranaPin3

2607 - Hurricane1

241A - Hurricane2

236E - IamANumberOne1

23D7 - IamANumberOne2

1688 - IllegalPin

1C98 - InvertedSuplex

0320 - IrishWhip

1D97 - IrishWhip

12BA - IronClaw

13EA - Jackknife

13FC - Jawbreaker1

1417 - Jawbreaker2

1434 - Jawbreaker3

2430 - JBL1

241C - JBL2

14BD - JBLPowerbomb

160F - JerichoRopeAttack

0F44 - JerichoSenton

0C0B - JerichoToeKick

1797 - JindrakElbowDrop

2539 - JohnCena1

2542 - JohnCena2

2543 - JohnCena3

23FC - JohnCena4

260C - JohnCena5

0CDC - JohnsonShuffle

13E9 - JudgementSlam

1408 - JudoFlipSuplex

1409 - JudoHipThrow

1405 - JudoHipToss

02C3 - Jumping1

02E9 - Jumping2

14A8 - JumpingArmbreaker

1235 - JumpingAxeHandle

0C81 - JumpingCalfKick

0F45 - JumpingElbowDrop

0D4A - JumpingKneeAttack1

0D65 - JumpingKneeAttack2

0CA9 - JumpSpinBackKick

17CB - JunkyardHeadbutt

06FA - Kane

2371 - Kane1

2610 - Kane2

1470 - KaneLifting&Toss

1634 - KaneStrikes

0C25 - KaneUppercut

0CF2 - KarateKick1

164D - KarateKick2

0F2A - KaratePunch1

0C00 - KaratePunch2

0C01 - KarateSlide

0A3D - Kick&GermanSuplexpin

1800 - KickToBack

181F - KickToGroin

097A - KickToGut1

0CD3 - KickToGut2

17FF - KickToHead

0D47 - KitchenSink1

120A - KitchenSink2

0D25 - KneeAttack1

0CDB - KneeAttack2

17B3 - KneeAttack3

13B3 - KneeBreaker1

1C22 - KneeBreaker2

0DE2 - KneeDrop1

0F0E - KneeDrop2

16F8 - KneeDrop3

1730 - KneeDrop4

17C2 - KneeDrop5

1839 - KneeSmash1

1842 - KneeSmash2

1849 - KneeStomp

1269 - KneeStrike1

127C - KneeStrike2

1647 - KneeStrike3

1806 - KneeToGroin

06BB - Kung-Fu1

06D5 - Kung-Fu2

06D6 - Kung-Fu3

06D7 - Kung-Fu4

06DC - Kung-Fu5

06E4 - Kung-Fu6

0C9B - Kung-FuRoundhousekick

02E6 - KurtAngle

06F6 - KurtAngle

23E9 - KurtAngle1

23F8 - KurtAngle2

2408 - KurtAngle3

242C - KurtAngle4

0F3D - KurtAngleStomp

1324 - KurtChickenwing

148E - LandingPin

13B6 - LastCall

1844 - Leg&NeckLock

16F4 - LegBreaker1

1822 - LegBreaker2

1823 - LegDrop1

0F50 - LegDrop2

172E - LegDrop3

0CD6 - LegLariat

126C - LegLock1

126D - LegLock2

12A8 - LegLock3

12AF - LegLock4

17EA - LegLock5

17F1 - LegLock6

17F2 - LegLock7

17FA - LegLock8

1814 - LegLock9

184F - LegLock10

1853 - LegLock11

1856 - LegLock12

181E - LegStretch1

1821 - LegStretch2

17E7 - LegToGroin

1280 - LegTrip1

1335 - LegTrip2

14D4 - LegWhip

140A - Lift&Cutter

1D03 - Lifting

14CA - LiftUpDrop

0EA8 - Lionsault

1770 - LionsaultPin

241D - LITA1

241E - LITA2


2426 - Longhorn

1D83 - LouTheszPress

0A35 - LowBlow&KneeAttack

12C8 - LowBlow1

12E7 - LowBlow2

1301 - LowBlow3

130E - LowBlow4

130F - LowBlow5

1CEA - LowBlow6

1698 - LuchaDDT

1CBA - MagnumDriver

11B1 - MandibleClaw

241F - Mankind1

2420 - Mankind2

254E - MarkJindrak

1CDB - MarkOfExcellence

1400 - MatSlam

1788 - MexicanArmbreaker

168A - MexicanStretch1

183D - MexicanStretch2

183A - MexicanStretch3

1426 - MexicanStretchBuster

140D - MexicanStretchPin

0C0D - MiddleKick

166D - MilitaryDrop

14AC - MilitaryPress

1D0E - Million$Dream

0DB4 - MissileDropkick

0BCD - MongolianChop

1675 - MonkeyFlip

0EA7 - MoonsaultAttack

0F33 - MoonsaultSplash1

1778 - MoonsaultSplash2

17F8 - MoonsaultSplash3

0982 - MoonsultCombination

23A7 - MoonWalk1

23DE - MoonWalk2

1746 - MountedPunching1

1786 - MountedPunching2

17BF - MountedPunching3

1798 - MountedPunching4

06B9 - MuayThai

1616 - MudholeStomping1

160C - MudholeStomping2

16C3 - MudholeStrikes

1699 - MuleKick

1648 - MultipleKick

2346 - MuscleAppealing

06EE - Muscular

0C2D - MuscularPunches

2431 - Mysterio1

230E - Mysterio2

1327 - MysterioMoves

1DA8 - MysterioRolling

06B3 - Mysterious1

06B7 - Mysterious2

06D9 - Mysterious3

06DA - Mysterious4

06DB - Mysterious5

06E2 - Mysterious6

06E3 - Mysterious7

1672 - MysteriousChop

0DEC - NearBodyPress

0DE9 - NearElbowDrop

0DEA - NearKneeDrop

0DEB - NearLegDrop

1D7E - Neckbreaker1

1DA4 - Neckbreaker2

1318 - Neckbreaker3

132B - Neckbreaker4

139E - Neckbreaker5

13A9 - Neckbreaker6

130F - Neckbreaker7

13F3 - Neckbreaker8

1432 - Neckbreaker9

1456 - Neckbreaker10

1CBB - Neckbreaker11

15E6 - Neckbreaker12

167F - Neckbreaker13

119F - Neckbreaker14

110A - Neckbreaker15

11A7 - Neckbreaker16

14D7 - Neckbreaker17

14E6 - Neckbreaker18

1D90 - NeckbreakerDrop

1784 - NeckLock

13C5 - NeckLockSuplex

179A - NeckSnap

1791 - NeckTwist

175E - NeckWrench

06DE - Ninja

167E - Ninja

02BC - Normal

02CB - Normal

19D2 - Normal

1A91 - Normal

139C - NorthernLightsDriver

14A6 - NorthernLightsSuplex1

14F3 - NorthernLightsSuplex2

14F2 - NorthernLightsSuplex3

14F6 - Novacain

1D99 - OctopusStretch1

1CEC - OctopusStretch2

2412 - OJ!

17A2 - OklahomaRollPin1

17A7 - OklahomaRollPin2

141F - OklahomaSlam

1887 - OldSchool

02EB - OneHandstandRingout

0D5F - OnTheTopRope

1412 - OrangeCrushPin

1877 - OrientalKneeDrop

1413 - OrientalToss

2611 - Orton1

2421 - Orton2

230A - Orton3

2455 - Orton4

1C87 - OsakaStreetCutter

02E2 - Outlaw

06BF - Outlaw

16E1 - OutlawAttack

12D2 - OutlawKneeStrike1

0C11 - OutlawPunches1

0C23 - OutlawPunches2

0C9D - OutlawPunches3

1349 - OutlawStomp1

178E - OutlawStomp2

0C93 - OutsideCrescentKick1

0D39 - OutsideCrescentKick2

0DC1 - OverCastle

1463 - Overdrive

0BD4 - OverhandPunch

02CE - OverTheRope

02CF - OverTheRope

146B - Pedigree1

148A - Pedigree2

0BD5 - People'sPunch1

0BFF - People'sPunch2

13DF - Piledriver1

14CE - Piledriver2

0450 - PinFall

03EC - PinFall

17D5 - PinWithBridge

0981 - PlayLeapfrogAttack

2337 - PointingWalk

0CD5 - PolishHammer1

0CD7 - PolishHammer2

097F - Powerbomb1

13A3 - Powerbomb2

13AA - Powerbomb3

13E7 - Powerbomb4

1407 - Powerbomb5

1422 - Powerbomb6

1424 - Powerbomb7

142F - Powerbomb8

1439 - Powerbomb9

1478 - Powerbomb10

130C - Powerbomb11

13C2 - Powerbomb12

14EE - Powerbomb13

14EF - Powerbomb14

14F1 - Powerbomb15

06F2 - Powerful

120E - PowerfulKneeStrike1

1333 - PowerfulKneeStrike2

1782 - PowerfulRaise

032A - PowerIrishWhip

12DE - PowerOfThePunch

157F - Powerslam1

15A8 - Powerslam2

14B6 - Powerslam3

14F9 - Powerslam4

1491 - PowerslamPin1

159E - PowerslamPin2

15AA - PowerslamPin3

0CB9 - PowerUp1

1326 - PowerUp2

1C86 - PumphandleDrop

1CE4 - PumphandleSlam

1CD1 - PumphandleSuplex

1673 - PumpUpBuster

0A37 - Punches&FullNelson

17EC - PunchToGroin

0C38 - PunchtoGut

0C39 - PunchtoHead

16C4 - PushesTurnbuckle

183E - QueenAngelitoStretch

1D8D - QueenSunsetFlippin

1C8E - QueenSuplexPin

02ED - Quick

0C36 - QuickJab

0C04 - QuickKick

03E9 - Raise

044D - Raise

250C - RaiseArm1

243C - RaiseArm2

245B - RaiseArm3

245A - RaiseArm4

243D - RaiseArm5

050A - RaiseTheOpponentup

17B2 - RearNakedChoke

1697 - ReboundSuplex

2428 - Refusal

14C4 - RememberThat

13CC - RepeatingPowerbomb1

14F0 - RepeatingPowerbomb2

15B5 - ReverseAtomicDrop

1747 - ReverseChinLock1

178B - ReverseChinLock2

1684 - ReverseDeathValley

1CCD - ReverseFullNelson

1D8F - ReverseMatSlam

14EB - ReverseNeckBreaker

0700 - ReyMysterio

06F5 - RicFlair

1D18 - RicFlairAttack

186F - RicFlairKneeDrop

1813 - RicFlairStomp

16F5 - Rideon

175D - RingsOfStretch1

17A6 - RingsOfStretch2

14B5 - RKO

1824 - RKOAppeal

06EA - RobVanDam

19DC - RobVanDam

0F30 - RockStomp

02EC - RollDown

02E8 - Rolling

1593 - RollingBostonCrab

1CF3 - RollingClutchPin

1DA3 - RollingCradlePin1

1CF1 - RollingCradlePin2

168B - RollingPowerbomb

0E1B - RollingThunder1

0F36 - RollingThunder2

1879 - RollingThunder3

0E76 - RopeFlip1

0E79 - RopeFlip2

0C96 - RoundhouseKick1

0C19 - RoundhouseKick2

0CD4 - RoundhouseKick3

0C37 - RoundhouseKick4

1350 - RowdyStrike

16BF - RumpShaker2

1D89 - RunningBackslidepin

0D3F - RunningCalfKick

0CFC - RunningEnzuigiri

1DA2 - RunningFameAsser

0F46 - RunningHeadbutt

1804 - RunningKick

16DB - RunningKneeStrike1

16C8 - RunningKneeStrike2

0F5E - RunningLegDrop

14D5 - RunningNeckbreaker

0D6E - RunningShoulderAttack1

0D76 - RunningShoulderAttack2

1DAC - RunningSTO

1446 - RussianLegSweep1

1D1F - RussianLegSweep2

17AE - RussianNeckDrop

25F4 - RVD1

2605 - RVD2

244E - RVD3

260B - RVD4

0DC7 - RVDDivingKick

14E3 - RVDEnzuigiri

0CB7 - RVDFeintWheelKick1

0CCA - RVDFeintWheelKick2

12BB - RVDFeintWheelKick3

179D - RVDLegDrop

16E5 - RVDMonkeyFlip

0D4D - RVDShoulderThrust1

1640 - RVDShoulderThrust2

244F - S2H01

2450 - S2H02

13CB - SamboSuplex

157E - SamoanDrop1

15A9 - SamoanDrop2

14D2 - SamoanDrop3

16E6 - SamoanSpecial

1CA8 - SavingGrace

1D8C - SchoolBoyPin1

150E - SchoolBoyPin2

11A9 - SchoolBoyPin3

1D0C - SchoolBoyRollUp

12C5 - ScoopSlam&Knee

1453 - ScoopSlam1

14A9 - ScoopSlam2

14B2 - ScoopSlam3

14BB - ScoopSlam4

14C7 - ScoopSlam5

15B3 - Scrapbuster

1585 - ScrapbusterPin

25BD - ScratchingArm

0F61 - Senton

0DFC - SentonBomb

2345 - SexualWalking

0BB9 - ShakeJab

0C88 - ShakeRattle&Roll

17DB - Sharpshooter1

1803 - Sharpshooter2

182C - Sharpshooter3

2451 - SheltonBenjamin1

23DC - SheltonBenjamin2

0A3A - ShiningWizard1

0D3A - ShiningWizard2

0D3E - ShiningWizard3

0D42 - ShiningWizard4

12F1 - ShiningWizard5

15A5 - ShiningWizard6

186E - ShiningWizard7

0DFE - ShootingStarPress1

0E7C - ShootingStarPress2

1744 - ShortArmScissors

0D4F - ShoulderBlock1

0D55 - ShoulderBlock2

11B5 - ShoulderBreaker

12B7 - Shoulderlock

1294 - ShoulderThrust1

1617 - ShoulderThrust2

2341 - Shouting

14C0 - ShowStopper

0BC1 - ShuffleSideKick1

0C08 - ShuffleSideKick2

0CA1 - ShuffleSideKick3

12DA - ShuffleSideKick4

0C24 - ShuffleSideKick5

14E4 - Shuicide

14BC - Sidebuster1

14CB - Sidebuster2

1471 - SideEffect1

1CC6 - SideEffect2

1462 - SideSlam1

14D3 - SideSlam2

169F - SideSlam3

096C - SideWalk&ReverseDDT

1437 - SidewalkSlam1

1498 - SidewalkSlam2

1CBC - SidewalkSlam3

1CCE - SidewalkSlam4

1CCF - SidewalkSlam5

15AD - SidewalkSlam6

17EE - SingleLegCrab1

17FC - SingleLegCrab2

1805 - SingleLegCrab3

182A - SingleLegCrab4

2350 - SitDown

044A - Sitdown

044B - Sitdown

14ED - Sit-DownPowerBomb

0BC6 - Slap1

0C9F - Slap2

177F - SlapHead&Raise

1CF7 - SleeperHold&Scissors1

1783 - SleeperHold&Scissors2

1256 - SleeperHold1

1CF5 - SleeperHold2

1CFC - SleeperHold3

1C24 - SleeperHold4

1597 - SleeperHold5

173F - SleeperHold6

1768 - SleeperHold7

11C4 - Sleeperslam

1CF4 - SleeperWithScissors

02E3 - SlideIn

02E4 - SlideInto

0EBA - SlingshotBodySplash1

0EBB - SlingshotBodySplash2

1876 - SlingshotElbowDrop

16FC - SlingshotSuplex

126E - SmallPackage1

1354 - SmallPackage2

0CB6 - SmashRightPunch

169B - SnakeEyes

0BC7 - SnapJab

1325 - Snapmare&Dropkick1

1881 - Snapmare&Dropkick2

1241 - Snapmare&NeckLock1

1328 - Snapmare&NeckLock2

1CB9 - Snapmare1

11AF - Snapmare2

1D98 - Spear1

1D9D - Spear2

1874 - Spear3

1DAB - Spear4

1871 - Spear5

1683 - SpiderSuplex

2422 - Spike01

2452 - Spike02

09C7 - SpikePiledriver

23FE - Spinaroonie1

240F - Spinaroonie2

0961 - Spine&Neckbreaker

11A8 - Spinebuster&Pin

130E - Spinebuster1

15B2 - Spinebuster2

1454 - Spinebuster3

146A - Spinebuster4

147B - Spinebuster5

15A3 - Spinebuster6

0C05 - SpinningBackElbow

0BC8 - SpinningBackKick1

0C0B - SpinningBackKick2

0C1E - SpinningBackKick3

0EBC - SpinningBackKick4

1493 - SpinningFishermansuplex

1D0A - SpinningHurracanrana

1317 - SpinningKick

0C99 - SpinningPunches

17E4 - SpinningToeHold

0C84 - SpinningToFace

0CA8 - SpinningWheelKick1

0D3C - SpinningWheelKick2

1CDF - SpinOutPowerBomb

13EC - SpiralBomb

0F32 - SpiralLegDrop

23E3 - Spirited

16F2 - SpringboardBackElbow

16F1 - SpringboardDDT

0EBD - SpringboardLegDrop

06EC - StacyKeibler

232F - StacyKeibler1

251D - StacyKeibler2

251E - StacyKeibler3

0C2B - StacyKeiblerKick

0F39 - StacyKeiblerStomp

236D - StandAtSalute

1329 - StandingCrossface

1450 - Steamroller

2338 - Step

1827 - StepOverToeHold

253C - SteppingAround

23B9 - SteppingRhythmical

14DF - StepUpEnzuigiri

1305 - StevenKick

2432 - StevenRichards1

2361 - StevenRichards2

14DA - StevieT

17DA - STF1

1840 - STF2

16C5 - StinkFace

230C - StinkFaceMan1

230F - StinkFaceMan1

2576 - StinkFaceMan2

0A38 - STO&Sweep

1425 - STO1

11CA - STO2

145D - STO2

147C - STO3

16C2 - Stomp&Choke

0D68 - Stomping

2342 - Stomping1

23BF - Stomping2

23CE - Stomping3

181D - StompingCombo

16CB - StompingMudhole

16F7 - StompingtoKnee

1807 - StompOnLeg

167D - Stratusfaction

1641 - Stratusphere

12D7 - Strength1

12EF - Strength2

17DD - StretchMuffler

0CCD - StrongRightPunch

0BF6 - StrongSpinningElbow

2331 - StrutWalk

097C - Stungun&Neckbreaker

136A - Stunner1

139D - Stunner1

13E4 - Stunner2

1457 - Stunner3

1473 - Stunner4

14B3 - Stunner6

1CF2 - StuntRiderStretch

1D81 - SunsetFlipPin1

122E - SunsetFlipPin2

147E - SunsetFlipPin3

164E - SunsetFlipPin4

162C - SuperArmbarTakedown

1C92 - SuperAtomicDrop

1676 - SuperBackSuplex

1694 - SuperBackSuplex

1670 - SuperChokeSlam

097B - SuperDoublePowerbomb1

09C4 - SuperDoublePowerbomb2

0E03 - Superfly

1667 - SuperHurracanrana

162B - SuperLastCall

14A2 - SuperNeckbreakerpin

1687 - SuperNinja

1612 - Superplex1

1668 - Superplex1

1646 - Superplex2

165A - SuperRKO

0E27 - SuperStarPressPin

163D - SuperTigerbomb

1696 - SuperTornadoBomb

0A8C - Suplex&CrossBody

136C - Suplex1

13D8 - Suplex1

1410 - Suplex2

1418 - Suplex3

140B - Suplex3

1466 - Suplex4

147F - Suplex5

1427 - Suplex6

1492 - Suplex6

143F - Suplex7

149F - Suplex7

14AD - Suplex8

1476 - Suplex9

14B4 - Suplex9

147D - Suplex10

14BE - Suplex10

14C8 - Suplex11

14D6 - Suplex12

1495 - Suplex13

1302 - SuplexPin1

14B0 - SuplexPin2

13CF - SuplexToFrontSlam

1732 - Surfboard

1776 - Surfboard

0DF7 - SwantonBomb1

0DFF - SwantonBomb2

239E - SweatIsWiped

0BC9 - Sweep1

1355 - Sweep2

1369 - Sweep3

1277 - SweetChinMusic1

1870 - SweetChinMusic2

0D6D - SweetChinMusic3

233D - SwingArms

252C - SwingHips

1441 - SwingingNeckbomb

1CE1 - SwingNeckbreaker

0C97 - SwingPunch

233C - SwingRightArm

0C92 - TaeKwon-DoBackKick

0C07 - TaeKwon-DoJumpKick

06CD - Tajiri

2347 - Tajiri1

25D8 - Tajiri2

25F5 - Tajiri3

2600 - Tajiri4

2453 - Tajiri5

2454 - Tajiri6

12BF - TajiriKarateRush1

11CE - TajiriKarateRush2

0C1A - TajiriLowKick

11B2 - TajiriMist

0C16 - TajiriPunches

12FA - TajiriQuickKick

1D9B - TajiriRise&Kick

167C - Tarantula

2332 - TauntBackFlip

2595 - TauntBANZAI

23ED - TauntBeast1

25E7 - TauntBeast2

23EE - TauntBeast2

2330 - TauntBird

0DFB - TauntBodySplashpin

2575 - TauntBrother1

25A3 - TauntBrother2

25C3 - TauntBrother3

2602 - TauntBrother4

23C4 - TauntCapoeira1

23C5 - TauntCapoeira2

232C - TauntDancing1

23A8 - TauntDancing2

2530 - TauntDancing3

23BB - TauntDancing3

23F4 - TauntDancing4

2531 - TauntDancing6

2532 - TauntDancing7

2444 - TauntDiva1

2385 - TauntDiva2

2358 - TauntDiva3

25A2 - TauntDiva4

2348 - TauntDragon

2340 - TauntEl1

23AB - TauntEl3

257A - TauntExtreme1

2445 - TauntExtreme2

25C4 - TauntExtreme2

2446 - TauntExtreme3

2579 - TauntExtreme4

253D - TauntExtreme5

2525 - TauntExtreme6

23AD - TauntFighter

23EC - TauntGhost

2333 - TauntHeadShake

23CA - TauntHelicopter

23E1 - TauntKnight

23B7 - TauntKung-Fu

0DF6 - TauntLegDrop

23EF - TauntMaskman

236F - TauntMoney

251F - TauntMuscular

230B - TauntMuscular1

23B1 - TauntMuscular2

23B2 - TauntMuscular3

25EE - TauntMusician1

25EF - TauntMusician2

250F - TauntMusician3

2521 - TauntNinja

2533 - TauntNo

23E7 - TauntNod

1761 - TauntOutlaw1

25F9 - TauntOutlaw1

2352 - TauntOutlaw2

2540 - TauntOutlaw3

25F1 - TauntOutlaw4

25DC - TauntPointing

2370 - TauntPowerful1

2381 - TauntPowerful2

2387 - TauntPowerful3

238A - TauntPowerful4

252E - TauntPowerful4

238E - TauntPowerful5

2535 - TauntPowerful6

23C3 - TauntPowerful6

23EB - TauntPowerful7

2524 - TauntPowerful8

241B - TauntPowerful9

2526 - TauntPrimitive1

2523 - TauntPrimitive2

2527 - TauntPrimitive2

236B - TauntRight&Left

23BC - TauntRight&Left2

252F - TauntRowdy

2386 - TauntSamoan1

243F - TauntSamoan2

2440 - TauntSamoan3

2382 - TauntSamoan4

23FD - TauntScissors1

23FF - TauntScissors2

2549 - TauntSeverity

232E - TauntSexy

2424 - TauntSexy1

2425 - TauntSexy2

23E8 - TauntSideburns1

2546 - TauntSideburns2

23DD - TauntSideburns3

2349 - TauntSocks!

2355 - TauntTable1

236C - TauntTable2

25DE - TauntTable3

2614 - TauntTable4

2439 - TauntTable5

23A5 - TauntTable6

2353 - TauntTrain

23F2 - TauntUnknown

25A7 - TauntWitch

25F3 - TauntWizard

234B - TauntWizard1

23CF - TauntWizard2

2528 - TauntX1

232D - TauntX1

2354 - TauntX2

25C8 - TauntX4

06B4 - Tazz

1438 - TazzCaptureSuplex

1CA5 - Tazzplex

144E - T-BoneSuplex1

14A4 - T-BoneSuplex2

1389 - T-boneSuplex3

14CC - T-BoneSuplex3

17DE - TexasCloverleaf1

170E - TexasCloverleaf2

1882 - The619

1443 - TheAlabamaslam

1480 - TheAlleyoop

1671 - TheBiggestChop

1772 - TheBuzzsawKick

0D60 - TheGore

13C8 - TheLastRide

1C23 - TheMasterlock

0DE0 - TheMoneyShotPin

173E - ThePeople'sElbow

06F8 - TheRock

2329 - TheRock1

2359 - TheRock2

259D - TheRock2

238B - TheRock3

2541 - TheRock4

238F - TheRock4

253E - TheRock5

134A - TheRockAngry

1428 - TheRockBottom

0D33 - TheRockForearmSmash

17F5 - TheRockSharpshooter

134B - TheRockSlap

1790 - TheRockWakeUp

162F - TheShatteredDreams

1304 - TheWallsOfJericho1

17E1 - TheWallsOfJericho2

1801 - TheWallsOfJericho2

1CE6 - TheWallsOfJericho3

1752 - TheWorm

0BCB - ThroatThrust1

0C1C - ThroatThrust2

0CB3 - ThroatThrust3

12BE - ThroatThrust4

1307 - ThroatThrust5

1308 - ThroatThrust6

1312 - ThroatThrust7

1348 - ThroatThrust8

16C1 - ThroatThrust9

15EA - ThrowBack

140D - Throwing

16DE - ThrowToTheRope


0CEB - Thump1

0D59 - Thump3

0D5A - Thump4

0D23 - ThumpAttack

169E - TietoTreeofWoe

13D2 - Tigerbomb1

14AE - Tigerbomb1

13DD - Tigerbomb2

1403 - Tigerbomb3

1659 - TigerMask

1C95 - TigerSuplexPin

1584 - TiltAWhirlSideslam1

1596 - TiltAWhirlSideslam2

159A - TiltAWhirlSideslam3

0BC2 - ToeKick1

0C18 - ToeKick2

13E6 - TombstonePiledriver1

145E - TombstonePiledriver2

1353 - TombstonePiledriverpin

1875 - TopeAtomico

16FD - TopRopeChoke

06F3 - TorrieWilson

235C - TorrieWilson

235B - TorrieWilson1

1264 - TortureRack

168C - Toss1

17ED - Toss2

169C - TossintoRingPost

163E - TossToTurnbuckle

1497 - TowerhackerBombPin

132E - Trailerhitch

1481 - TrainWreck

23D9 - Transformation

139F - TrappingSuplex

166A - TriangleDropKick

1751 - TriangleHold

02E1 - TripleH

23F6 - TripleH1

254C - TripleH1

2457 - TripleH2

242A - TripleH3

11B7 - TripleHChoke

1802 - TripleHDeathLock

1D07 - TripleHLowKick

0C12 - TripleHPunches1

0C15 - TripleHPunches2

0CAC - TripleHPunches3

145A - TripleHSmash

240D - Trish1

2423 - Trish2

1D94 - TurnBehind

0D7B - TurnbuckleBigSplash

0D7A - TurnbuckleBodyAttack

1635 - TurnbuckleBodyStrike

0D32 - TurnbuckleClothesline1

0D79 - TurnbuckleClothesline2

0D51 - TurnbuckleDropkick1

0D52 - TurnbuckleDropkick2

0D7C - TurnbuckleKickCombo

162D - TurnbucklePowerbomb

1679 - TurnbuckleSmash

1CEF - TurningFaceFront

13F8 - TwistOfFate1

14A3 - TwistOfFate2

23B8 - Two-DishHandgun

06F9 - Undertaker1

25A4 - Undertaker1

25A4 - Undertaker1

06FE - Undertaker2

250D - Undertaker2

25FA - Undertaker3

260D - Undertaker3

2388 - Undertaker4

238C - Undertaker4

2389 - Undertaker5

1455 - UndertakerArmWrench

0C17 - UndertakerBodyPunch

177D - UndertakerHold

12F5 - UndertakerKneeStrike

0C2F - UndertakerPunches1

0CB1 - UndertakerPunches2

0F3E - UndertakerStomp

12F4 - UndertakerStrikes

1C9C - Unprettier

0BCF - Uppercut

0C91 - UppercutPalmStrike

3B9D - Vandaminator

0E7D - VaultingBodyPress1

0EAE - VaultingBodyPress2

1442 - Vertabreaker

06DF - VeryTired

1D88 - VictoryRollPin1

1D93 - VictoryRollPin2

12A2 - VictoryRollPin3

1484 - VictoryRollPin4

02DE - VinceMcMahon

254B - VinceMcMahon

0C03 - VionicPunches1

0CB5 - VionicPunches2

178F - WakeUp1

2537 - WakeUp2

23D8 - Walking

0972 - Whip&LayDown

0971 - Whip&OnAllFour

164B - WhisperintheWind

0E1E - WhisperintheWind1

13ED - Widowmaker

1482 - Widow'sPeak

06CB - Wild

23CD - WipeFace

020D - Woman

02D1 - Woman

1A92 - Woman

06B6 - Woman1

06EF - Woman1

060E - Woman2

06D1 - Woman3

25A5 - WomanManager1

25A6 - WomanManager2

0F38 - Woman'sAngryStomp

0C2A - Woman'sElbowSmash

0C1B - Woman'sSlap1

0CBB - Woman'sSlap2

1297 - Woman'sSnapmare

1284 - Woman'sSpecialSlap

0C29 - Woman'sToeKick

2365 - Woooooooo!

06A4 - Wrestling1

06D2 - Wrestling2

06D4 - Wrestling3

131A - Wrist&ArmWrench

25D3 - WristCheck

1319 - WristClutch&Elbow

1340 - WristClutch&Elbow2

133F - WristClutch&Knee

131B - WristLock

179F - WristLockWithBridge

1D23 - X)KneeBreaker??

0A2B - X-Mark

0CE9 - YakuzaKick

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